While this video discusses high blood pressure, there is extremely strong evidence, in my opinion, that there are options option, worthy of investigating, to lower blood pressure, and these options coincide with the same recommendations for reversing diabetes.
At the heart of this is :
1. Losing weight - there is just too much corroborating information from every respected source in medicine, in every country from America to UK, to Australia, and Germany, there is no getting round this - it works. Every pound or kilogram we lose, improves our blood pressure and also improves our blood sugar management in diabetes. In fact the opposite is true, increase in weight is one main cause of high blood pressure and diabetes.
While getting down to our ideal weight, according to the BMI rating is ideal, just losing as little as 3 kilograms, can kick start our journey to better health.
I only wish this detail could have been much better publicised, 30 or 40 years ago., in the same manner as telling people that smoking is bad for us.
2. An initial period of significant calorie restriction helps to accelerate the improvements in blood pressure control, as well as diabetes.
Evidence of this is found in so many resources, from the diabetes reversal programmes of Professor Roy, to the Phase 1 of the DASH programme for stopping hypertension, to the fasting clinic practices, prevalent in the United States and Germany.
An initial period of reducing calories, and or cutting out certain things like meat or fruits, for a period, apparently does wonders. Best seems to be to slowly get into a fast lasting several days, with only water, and the need for high blood pressure medication, in many subjects, is gone. At the very least it leads to a lowering of their blood pressure medication, and an improvement of their diabetes.
3. I have also observed that there is another overlooked component - Adequate water intake. But I caution, too much water at any time is bad, cos it will deplete the body of minerals - also known as electrolytes, which are removed by the kidneys to remove the excess water, so what I think is that one should have a little bit of water at a time. But many small bits of water throughout the day, rathere than a whole lot at any one time. I have seriously come to the impression that this is one - unfortunately overlooked aspect of health, especially for Africans.
Based on what I know now, I think 2 litres of water a day, is the minimum. And it is ok to drink even up to 4 litres, if one was physically active. This is an important change for me, both the total amount per day, as well as the need to break it up into little bits, throughout the day.
Why water? Apparently the kidney needs water to function. And this is one reason why any kind of fasting without water, makes no sense, and those who fast without water are doing harm to themselves. All fasting MUST be done with water. Apparently 3 days without water, will lead to severe kidney damage.
I now understand why water is so important to managing both high blood pressure as well as diabetes, as well as kidneys. Paying proper attention to water intake, is a major change for me. This is one issue that does not seem to be on the radar of many. Managing water intake carefully and optimally.
While water in food and teas are all part of this water target, I'll be focussing in my case on getting at least 2 litres of just water and any other water will in teas, or food, will be on top of that.
4. Exercise - of course this is important, but it does not have to be epecially intensive, if one is doing all the other things. Exercise is fundamentally NOT for losing weight, but also has so many other benefits.
5. Cutting out - excessive amounts of fats and oils, eliminating simple sugars, reducing carbs, and increasing vegetables significantly and some fruit - fruit unfortunately in the UK has way too much sugar in it, so one has to be careful with fruit. And reducing food from animals, or eliminating for a while, seems to be consistent with al the various sources.
6. Juicing with vegetables and small amounts of fruit, seems to be a thing - something to investigate. My thinking is that small amounts of juicing with vegetables and a little bit of fruit(i.e really small amounts of fruit), can help make the minerals - more bio available, and absorbed better. We should still eat vegetables and a bit of fruit occasionally, fresh, or boiled, or however else consumed. But the juicing seems to be an optimiser. An add on to the regular advice to eat lots of vegetables and some fruit.
7. Keeping salt low - to no more than a teaspoon of salt in all our food, for one day. This is advice not just for those with high blood pressure or diabetes, but for every human being. Some people need even lower levels of salt, if they are genetically salt sensitive.
8. Definitely good sleep - 8 hours a day.
9. Reducing Stress - I interprete that to mean - enjoying life and not getting bogged down by issues.