Time to say goodbye

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi All.

Well I don't really know where to start or what to say..but it is with sadness..that I have to say goodbye to you all..
There are a number of reasons as to why..so I wont bore you all with them..
There are a couple of postings been made..while I accept they are not personal to me..and they are other's opinions and views which I accept fully...They have made me think..maybe to sensitivley granted..they have knocked my confidence...I am not out for what I can get because Nathan is type 1 diabetic...
When I joined the site I truly believed I could help/be there for people/parents in this diabetic circle we find ourselves drawn into...not to fight and justify my actions..its hard enough with out this..
Thank you to you all...I wish you all the best and hope you have a great summer...
Bev...good luck with Alex's pump...you have my phone number
Adrienne...good luck also with everything
I have made such good friends with some on here...gonna miss you all...Northerner get them poems printed...the book will be a best seller...

With love to all

Heidi I am really sorry to hear that. I do wish you and Nathan all the best - and no matter what, of course you want (and are entitled to) the very best care for Nathan. Do take care.
Thats very sad to hear, i read everyones posts with interest even if i dont reply. I dont have a child with diabetes and can imagine how tough it is for you, but you are a great caring mum, everyone does things the way they believe to be right for them, you and Nathan seem to be doing fine, please reconsider. I know i speak for the majority in saying we all value others opinions even if they differ from our own, thats what makes this site so informative, take care
Hi Heidi

I hope you reconsider for yourself more than anything and your son of course.

No-one thinks that you are out for what you can get, infact it isn't always opinions, it is people playing devils advocate which I welcome as it brings up things that you do not always think of.

My personal feelings and I have just written this to someone as a PM is that every single person and I said I spoke for the parents actually who are here because they need and want to make life better for their child. I have seen and met parents with children with diabetes who quite frankly should have the children taken away !!! Can't get much blunter than that. They do not do anything to make their childrens lives better and these children will have that shorter life expectancy than hopefully our kids.

I know for a fact that you, me, Bev, Mand, Patricia and all the other parents are the good ones. We may not have the confidence we feel we should have, we may not think we know enough but by being on a forum like this or the email group where there are approx 300 members, it shows how much you care and how much you are striving to find the best for your child. Everyone on this forum knows that. The view I take is that if someone doesn't agree with you about something, take the Chessington thing, then I try and change their minds. If that doesn't work sobeit but that is ok, that is there view, although I think its wrong.

So please don't take things too personally. People say things that are generalised but it doesn't apply directly to you or me. I generalise and post the message and think 'damn that doesn't sound good' but too late, its out there and I get prepared for a bashing which is fine.

So please delete this thread. Have a glass of wine and chocolate (I find that helps - sorry all the others who aren't the parents) and come back tomorrow and start afresh.

You will have lots of give us and we have lots to give you. Don't let your confidence take a bashing, you are the best there is for your son. You know him and his condition better than anyone else in the world. You keep him safe.

Have a think pleaseeeee
Oh Heidi! I am so sad that you are leaving. Would you consider changing your mind?

You have been very supportive to me and i am sure many others will feel the same. I would miss you very much. Your posts to me have been helpful, re-assuring and supportive. I have found this forum educational, supportive, helpful and inspiring and you have contributed to this.

Of course, you must do what ever feels right for you. If you decide to stay then i would be delighted. I find it re-assuring to be in contact with other parents of diabetic children and you would be missed so much.

But if you decide to leave then i wish you and Nathan all the best for the future. You are doing a fantastic job and i am sure that Nathan appreicates it very much (even if he does not tell you this until he past the Kevin the teenager stage!). 🙂🙂

Love Mand x
I have just read Adrienne's post and will second what she said.
Do please consider deleting this post and staying with us.

Dont even think about leaving young lady! You are a top mum - doing the best you can in the circumstances - no-one else could do better - so why would you let someone make you feel that your not doing the best by Nathan?
Your posts are always full of detailed information that i personally find extremely helpful for both myself and Alex. Please dont let one thread make you leave this forum - you have so much to offer - especially all the teen stuff! Nathan is lucky to have such a loving thoughtful mum like you - and like Adrienne says there are some poor little souls whose parents dont care for them or their diabetes - which is heartbreaking - but your not like that! We all claim DLA for our children - because thats what we are entitled to claim! Please dont let someones thoughtless remarks make you feel like your 'making money' out of your childs condition.

We all know that any parent in the land would happily swop their DLA for a child without diabetes (no offence to the people on here) - because we value our childrens quality of life more than any money!

I think you should take a few days off from the forum and think about your decision - it would be a terrible waste of your experiences if you stopped posting.

I have your number and i will contact you about this - but if you do leave the forum - i wish you and the lovely Nathan, good health and happiness always.🙂Bev xxx
Hi Heidi,

I can only echo what everyone else has said so far.

I'm jealous that your Nathan has such a supportive, wonderful mother that loves him, looks out for him and picks up the pieces and more.

I spent many years in care of the local authorities because my parents skills were the opposite to yours. And I've got the visible scars to prove it.

You've given your time to many others in this forum, with such good support and encouragement when they needed it, and if you do decide to leave I'll certainly miss you.

Perhaps you may wish to send me or somebody you trust a PM and talk about what's on your mind. A trouble shared is a trouble halved.
Heidi , dont leave !!! :( take a break if you need it but dont leave for good.

you are a valued and much loved member of this forum I will be sad to see

you go !, please reconsider ! You are also a great help and support to all the

other parents and carers , you have so much knowledge and compassion .

DONT LEAVE !!!!! 🙂

heidi please reconsider or just have a break you will be sorely missed hun xxx
Heidi, you're such a good advocate for other parents and I've found your posts very helpful as an adult. Please take some time to think about it before you decide.
Heidi, I am sorry you are leaving. You will be missed, but please do reconsider.

Communicating this way is quite hard, and some times posts can be misunderstood. I have always found that if something has upset me or annoyed me it is best to go away for a little while and only respond when I have reconsidered my reply.

Whatever you do, I wish you and Nathan well, success and good health.

If you really have to good luck with every thing, thanks for all your support.

But com'on stick around.

I can't begin to imagine what you as a parent of a diabetic go through, and realise it at times must be impossible.

Take care

Oh dear thats not good.

I can't imagine having to deal with a child with diabetes, its bad enough when you have to deal with this illness yourself but never mind worrying about a child.
I have a child with a disability and we get DLA and it allows her to do things and go places that we might not have afforded otherwise. If i counted all the time i have had off work for hospital, physio apts etc it would be a huge amount.

I read the threads from parents with interest and pass on lots of info to my friend who has a type 1 child now aged 5 diagnosed at 2. she is going to come online as i have told her that you are all so friendly and helpful.

I don't know who has said what but please think about the support that you get from the other parents and give back to them.

Take care and hope to see you tomorrow

Julie xx
Can I Just Say That I Have Spoken To Heidi And She Will Be Coming Back , She Will Explain To You Herself Tomorrow ! Woooo I Am Sooo Happy That She Is Staying :d:d:d:d
Well thank heavens for that! I would have stalked her if she hadnt come back anyway!:DBev x
Well thank heavens for that! I would have stalked her if she hadnt come back anyway!:DBev x

Well I did Bev , I wasnt taking no for an answer !! we need more Heidis on this forum she is a star 🙂🙂
good, im glad she is coming back 🙂

Excellent, well done insulinaddict, you should have a degree in stalking. 🙂
Oh dear, should I encourage stalking? YES! If it brings Heidi back to the forum!!!!:D
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