Time to say goodbye

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excellent news so pleased to hear she will be back well done AM x
Good Morning to you all,

Firstly may I take this opportunity to thank you all for your replies and words of encouragement, support and well wishes...I will reply to all those who posted and pm'd me personally at some point today.
I am truly blessed to have all your support in this forum..and quite honestly have'nt a clue how I managed all this time with out you all..you are genuine compassionate human beings/freinds..and I hold you all with high regard..xx
I must also apologise for my posting..that day there was a lot going on...and admittedly I had hit a point of despair..not for the fist time..I'm sure..It was at that point I really did'nt know what else to do...I was having a terrible time with Nathan..who was crying hysterically because he no longer wants to be diabetic..and no longer wanted to live....heavy yes...not the first time he has felt like this since his diagnosis and pretty certain it won't be the last.. As a mam..there is nothing in the world that I can do to change this and felt totally powerless to protect him..nor should any parent have to hear a 14 year old talk like this..at the time I felt a complete useless parent...to a degree I am...but I am trying to do my upmost to support, love, admire and respect Nathan...cards on the table..I could not do what he has to every single day of his foreseeable life..for that he and other diabetics have my admiration.
Yesterday he felt loads better although he had 2 hypo's seemed more perky in himself..and could conquer the world in his words.
He is at the hospital clinic today and certain issues are going to be addressed with his DSN and Consultant.
I therefore will be continuing and supporting all on the forum..deep down I know I can help as others have helped me.
I will also still be posting on the DLA thread..yes a minority may have an issue with this subject..thats there opinion...but if people chose to live life in judgement or playing devils advocate only seeing things in black and white....then in many ways I pity them...and there view may just come back and bite them on the bum....the world is technicolour...enjoy it..if I can change one persons view then for me I have acheived. Besides I'm from the North..we were born fighters...lol..and as I say I may not win...but be sure I will always come the best second you will ever meet.
Thank you also to A.M.....yes she was'nt taking no for an answer..:D

Sorrry again to you all.

With love and respect

Heidi and Nathan
good morning heidi sooo pleased to see you are back you are a very well loved and valued member of this forum your help and advice is always much appreciated x i am pleased nathat had a better time of things as well , we all go through some preety rough times, and hay no need for apologies

p.s AM shes a good mate x
Heidi, from one Northerner to another, I am so happy you have come back!:D

I might be diabetic myself, but I have no idea how tough it must be at times to be a teenager with it, or a loving mum coping with it. Like all the mums who post here (and probably many more who 'lurk'!), you are an inspiration and great examples of the best in humanity.🙂
Besides I'm from the North..we were born fighters...lol..and as I say I may not win...but be sure I will always come the best second you will ever meet.
Thank you also to A.M.....yes she was'nt taking no for an answer..:D

Sorrry again to you all.

With love and respect

Heidi and Nathan

Hi Heidi, nice to see you back and glad things have calmed down a bit.

And, Hu erm - some of us from the South are fighters too - I come from a long line of them...(got the boxing gloves to prove it!) Ha, ha - welcome back :D
Glad to hear you are staying Heidi. Sorry to hear Nathan was feeling do down, just one point I would like to say is that you must be very close and he trusts you to tell you how he is feeling about things which i think is really positive.

I didnt have a chance earlier to post on this thread although I did read and was sad to hear you wanted say goodbye. I am very relieved you are staying, it isnt easy to re-evaluate your feelings so I am pleased you have come to the decision to stay.

I dont know you heidi, so forgive me if this sounds a generalisation of what your situation is but it saddens me to see you write that may not be a very good parent. When I see something like this I wish I could give you a big hug- I bet anything this is not the case. I dont have children and I certainly dont profess to know what it could possibly be like to be that parent of a child with diabetes, but I can understand and sympathise with the feelings of dispair that this disease can bring. I expect you and Nathan- having gone through all this, will eventually have a bond that other parents and children can only dream of achieving....

Enough waffle, I hope you and Nathan are well and I look forward to seeing more of this northern fighting spirit! I am a true southerner so bring on the rivalry!

Lots of love
Louisa x
Glad to hear you're staying Heidi.


Yep me too, happy to see you back.

I get where you are coming from as a mother. You are not a useless mother. If you were a useless mother then you wouldn't have bothered finding this forum in the first place, that in itself shows you care and you strive for the best for Nathan. You are his advocate in this world you are a doing a damn fine job of it.

I'm a southern thro and thro and I am a huge fighter, you probably know that by now. I don't think it is the south or north in us that makes us fighters but the need to help our kids deal with this horrendous life threatening condition that they have and that we are powerless to remove. That is what makes us fighters. Look at Bev, boy has she fought for a pump and she has done her homework behind the scenes, I've seen the emails, bet Bev never thought she had that much fight in her. I know I didn't until J was born and I have fought from since 20 hours of birth when she had her problems.

Loads of people are black and white, personally I don't understand but I have to accept it as my mum and sister fall into that catergory. I spent years arguing with them both and have decided to just let it go now as there is no changing their minds about things. Oh well it takes all sorts for the world to spin.

Glad to have you back.

welcome home, again can I say I dunno how you parents do it!

I remember driving my mother wild at 14 and I didn't have D then!

with respect

Hi Heidi and Nathan!

So glad your back - we wouldnt have let you go anyway - we were all on duty to stalk you! He he :D

Adrienne is spot on - it doesnt matter whether your Northern or Southern - your a MUM and thats what makes you fight! And if you werent a good mum, you wouldnt be on a forum or trying to make life better for Nathan at every opportunity would you? He is extremely lucky to have a mum like you and i know that he will be fine - of course he will go through the teenage angst (as will Alex) - but we have all been there etc.. It just so happens that they have an extra mountain to climb - diabetes - but we can as mums/parents help to chip away at the mountain until its just a hill and eventually a nice flat road! You and Nathan will be fine. Welcome back!:DBev xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
welcome home, again can I say I dunno how you parents do it!

I remember driving my mother wild at 14 and I didn't have D then!

with respect


I was a complete ***** to my mum (she passed away 2 years ago).

I was always out partying and didnt care about her worrying about me! I used to laugh at her when she told me off because i was 5ft 6inches and she was nearly 5ft! When i look back at how rebellious i was it makes me shudder!

But we always loved each other and were very close - because thats what parenting is all about - unconditional love!:DBev
Heidi, somehow I missed this yesterday...but I'm so glad things have swung around for you.

I'm sorry times are tough. The heartaches are so hard!

Nathan will make it. He has to go through it, as do you. You are there for him, and ultimately, you are there for each other.

Welcome back.

Sorry to hear about how Nathan was feeling :( It must have been really difficult for you. I'm glad you came back 🙂 I hope Nathan's a1c is great too xx
I was a complete ***** to my mum (she passed away 2 years ago).

I was always out partying and didnt care about her worrying about me! I used to laugh at her when she told me off because i was 5ft 6inches and she was nearly 5ft! When i look back at how rebellious i was it makes me shudder!

But we always loved each other and were very close - because thats what parenting is all about - unconditional love!:DBev

Yeah parenting is scary! Well the thought of it scares me!

I left home nearly 15 years ago, and she's still a mum, not criticising, in case she reads this! But I couldn't imagine how she would manage if I was a kid with D.

Once again hats of to all the mums/dads and carers.

Hi Heidi

I am so glad that you are back!

I am so sorry to read all that you have been through recently. My heart goes out to you and, as a fellow parent of a diabetic child, I undertand your emotions completely.

Never feel alone, always here for you.

Take it easy and i send you a big hug.

Mand x 🙂
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