this might not go down to well....

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in the office at work theres a guy with type 2, he's massively overweight, doesnt keep check what he eats/drinks, has never checked his bs, all he knows his he's 'diabetic'. But because he doesnt inject theres not really anything to remind him about things & he doesnt think he has to worry about keeping on top of things. i have told him no whatever what type he is he needs to start learnign about things or he's gonna have problems soon!

anyway it just makes me think that SOME type 2's dont know the half of the sh*t type 1's have to go through, without the injecting they got it relatively easy really.

sorry if the above offends any type 2's out there, but sometimes it seems that way to me...

I'm type 2 and I inject and also had to overcome a needle phobia into the bargain so I wouldn't say type 2's don't know what type 1's go through with regard to injecting.

Remember lots of type 2's are on insulin as well, it's not the preserve of type 1's only.

Also the guy from your work may be in total denial of his diabetes or he may just be one of the unlucky people who have a crappy Doctor who has given him no advice or support. So don't just judge someone by how they appear without knowing their circumstances, there is usually more to things than what at first may be apparent.
OK no problems Dan in the cold light of day i am calmer now and have re-read your post.I just think sometimes think before you type lol .

thankyou steff 😱 in admission i didnt really know all the ins & outs of type 2, i thought it was pretty much 'take your tablets & everythings all good', but im better clued up now. :D
thankyou steff 😱 in admission i didnt really know all the ins & outs of type 2, i thought it was pretty much 'take your tablets & everythings all good', but im better clued up now. :D

We all learn something every day. SOme of us type 2s get more support than others. If I didn't come here I'd know very little. One thing I have learned is not to make generalisations, because we are all different.

I hope we can all be firends and continue to learn from each other.
and to pick up on someone else's point, in my experience Type 2's are treated by the NHS as a poor relation.

Course they are - only too often in the NHS the "2" in Type 2 Diabetes stands for "2nd Class Citizen"
Just joking Katie - i know a Type 1 on this Board won't getted banned for saying T2s have a cushy number.😉

Notice Dan was nowhere near as harsh and has apologised already, something you are yet to do 😉
I can see how Dan's initial post would cause offence, and I think it's great that he's come back to the thread and apologised and admitted there's more to being Type 2 than he thought - there's plenty of men out there who will NEVER admit to being wrong!! Although none on here, of course 😉

Interesting thread, though.

well oh well oh well, another firey one here!

I think I've got it easy, but thats my nature, I think a few people have learned something here, lets hope we can all be friendly as Caroline says and no one drags this out! Tis a shame the care level is soo different.

Over and out

Rossi 🙂
I can see how Dan's initial post would cause offence, and I think it's great that he's come back to the thread and apologised and admitted there's more to being Type 2 than he thought - there's plenty of men out there who will NEVER admit to being wrong!! Although none on here, of course 😉

Interesting thread, though.


agree with helen xxx
He might have apologised but only after realising the outrage it caused!!

I am a type 2 and I inject 3 times a day at the moment. I am not considered overweight and I also take 4 x 500mg of glucaphage SR per day. But hey I am apparently type 2 so I am not going through any emotions!!

It should never have been posted in the first place.
:( guys come on, dan has apologised.

things on the www often come across wrong even if they're not meant. And people are quick to jump on it.

BUT, we are ALL diabetic here and we all have problems with it. We shouldn't differentiate between types
Clearly Dan was wrong to make assumptions about type 2's in general, but he HAS apologised and more importantly I think he has learnt something!🙂

I also think he makes the point that a lot of the general public also assume that type 2's are 'fat and lazy' and almost that they deserve to be type 2!😱Of course they dont - but it does go to show how much ignorance is out there! It seems that the general public could do with being educated about diabetes - both type 1 and type 2 as there are a lot of ignorant people out there!

It also takes a bigger person to apologise when they realise they are in the wrong - well done Dan.🙂Bev
:( guys come on, dan has apologised.

things on the www often come across wrong even if they're not meant. And people are quick to jump on it.

BUT, we are ALL diabetic here and we all have problems with it. We shouldn't differentiate between types

Sam but andy is right it should never of been posted.It aint ok for this to happen again the other week peter did the same thing but the other way around and people went mad most type 1s.It does take the bigger person to apologise but it dont take a very big person to apologise after the deed has been done and then the post gets edited.But i aint guna rattle on about it cause ill regret it lol.
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Sam but andy is right it should never of been posted.It aint ok for this to happen again the other week peter did the same thing but the other way around and people went mad most type 1s.

but peter never apologised 😉

i know that it shouldn't have been posted, just like what peter said SHOULDNT have been posted.

I'm just trying to be the one on the sidelines yaknow?

i agree with bev too, i think Dan has learnt from this. He's admitted he was wrong to say what he did too, which is pretty good i guess 🙂

moral of the story - think before you type eh?
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but peter never apologised 😉

i know that it shouldn't have been posted, just like what peter said SHOULDNT have been posted.

I'm just trying to be the one on the sidelines yaknow?

i agree with bev too, i think Dan has learnt from this. He's admitted he was wrong to say what he did too, which is pretty good i guess 🙂

moral of the story - think before you type eh?

Im just gonna say no more Sam x your spot on lets moveeeeee on x
Completely different situation steff. It is fine to accidentally cause offense, see reason and then apologise. It is a totally different thing to not see reason and not even apologise for causing offense. Everyone deserves a second chance - Nothing to do with types (that would be ridiculous!), and as you could see from my first response I directly compared Dan's post to the other incident - but he has explained himself and apologised now.
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