The Gender Distressed Agenda

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Interestingly regarding Björk. I felt Led Zep had more testosterone than a urinal toilet block. However?

Always thought the Beasty boys track sampled Sweat leaf by Sabbath?
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@Inka yes I was obsessed with the original Swedish language version of the "Millenium Trilogy" books dramatised and shown on broadcast TV pre-2010, then Hollywood blockbuster English language version came along, and somehow Lisbeth's character doesn't even get new life on tax haven island in the Caribbean funded by all her hacking exploits and is dumped back in grimy Stockholm warehouse still rescuing abused women from men with anger management issues, but it's important to see on screen queer non-conforming female-bodied characters (Lisbeth's feelings about her gender are anyone's guess?) emerge triumphantly as the Victor saving the day, and saving themselves in the process...

Thanks for cool Swedish music links really appreciated, as teenager I visited Malmo and Copenhagen (Oresund Bridge) via cheap airlines running from regional airports, and I was amazed at how clean the urban areas were, but I was too young to really make sense of Swedish language and culture, I think there was huge Summer music festival in the main town square bizarrely with "front row seats" from my budget hostel windows, so I have sense of Malmo lifestyle and culture, just couldn't understand the language barrier so it was very "British Tourist" English-only tourist attractions, and my sister bought me copy of the first Royksopp album on CD (I am an old person from previous century ha!), they are Norwegian but work with many Scandinavian and Arctic Circle musicians and singers, and I realised I heard Karin Dreijer's unique voice many years ago on Royksopp CD's, their most recent album is perfect for workouts, exercising, jogging, yoga, floorwork too...
@Satan’s little helper yes really like the idea of young Bjork being found in Icelandic cave wailing and screeching and finding her voice by group of hippy commune musicians, who all became the Sugarcubes and the world embraced Bjork with warmth for decades ever after!

Think the minimal restraint and editing by removing clutter from bare bones of well-written song is real unseen talent, but Bjork and Royksopp and Karin Dreijer have those rare gifts of being able to create, write, produce, edit, record, collaborate and mix their own music on their own terms and they are not just performers mimicking other people's words and music as there's deluge of that already in pop culture, same for Led Zeppelin and Robert Plant as their popular songs are covered by new artists and attract new fans who are teenagers now and maybe don't even know or care about the age or looks or tourng schedule of these musicians, think music journalists refer to this as "stripped back to the essentials" or "audio journey in minimalism and subtlety", as there's far too much "content" out there which is just desperate shouting for attention and "likes/follows" and hard to appreciate as "music"... Maybe the forum needs culture section like the weekend newspaper supplements?!

I genuinely use these records to motivate me with light exercise, walking, jogging, yoga, stretching, relaxation, mediation, floor work on mats, but they are equally positive uplifting euphoric tracks for dancing on loud volume, or chilling out on lower volume, so of course LGBTQIA+ person and ally Alison Goldfrapp's "Love Invention" and "Reinvention" Remix Album, and Royksopp's "Profound Mysteries" Series, these are all available to listen for free on Youtube and Spotify and sound quality on CD's and "high resolution audio" is better if you have studio quality hi-fi equipment or headphones (nope!)... Impossible...
@Inka had to share as this made me gasp with amazement, guess which is the most popular Royksopp track in the world currently with over 56 million listens on Spotify? "What Else Is There?" track with vocals by Karin Dreijer, and the Spotify browser link to artist page posts mini-player like this with free membership with adverts sign-in ha! You're Welcome! 😉

I’m a Royskopp fan too @maryjaneholland 😎 I love electronica, and had a period where Scandi electronica was basically all I listened to! I also like Múm (Icelandic):

I was (and still am!) totally obsessed with the original Swedish Millennium Trilogy. I also prefer the original title of the first book: Män som hatar kvinnor - Men who hate women. It’s direct and to the point. On a completely and unapologetically trivial point, I also thought Noomi’s hairstyle was way cooler than Rooney’s :D Rooney is a fab actress though. Loved her in Carol.

I’ve never been to Malmo but I have been to Copenhagen. Should have gone over the bridge :D My Swedish is rubbish level but I did have to use some in Copenhagen to someone who couldn’t understand my (obviously hopeless) attempt at Danish:rofl:
Apologies @maryjaneholland for not seeing your previous messages, I have three dear friends at various stages in the preop assessment and post op journey for gender distress and support them fully and do feel that gender, sexuality and also birth sex have a huge issue to play in our diabetes journey, be it eating or not eating because of distress or symptoms worsening such as pregnancy loss due to insulin resistance for us ladies or genetic predisposition to diabetes (last I saw was it came down the male side of my birth family but not sure what the updated research is showing).
We may not be a forum supporting these issues but they affect many of us and for me deserve kindness and respect when replying to someone that’s taken a huge step to reach out potentially for the first time, a few kind words can go a long way especially in combatting the loneliness that stigma of any kind be it diabetes, medical issues or any other issue.
Thank you for reading and keep up your posts.
@Satan’s little helper yes really like the idea of young Bjork being found in Icelandic cave wailing and screeching and finding her voice by group of hippy commune musicians, who all became the Sugarcubes and the world embraced Bjork with warmth for decades ever after!

Think the minimal restraint and editing by removing clutter from bare bones of well-written song is real unseen talent, but Bjork and Royksopp and Karin Dreijer have those rare gifts of being able to create, write, produce, edit, record, collaborate and mix their own music on their own terms and they are not just performers mimicking other people's words and music as there's deluge of that already in pop culture, same for Led Zeppelin and Robert Plant as their popular songs are covered by new artists and attract new fans who are teenagers now and maybe don't even know or care about the age or looks or tourng schedule of these musicians, think music journalists refer to this as "stripped back to the essentials" or "audio journey in minimalism and subtlety", as there's far too much "content" out there which is just desperate shouting for attention and "likes/follows" and hard to appreciate as "music"... Maybe the forum needs culture section like the weekend newspaper supplements?!

I genuinely use these records to motivate me with light exercise, walking, jogging, yoga, stretching, relaxation, mediation, floor work on mats, but they are equally positive uplifting euphoric tracks for dancing on loud volume, or chilling out on lower volume, so of course LGBTQIA+ person and ally Alison Goldfrapp's "Love Invention" and "Reinvention" Remix Album, and Royksopp's "Profound Mysteries" Series, these are all available to listen for free on Youtube and Spotify and sound quality on CD's and "high resolution audio" is better if you have studio quality hi-fi equipment or headphones (nope!)... Impossible...
I feel a good tune is a good tune. Whoever covers or interprets it! Back in my youth. I had a Walkman copy player. It’s far easier to stream seamlessly, these days. I haven’t played anything from my personal collection in years. The music scene has changed with the “charts” being internet based plays or downloads as opposed to physical unit sales. Though oddly, the licensing laws for personal use still apply. Some YouTubers merely paying homage to a band can still have a coppyrite strike.
I use this diabetes site,to get tips about medication and diet etc,and when struggling with this condition,some encouragement,
sorry all the above discussions are not about diabetes, Sue.
@Inka really good to know your favourite music finds help you to cope better with your diagnosed diabetes medical conditions, as it's really so clear from this diabetes support forum that there is no "one size fits all" approach or magic wand "cure" for diabetes that yet exists, and the NHS appears to leave us in the lurch with not enough qualified staff or resources to really fully support NHS patients living with chronic lifelong conditions like diabetes...

@Satan’s little helper yes it's funny how everything about the music industry has been disrupted by the internet over nearly thirty years of it being available in most households, I still have box of audio cassettes from growing up, making mixtapes and swapping with friends, my parents have old boxes of original vinyl from previous decades, but it's also sad that not eveything published by record labels appears on streaming services, there are huge gaps in music history, entire genres, whole artists, just absent as they don't have enough follows/likes/subscribers/social media presence or whatever, but again if it helps you on bad days or to cope better with bad side effects and manage your diabetes better, it can only be good thing right!

@Sunnyside3049 well please forgive me, I am having bad day due to bad side effects from my Metformin prescription medication I take because guess what? I have been fully medically diagnosed by medically qualified GP as very much having Type 2 Diabetes, and if you had actually bothered to read thru all the posts on this thread from very established members of this diabetes support forum, it would be apparent to you that I refer to struggling with my diabetes where it intersects with other diagnosed medical conditions such as gender dysphoria in the first post, and the rest of the thread is pretty much all about various coping strategies both my self and other people living with diabetes use to manage our diagnosed medical conditions, umm-hmm, okurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! *tongue-pop*

Hopefully you can navigate all the sections of the support forum contributing your own tips and wisdom for living with and managing diabetes, and if not, maybe by reading thru threads you may learn something new, and if not, move along to the next thread, there's even "Entertainment" and "Books" and "Off The Subject" sections where people may or may not choose to post anything at all about diabetes-related issues!

If my existence or LGBTQIA+ Communities existing offends you, then sorry, no refunds, and no retractions will be posted at this time, as queer people get diabetes too, umm-hmm, snap!!
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@Sarahp thanks for your kind words, I am trying to be polite as it feels ike my brain is being ripped apart by severe migraine headache as I have lots of medical conditions I'm most definitely not apologising for on my thread about my coping strategies I have explained clearly enough, the nausea from my 2000mg of Metformin combined with uncontrollable migraine made me housebound for last 24 hours and just drinking water and resting in dark room until the storm inside my skull clears...

I am happy to discuss anything about my experiences of gender dysphoria, my sexuality, my identity and how these intersect with the NHS, the rest of my life and other medical conditions, and it does actually take guts, bravery, willpower and self-determination to rise above lifetime of shaming, ridiculing, bullying and abuse to be an open book to raise awareness, and I have to add from my lived experiences, it's the easiest thing in the world not asserting yourself, not making space in the world to become your authentic self, to live big lie hiding under rocks in the shadows, even using other people as props to pretend to pass as "straight" (this is called a "beard"!), or burying everything you can't deal with under layers of drugs, alcohol, gambling, addictions, debts, running away from all of your problems and your self, so please, don't even try to get reductive with me and reduce me down to one word or leave snarky passive-aggressive comments on my threads expecting what exactly, an apology?! Oh Ghurl, Please!

Sarah I think it's great that your friends who appear to be trans/non-binary/experiencing gender dysphoria have you as supportive friend as you can see there's plenty of naysayers out there in hostile environments hating on minority groups to make themselvs feel better, and similarly to diabetes (oh yes, she went there ha, cry more!) gender dysphoria is chronic lifelong condition requiring healthcare, treatment, support network and understanding medical professionals to be managed and for positive outcomes, and it's real testament to the best of humanity that complete strangers can gather together virtually and offer peer support around diabetes which everyone experiences slightly differently, and I am learning so much every time I log-in, I didn't know that insulin resistance can cause pregnancy loss in pregnant women, and that does include potentially trans men who are pregnant as again taking testerone if you are female-bodied does not have guaranteed side effects on every single trans man...

And again as it bares repeating, I have no shame discussing these facts and issues openly about human sexuality and gender identity and biology, and if you really do on this support forum, maybe you need to consider that you are incredibly ignorant, in desperate need of education, and you have lived an extremely sheltered life if this level of polite debate and discussion provokes such reaction you feel entitled to silence others and "shut it all down", I will not be silenced as long as I am following the rules, and I will not be closeted or repressed for other people's comfort or "awkward feelings" that's on those who have tried to shut me down, and I'm really not going anywhere as there is no "magic wand cure" for diabetes, thanks! Not living my life under rock to please others and neither should I be expected to, thanks so much for your understanding!
@Satan’s little helper yes it's funny how everything about the music industry has been disrupted by the internet over nearly thirty years of it being available in most households, I still have box of audio cassettes from growing up, making mixtapes and swapping with friends, my parents have old boxes of original vinyl from previous decades, but it's also sad that not eveything published by record labels appears on streaming services, there are huge gaps in music history, entire genres, whole artists, just absent as they don't have enough follows/likes/subscribers/social media presence or whatever, but again if it helps you on bad days or to cope better with bad side effects and manage your diabetes better, it can only be good thing right!
The tape swapping or copying with friends was how it was done in my youth. Along with getting tuned into new releases or bands at the time. That knock off Walkman helped me get through those dead end jobs, back in the day.
Found this a while back which made me chuckle. I do remember DAT tapes back in the 90s? Then Mini disk? (That carried track info on an LCD screen.) But this is interesting. Or the concept? Album artwork & lyrics to a song as you play it? Maybe band info?
Hello, I've just seen this thread and read a fair amount though not all. I just wanted to say I'm glad you're here, I'm glad you posted, and yes you have every right to be here and seek support. I hate and completely disagree with all the nastiness and hatred from politicians, that Scottish author whose name I can't bear to mention, and just the usual horrendous Twitter stuff. I can't even begin to imagine how much stress/distress that causes you and of course it's then difficult to manage diabetes anyway, and then the impact of stress on top of this. Anyway, I hope you feel comfortable enough to keep posting on here, there will always be people who support you.
"Churchill Anus Society... Not In My Back Yard!"

Angry People In Local Newspapers - Weird News - Bizarre Headlines - Wild Animals and Ghosts which are actually Cats - Bonkers Billboards - And More Parochial Petty Stupid Than You Can Twitch Your Curtains At...
My wife & I love this stuff. Seen some interesting moans in local rags.
@Satan’s little helper thanks for that blast from the past, as nerdy child I was allowed to stay up late to watch "Tomorrow's World" and what happened to all those amazing prototypes, why aren't there flying cars and zero gravity skateboards and unlimited free clean energy, as promised ha?!

This makes me laugh as I lived through this era as teenager with dial-up internet, no social media, mobile phones like bricks, no laptops or touch screen devices, Section 28, no civil rights for deviants, no dating apps and the genuine mass hysteria about the "Y2K Millenium Bug" which fizzled out with the usual firecracker fireworks and the world didn't end as expected, it just became hijacked by the politics of fear for the next two decades after 11th September 2001 attacks which nobody could have predicted or prepared for... Rewind The 90's National Geographic Series is nostalgia binge-fest and I'm here for it...

@Type 1 Teddy thanks for your support and kind words, nothing can really get to you when you're floating on pain relief meds, but you have to come down at some point I know, I don't have addictions but too much stress and not enough fun makes me sad doll, so painting my face for the weekend and digging out my fishnets and boots for trip to the "gay village" and the curtain twitchers can stare and stare for all I care, Ghurls just wanna have fun...😉
@Inka just to clarify I have been out of action all day nursing my severe migraine headache and I didn't remove or report or otherwise censor your link, I know there are wider debates to be had, not sure if support forum is best place for the "radical feminist versus trans women culture wars showdown where who shouts the loudest wins, sorry, WINS, UGH!" but my odd take on this author is I recall working in book store around the time her debut kids book was published, but thankfully became temp on call for more money by the time the publisher gravy train went full steam ahead with midnight sequel book launches, very strict instructions about the layout of the cash-cow books at front of store and every Christmas, there would be very demanding children with their pushy parents demeaning all the retail staff to explain why the next book (unwritten unpublished unavailable?) was not available to buy in the store NOW before little Jemima and Tarquin screamed until they were sick all over their designer kids clothes, not to mention all the product placement everywhere, so the author and owner of all that Intellectual Property is in very privileged and entitled position to say anything in public she likes and wave at solicitors and barristers to deal with any fallout... I truly wish she had been influenced by people genuinely wanting to change the world, push the envelope for nuclear fusion unlimited clean energy, break the mould with solar powered desalination plants for third world countries without clean drinking water, fund science to stop climate change and global warming, but nope, priority one is apparently very complex misunderstood minority groups with virtually no rights, no platforms, no media-friendly representation and communities (yes plural) with very high suicide and murder rates, well if only there were magic wand cures for all of that, wouldn't that be simple and childish and black & white... And isn't the tragic backstory of the main character an orphaned nerdy misunderstood child bullied by their adopted families and crying out for everyone's sympathy, empathy, understanding, concern, humanity and respect...??
As a white hetro male I see several of my kind utterly obsessed with other people's lives , sexuality , sex life , lifestyle

These people go on and on about other people

Their gender position in particular being a favourite

They say they don't care and are open minded but it's obvious that they are not

It's 2024 I don't think it's any of my business what people define themselves as

I think a lot of them are bored or angry
@maryjaneholland I didn’t put a link - I asked for one 🙂 I too agree that ‘shouting’ isn’t discussion. I much prefer informed debate. People aren’t going to agree about everything but, to my mind, it’s possible to debate without attacking or defaming people. As a woman, I get pissed off with the rubbish on Twitter - a lot of it misogynistic. To blithely claim that someone is hateful demands evidence - because else it gets repeated as a fact. I asked someone what the ‘hate’ was once and they couldn’t think of anything but just said ‘everybody knows’ said person was hateful. So, I asked for a link above.

I hope your migraine is better.Do you have meds for them? A relative has an injection they take, which has worked very well. They also have some tablets, and over time the migraines seem to have reduced with that arsenal available to them. My migraines aren’t as extreme as that. I just use the pink Migraleve and Tiger Balm - which I thought would be pointless, but actually helps in the early stages, when you can feel that tension prickling at your skin and know a migraine is on its way.
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@Taffyboyslim that's an interesting insight from section of society I have never been part of or been accepted by due to the "rules" of the boys club, maybe some of the attitudes are toxic masculinity unchallenged, or Incel culture, or just old-fashioned misogyny learned from society, in school I experienced young men being labelled as "weak" or "ladies" or "poofs" or "f*ggots" or worse by male teachers throughout school where masculinity was defined by how tough mean cutthroat and defensive you were thrown on to the games pitch outside and toughened up or weaponised like soldiers for some unknown battle, whilst the girls played netball and did gymnastics with soft mats and dance music indoors, and I disappeared from the school grounds for "PE & Games Lessons" tired of being assaulted, enduring homophobic abuse and telling these teachers they weren't fit to teach anyone due to their racist sexist homophobic outdated attitudes, which I was put in detention for, real living nightmare!

@Inka I don't want to give "Miss Bowling" too much power or credit here, but she is one of many influential public figures with platform and PR staff to get press releases turned into published news articles, and I think it's reasonable to draw lines between constant invalidating and scaremongering (where exactly is all the "toiletgate" evidence and why does anyone think toilet door sign would stop any dangerous criminals or rapists or murderers from carrying out their illegal impulsive deeds anyway?) at the expense of all trans and non-binary people in the UK, and the point-scoring populism of desperate unelected zombie government grasping at straws, so the polls said many voters are unhappy about publicly funded gender clinics, so we closed them, the pundits say they are "concerned voices about mutilating children's bodies with genital surgery" (untrue in UK), so we will remove all access to gender affirming care with puberty blockers from age 16 to 18, here's one article inevitably with linked articles highlighting more tragic suicides of young trans people...

Migraines, I'm in the "hangover groggy beaten up" phase today still recovering, but worst of the pains have passed, I inherited this exact same trait from my French Grandmother who was triggered by cocoa and chocolate, my Mum is the same and I have similar weakness, but in moderation white chocolate is OK, but not part of my new low calorie diet at all, and stress is also big trigger, yes Lavender and herbal balms can help to certain point, but after that it's painkillers and water and resting in dark room with no noise or screens of any kind, dreadful unpredictable life-limiting condition I wouldn't wish upon anyone! Good Health to you all!
@Satan’s little helper thanks for that blast from the past, as nerdy child I was allowed to stay up late to watch "Tomorrow's World" and what happened to all those amazing prototypes, why aren't there flying cars and zero gravity skateboards and unlimited free clean energy, as promised ha?!
I got no idea? Certainly all the digital music stuff was condensed down to something that can sit in the palm of the hand. I’m personally still waiting for that “insulin pump” which still seems to be like a mirage, let alone the cure they find in mice regarding science articals?
Talking of mice.

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