The Fraudulent Diabetic

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The majority of disagreements/fights/etc on forums are not caused by what was said but by how it was said. Seems to be a little bit of both in this case since there seems to have been very little reason for most of it to be said in the first place (the initial post).

I may be a relative newbie to DM, having only 6 years under my belt, but I have run into a lot of diabetics in that time. It appears to me that those who "worry" about things - and learn as much as possible, act on it to get good control and deal with things properly - are those with least complications later on. Curiously I am one of them and have no complications, the same HbA1c and less meds than back then.

But its up to the individual really.

If anyone wants to take a flippant view of having diabetes, thats their choice. If they take a look at the CVD mortality rates and complication rates for diabetics with an A1c over 6% (the curves are exponential) and STILL take a flippant view towards diabetes, then there's nothing you can do for em.

(Edit: I need to stress here that i am not talking about people who don't know Thats completely different. Just those who do not take much interest. )

There's a turning point for many T2s when after years of not being too worried about things, they suddenly sit up and take notice. This is usually at the point when they are about to start insulin. Seems to be quite frequently around the 5 year mark after a steadily increasing level of oral meds. If they're willing to listen at that point, some can manage to avoid insulin and suddenly find themselves on half the oral meds with a change of attitude. But of course the damage to the blood vessels is already done and it takes a lot less to bring on the complications.

Its not a case of "catch it early". Its a case of "catch it early and deal with it". The more determined someone is to deal with it, the better their chances.

Why do you think it is that people who post along the lines of "I am fine and not worried about anything" never seem to post their A1c?
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I know why I don't post my HbA1c, cholesterol etc, just as I don't post my times for orienteering races etc - it's private to me; I don't even tell my partner / parents / sister my blood results, mainly because they're not interested / nosey, as they know I prefer not to tell But if others wish to post, that's fine, too.
I totally agree that it's not just about diagnosing diabetes in time (I was diagnosed with type 1 as an adult), but also about taking control / taking action.
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