To pump, or not to pump...

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thanks guys.

I didn't move my diabetes team when I moved house (and therefore doctors) as they are so good. I did this for the benefit of my health. If it works against me I will be making a large number of complaints to whoever I can think of!

Phil - thanks, it's good to know going across boroughs didn't affect you.

I'm still keeping my fingers crossed!

Here you go Katie, Taken from INPUT:

NHS funding for insulin pumps
John Davis, who runs the pump support group INPUT, looks at the current funding situation in Britain

Is insulin pump therapy provided by the NHS?
In a word, yes. However, obtaining an insulin pump on the NHS is not as simple as seeing your GP and asking for it. Sometimes a doctor or diabetes specialist nurse (DSN) first suggests that a patient might benefit from a pump; some people are considered for a pump after asking their diabetes consultant or DSN about it. However, before a pump can be prescribed, the patient (or the patient's carer), the GP, and the diabetes consultant must all agree that a pump is the way forward.

In order to receive a pump and pump supplies bought by the NHS, patients must meet certain criteria. The 2008 National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) technology appraisal on insulin pump therapy says:

Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion or "insulin pump" therapy is recommended as a possible treatment for adults and children 12 years and over with type 1 diabetes mellitus if:

attempts to reach target haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels with multiple daily injections (MDI) result in the person having "disabling hypoglycaemia". For the purpose of this guidance, disabling hypoglycaemia is defined as the repeated and unpredictable occurrence of hypoglycaemia that results in persistent anxiety about recurrence and is associated with a significant adverse effect on quality of life. OR
HbA1c levels have remained high (8.5% or above) with multiple daily injections (including using long-acting insulin analogues if appropriate) despite the person and/or their carer carefully trying to manage their diabetes.
Regarding children in particular, the NICE guidance says:

CSII therapy is recommended as a treatment option for children younger than 12 years with type 1 diabetes mellitus provided that MDI therapy is considered to be impractical or inappropriate.

The NICE guidance does not mean that a person"s HbA1C must be higher than 8.5% in order to have a pump. It mentions 8.5% because when person has an HbA1C level of 8.5% or higher, he or she is likely to require much more care from the NHS than is usually needed by someone with an HbA1C below 8.5%. Based on the results of the DCCT, most doctors now agree that it is best for all people with diabetes to keep an A1C level below 7% to prevent or delay complications of diabetes.

Also, it is important to note that severe Hypoglycaemia is not only when an ambulance is called or a person needs glucagon. According to the NICE guidance, needing help from another person to treat a hypo or being unable to do daily activities because of hypos, or fear of hypos, means Hypoglycaemia is disabling.

The NICE guidance is intended to help doctors, patients, and PCTs understand when a pump may be appropriate for a given patient. The final decision whether to go on a pump rests with the diabetes specialist ("diabetologist" or "diabetes consultant") and the patient. If a diabetologist recommends insulin pump therapy, a PCT cannot refuse to fund insulin pump therapy on grounds of cost. PCTs are also not allowed to create "waiting lists" for pump therapy. Anyone who has heard from a PCT employee rather than a practicing doctor that he or she is not eligible for a pump, or who has been placed on a "waiting list" to begin insulin pump therapy, is requested to contact INPUT for advice.

The Secretary of State for Health expects that PCTs will pay for insulin pump therapy for all patients for whom a pump is recommended by a doctor. Anyone who is self-funding their own insulin pump therapy is requested to contact INPUT for advice on whether they may be entitled to PCT funding.

The information above is taken from the INPUT website.
Thanks Phil (& Sue for the suggestion!) That's really helpful. I shall copy and paste that somewhere I can find it again! 🙂

Sounds like really what my diabetes team needs is the buy in from my doctor....I have my 'annual diabetes review' (in commas as I think it's a joke!) I shall ask them questions about the pump then and baffle them with lots of diabetes talk and see if that gets me anywhere!
Is insulin pump therapy provided by the NHS?
In a word, yes. However, obtaining an insulin pump on the NHS is not as simple as seeing your GP and asking for it. Sometimes a doctor or diabetes specialist nurse (DSN) first suggests that a patient might benefit from a pump; some people are considered for a pump after asking their diabetes consultant or DSN about it. However, before a pump can be prescribed, the patient (or the patient's carer), the GP, and the diabetes consultant must all agree that a pump is the way forward.

That's not quite correct. 🙂 My GP demanded I was given funding for a pump. No Consultant would say yes due to me using animal insulin. SO infact a GP can apply and get funding for a patient requiring a pump 🙂

But the NICE guidelines are not an issue here it's the DSN who has her wires crossed regarding who is paying for the funding.

PS John Davis has retired from INPUT.
Lesley Jorden is in charge now and doing a fantastic job just as John did 🙂
That's not quite correct. 🙂 My GP demanded I was given funding for a pump. No Consultant would say yes due to me using animal insulin. SO infact a GP can apply and get funding for a patient requiring a pump 🙂

But the NICE guidelines are not an issue here it's the DSN who has her wires crossed regarding who is paying for the funding.

PS John Davis has retired from INPUT.
Lesley Jorden is in charge now and doing a fantastic job just as John did 🙂

thanks Sue.

So...(I think I've got myself a little confused too)...who would be funding my pump? The PCT where my diabetes team is, or the PCT where I live/am registered with a doctor? (sorry if I'm being dense here)
thanks Sue.

So...(I think I've got myself a little confused too)...who would be funding my pump? The PCT where my diabetes team is, or the PCT where I live/am registered with a doctor? (sorry if I'm being dense here)

The PCT where your GP is pays for the pump and consumables. It's hard to tell from the email but it sounds like your DSN could have emailed the people at Havering PCT who are in charge of funding(not the hospital/team) to confirm that funding would be avaliable for you. If they say yes, then all can go ahead.

My expereince is, my diabetes team is in another PCT to where I live/my GP is. No problem. Behind the scenes my consultant will have written to my PCT to request funding, PCT will have checked the referral and that I met the criteria (which i do). Sent confirmation to my consultant that yes they agree for a 6 months trial of pump therapy.
My DSN then booked my start date and ordered my pump.

Feel free to PM/FB me if that doesn't make sense
The PCT where you live. That is 100% definite, Sue is absolutely correct.

I'm under Warwickshire PCT but ALL my medical care - GP and hopsital - takes place in Coventry PCT. So Warwickshire pay for everything.

Let's say either of us was unhappy with our D team and asked to be transferred to somewhere more expert - I know - let's pick OCDEM - ie the D service at Oxford - or indeed the one in Bournemouth as we both did a version of BERTIE - Warwickshire would pay for it instead of paying Coventry.

Funnily enough look at this page

You see the patient in the blue shirt? - well I know him and so does Natalie123, because of two different committees we serve on. If I'm not wrong, he lives in Warwickshire too.

It's just a matter of who the pump company actually send their bills to.

My hospital are entirely used to this because they have patients from Coventry, Warwickshire, North Warwickshire and the West Midlands (accidents of geography etc) so it's just a matter of sending off the funding request to the right place to begin with.

Think about this one - say I needed a kidney transplant? - I would most definitely be sent to Oxford. But Warks would still have to foot the bill. A friend was actually referred by the local hosp to a consultant in London for her kidneys, for a second opinion. She then went back to the first one having received totally conflicting info from the second one and said, one of you is wrong but I don't know which one. So he then sent her to Oxford and he agreed with the first one and that's where her surgery was done. And Warwickshire paid for the lot.
NOT the PCT where your GP is. The PCT where YOU live.
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