The Gender Distressed Agenda

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Karin Dreijer is contemporary singer/songwriter/producer performing under various aliases such as "The Knife" and "Fever Ray", they are gender fluid and prefer gender neutral pronouns, and their queer identity is expressed using pitch-shifting technology on their live vocals, and subverting heteronormative gender roles with "sleazy business man suit" persona and using stage make-up like horror film mask or drag king performance, they are also parent to two daughters and express European/Sweden perspective on queer collectives, touching upon some of the issues raised here in "Passengers" like climate anxiety post-apocalyptic vision of the future with glimpses of what subverted queer non-binary and female gaze could look like with some slight bad language and NSFW but Youtube Family Friendly Safe with no age restrictions... "Hen" is Swedish for they/them/theirs...

I adore Fever Ray and The Knife 😎 😎 <3 We need another music thread:D I’m having to stop myself posting my favourite songs!
"This has nothing to do with diabetes, there's plenty of other places you can post about your gays prides willies and bottoms whatever I don't care and I don't want to know"... Ahem support forum...

Did you receive that quote in a PM @maryjaneholland ???

Please report it so that action can be taken. Unless PMs are reported the Mods have no way of knowing the content of messages received. Please do report any private messages you are upset by.
"This has nothing to do with diabetes, there's plenty of other places you can post about your gays prides willies and bottoms whatever I don't care and I don't want to know"... Ahem support forum...

And yet again, the Diabetes UK Support Forum moves this thread to "off the subject" allowing the naysayers to control my narrative about my life living with diabetes as queer trans non-binary person... Guess I will adopt some Malawian orphans like Madonna to assert my validity and credibility as responsible parent with kids free to post whatever whenever ha!


Hello, just come in from a night out, checked your topic and sampled some fever ray. reminds me of early Depeche Mode? (Nothing wrong in my book with that.) Some great bands come out of Sweden. The vocals are pretty tidy too.
Your topic appears to me where you originally posted it, in the “General massage board” section.
You do live with diabetes & I appreciate the first step to clearing the road to happy travels in life is an assault on any health debris? It’s easier said than done. I’m sure this forum is the resource you need for the task in hand.
As someone who struggles to get access to a pump due to an underfunded institution & staff training I can empathise with other areas. Have a colleague wait months & months for a knee op, only to have it cancelled days prior.

I’ll leave one of my favourite Swedish bands for you. Seems only fitting, bearing in mind your forum user name.
Best wishes.

Hello, just come in from a night out, checked your topic and sampled some fever ray. reminds me of early Depeche Mode? (Nothing wrong in my book with that.) Some great bands come out of Sweden. The vocals are pretty tidy too.
Your topic appears to me where you originally posted it, in the “General massage board” section.
You do live with diabetes & I appreciate the first step to clearing the road to happy travels in life is an assault on any health debris? It’s easier said than done. I’m sure this forum is the resource you need for the task in hand.
As someone who struggles to get access to a pump due to an underfunded institution & staff training I can empathise with other areas. Have a colleague wait months & months for a knee op, only to have it cancelled days prior.

I’ll leave one of my favourite Swedish bands for you. Seems only fitting, bearing in mind your forum user name.
Best wishes.

Hope you didn't drink to much! Have you been clubbing? I used to go to Chicago's in Luton around 30 years ago!
Your topic appears to me where you originally posted it, in the “General massage board” section.

Threads are routinely moved between boards as a bit of forum housekeeping, and in some cases so that they are likely to get more helpful replies and not get lost. But this is never done with the intention of causing upset or distress to the OP.
Hope you didn't drink to much! Have you been clubbing? I used to go to Chicago's in Luton around 30 years ago!
Sort of. Been out with my wife & a few friends. Nothing to excessive. 🙂

Threads are routinely moved between boards as a bit of forum housekeeping, and in some cases so that they are likely to get more helpful replies and not get lost. But this is never done with the intention of causing upset or distress to the OP.
I usually keep a browser tab open if I put my tablet down. On refreshing this page when picking back up I didn’t see anything to suggest a redirection? However, it makes perfect sense regarding the housekeeping.
There are a whole bunch of rules that an account creator signs up for & agrees to on a hosting forum.
I see no malicious intent if a relocation was acted upon by administration. Best wishes.
@Inka it's funny they have such following, missed their live show in Manchester as it was sold out gig, and I guess it bares explaining here in simple terms, Fever Ray live show is partly mocking expected gender roles and stereotypes with mock strip tease and invitation for the audience to call mock sex line number, but the performers are very much dressing for themselves, their artistic aesthetics, their peers and playing stage personas, with only reference to the "straight male gaze" being jokes at their expense, stripping to reveal another outfit whilst being completely in control of their own sexuality and having fun toying with the audience...

My ignorant comments were quoting what was directed at me on the support forum when I first joined and was subjected to punching down homophobic "jokes" apparently from group of entitled straight white cisgendered men who apparently think trolling anyone who isn't like them on diabetes support forum is the most hilarious way to feel better about themselves, and I just pity them because real men are self-assured and secure in themselves to just live and let live and maybe would be open-minded enough to learn something from anyone who was slightly different to them, but please tell me more about the forum rules, think you will find they very much include references to Protected Characteristics and the Equality Act 2010 which very much includes trans people, so your martyring comments and punching down "humour" at my expense have no place on diabetes support forum in fact and you will learn your lesson by hook or by crook with cultural equivalent of minorities "wielding axes" to fight discrimination, and your ignorance clearly shows the need for Pride events and equality campaigning and street protests such as Trans Pride Marches coming up, I will see you there on the streets, to just even it out...
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Christ on a bike, the Martyrs, I mean Marchers seem really organised this year despite their mental delusions about biology and not knowing what a woman is, Trans Pride March is coming to city near you throughout June, July, August and September 2024!

Greedy selfish Manchester even has two separate events, TransVegas arts festival funded by Arts Council England, come on now guys, this is surely just attention seeking now, people are just people, what more do you people want from the world, and what's wrong with being third class citizen with no legal rights? Chips on shoulders all playing the victims, surely existing silently under rocks is better for everyone, I mean the special trans toilets alone will bankrupt most local authorities, ban this filth, not in my backyard, concerned voices have warned us about this Armageddon...

Ladels, jellyspoons and all the inbetweenies plus allies, coming to London, Brighton, Manchester, Norwich, Hasting, Plymouth, Northern Ireland Trans Pride, South West Trans Pride, and TransVegas Arts Festival Manchester, like an organised Trans Pride UK Collective with registered CIC's and funding and everything, lions and tigers and bears oh my...
@Satan’s little helper I'm covered in flour mid vegan baking, so here's wordy comprehensive Wikipedia entry based on philisophers, academics, feminists, writers and thinkers over several centuries, and in pop culture terms, it's often the main reason women, trans and non-binary people are significantly absent from the powerful culture creator roles of Film/TV/Theatre Director, Music Producer, TV/Film/Theatre Producer, Top Billing Headliner for Music Festival, Founder of Creative Collective, and why this trend is often much reversed in queer communities and DIY queer culture...
@Satan’s little helper surprised my self with Ghost performance, I really like the male peacock strutting the stage with sequins, warpaint stage make-up and black leather boots look, and the final line of "Marijuana on a Cross" so it's all tongue in cheek with the audience members dressed as cheeky tarty nuns, all fans look like fun crowd with sense of humour too!

I wouldn't say that feminism is backlash per se, but there's distinct differences between culture creators having lived experiences due to unique life experiences of being subjected to the "male gaze" and either being judged to meet or fail those expectations of gender roles, and then the freedom and privilege that comes with being the "default observer" and then storytelling coming from very fixed "straight male gaze" perspective, and that's why it's important to give platform to minority voices and support public arts events like TransVegas where everyone can experience new or different perspectives, and probably lots more fun than the same dour negative "concerned voices" wringing their hands in the tabloids and pretty much reducing all minorities to diseased vermin nobody should tolerate thanks to the mainstream media owners culture wars agenda...
I have a number of Swedish friends @maryjaneholland so got into the Knife and then Fever Ray through them. The first Fever Ray album will always be my favourite. There’s something special about it. It’s mesmerising, ethereal yet all-encompassing.

@Satan’s little helper surprised my self with Ghost performance, I really like the male peacock strutting the stage with sequins, warpaint stage make-up and black leather boots look, and the final line of "Marijuana on a Cross" so it's all tongue in cheek with the audience members dressed as cheeky tarty nuns, all fans look like fun crowd with sense of humour too!

I wouldn't say that feminism is backlash per se, but there's distinct differences between culture creators having lived experiences due to unique life experiences of being subjected to the "male gaze" and either being judged to meet or fail those expectations of gender roles, and then the freedom and privilege that comes with being the "default observer" and then storytelling coming from very fixed "straight male gaze" perspective, and that's why it's important to give platform to minority voices and support public arts events like TransVegas where everyone can experience new or different perspectives, and probably lots more fun than the same dour negative "concerned voices" wringing their hands in the tabloids and pretty much reducing all minorities to diseased vermin nobody should tolerate thanks to the mainstream media owners culture wars agenda...
From what I’ve seen it comes more from homophobic men. Probably wishing they were the subject of a decent photographer.

The Ghost band? Or Tobias Forge. Changes his mask announcing a new frontman from time to time.
“Mary on a cross” came from a 1960s inspired “EP.” This track (check it out end to end?) is amusing as it knocks the toxic patriarchy.

Oven switched off, you have my full attention! @Inka Yes I admit the first track I heard from Fever Ray was "If I Had A Heart" whilst binge-watching the gruesome rated 18 "Vikings" drama series and genuinely assumed it was male singer/songwriter playing with sound effects and vocoder filters, and I was so so wrong as wonderful bonus, then during the lockdown I got heavily into streaming services, podcasts, new music, Spotify, and listened to the Fever Ray debut album in full every other day, and it is this perfect icy journey into Scandinavian culture, folklore, Viking myths, angular IKEA visit on magic mushrooms with cold techno beat, with best atmospheric synths closing tracks in perfect order "Keep The Streets Empty For Me", "Coconut", "Stranger Than Kindness" (Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Cover), and "Here Before", and only just discovered this from recent interview, Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross were tasked on tight schedule by director David Fincher to create the score and credits song ("Immigrant Song" with Karen O), for the re-make of "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" which was released in 2011, and Trent pretty much describes the process of creating icy Scandinavian score with filtering and pitch-shifting the sounds made by industrial floor cleaners in much the same way fans refer to "Fever Ray" debut from 2009, so it's massively influential album, and Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross have producer credits on Fever Ray's "Even It Out" too, so they have worked together in some format! Worth checking out the OST on streaming services, it's disappeared from Spotify tho!

Have you seen Fever Ray live if you have been to Sweden or with your Swedish friends? Fever Ray played Albert Schloss Hall in Manchester which has relatively small capacity and it's above bar with lots of Victorian steps so not fully accessible and it was sold out months in advance, so maybe if they tour UK again they will be in bigger venues fingers crossed! Yes we should post and indulge our fave music tracks and trashy online video clips, it can help to distract from side effects and bad days!

@Satan’s little helper yes Tobias Forge has real command of the stage and I really appreciate the teddy boy bouffant quiff hair, it's very drag king adjacent and subverting the expectations of the macho rock star we have all seen before! Yes homophobic men I have encountered are very insecure and their public bullying usually hinges on them being part of large group of straight men in nightlife areas letting off steam but again taking up all the space and all the oxygen and often having no respect for safe spaces like the gay village and feeling challenged or provoked by the very existence of say trans women, and yes this does happen in big cities with "gay spaces" as heritage listed areas like Canal Street in Manchester, here's an account made by trans woman reported by Pink News I didn't see published in any local or national newspapers as one example...

I try to be non-judgmental, polite, reasonable and to listen to all sides, but even on my worst days when I come across as spiky angry sarcastic, that pales in comparison to the total lack of humanity or compassion or understanding shown all too often to trans women living their lives in public being physically beaten down and attacked just for presenting as themselves in public spaces and group of cisgendered men decide they have some right to punish and sanction a complete stranger in designated "safe space" for LGBTQIA+ Communities with physical violence and hateful verbal abuse, which is then ignored by mainstream media sources, stay safe and look after yourselves, and if you ever wondered why drag queens carry such large handbags, honey, those suspiciously large women be carrying large cans of hairspray and bricks to protect themselves from fools on the street, umm-hmm... 😉
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@Inka "Immigrant Song" Led Zeppelin cover by Karen O, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, I guess I could imagine it as the B-Side to Fever Ray's "Even It Out" but the whole "Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" soundtrack is more immersive and comparable to the "Fever Ray" 2009 debut album, alongside say Bjork's "Vespertine" with literal snow and ice sounds amped up with synths without any reference to the "Christmas Music" genre, in case anyone suggests this, just no!
@everydayupsanddowns thanks for your support and sorry to dredge up old forgotten history, thanks for restoring my thread if so and you made me realise from previous conversations that my warped skewed humour about serious issues can confuse people, so here's real press release about London Trans Pride 2024 published on Pink News for your perusals...

Re-watching "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" and "The Girl In The Spider's Web" Hollywood Studio re-makes with less subtitles and more horrific sadistic torture and painful bloody murders on screen than the original Swedish versions, guns god and government y'all! 😎
@Inka "Immigrant Song" Led Zeppelin cover by Karen O, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, I guess I could imagine it as the B-Side to Fever Ray's "Even It Out" but the whole "Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" soundtrack is more immersive and comparable to the "Fever Ray" 2009 debut album, alongside say Bjork's "Vespertine" with literal snow and ice sounds amped up with synths without any reference to the "Christmas Music" genre, in case anyone suggests this, just no!

Very cool @maryjaneholland 😎 Thank you for the links🙂 Sadly I haven’t seen Fever Ray live but I’d love to see them. I have seen Bjork though and she was amazing!

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo films make me feel conflicted. The Hollywood version is smoother, of course, but I thought Noomi Rapace was excellent as Lisbeth. She is her in my head. The soundtrack is excellent though 😎

The first Fever Ray album plus a lot of Bjork does have that kind of icy sound you mention. I always want to call it ‘tinkly’, which sounds trivialising and a bit dismissive, but in my head that’s the ice and snow - a crystalline beauty, tinkling in sharp, white light. There are some other less well-known Swedish bands with a similar sound. I’ll see if I can find any links later (on my lunch break now).
I was into the Sugar cubes way back & saw Bjork back in the 90s at an open air event. There was an interview with Bjork years ago where (apparently.) the vocal technique was developed outside with some of her vocal track recordings being done in caves? Which may explain some of the production values on her solo tracks.

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