TDD and basal bolus split

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,

I am interested to know what adults split of basal/bolus is and what your TDD is.🙂

Alex (14) is growing and increasing insulin needs quite a bit. TDD has gone from 25 to 45 units in a matter of a couple of months. His split is 24/76% basal/bolus and just wondering whether this is typical of an adult split.🙂Bev
I'm not typical at all bev - 0/100% split! 😱 I've always been weird though. Initially my split was about 30/70 then basal just kept falling. My TDD has dropped from 65 at diagnosis to around 20 now.
I'm not typical at all bev - 0/100% split! 😱 I've always been weird though. Initially my split was about 30/70 then basal just kept falling. My TDD has dropped from 65 at diagnosis to around 20 now.

Hi Northerner,

He he - are you sure your Type 1!!!!!!Thats amazing! I wonder whether you are on a sort of 'slow honeymoon' thing? What does your team think?🙂Bev
Hi Northerner,

He he - are you sure your Type 1!!!!!!Thats amazing! I wonder whether you are on a sort of 'slow honeymoon' thing? What does your team think?🙂Bev

Saw my consultant today and he is perplexed, although he says that nothing surprises him about diabetes!
On the pump my total daily dose is around 50 units, with a split of 55% basal, 45% bolus.

I've always found on the pump that if I'm more than 60/40 or 40/60 things don't work well for me.
I take about 25% basal and 75% bolus. Various health professionals have told me I should be on a 50:50 split but my answer is always that I'm slim (In my experience people with larger BMI seem to take more basal) and I'm quite active so need low basal, and I eat a lot, so need more bolus! I eat around 200g carbs a day, which I know is quite high compared to some people. I have a lot of night time hypos so really wouldn't want to increase my basal to twice as much!

So my basal is 10.5U (8U morning, 2U night) and bolus around 30U.
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Basal is approx 13u. Bolus between 12 and 20 depending on the usual factors and how greedy I am
9.8u basal and 15.1u bolus yesterday.

Not unusual for me.
I have always been told that Hannah should be aiming for around a 50:50 split. If it goes far off this we reset all her settings on her pump and with minor tweaking it is usually about right.
None of my basal rates match the 'typical' pattern suggested by Roche LOL

Have therefore agreed to basal test to prove they're right (my basals not Roche) and we'll see, won't we? I volunteered to do that, I wasn't bullied into it - cos it's interesting. Except it's just a PITA doing it and I haven't started yet.

Must try harder LOL
Yesterday was 22.8 units of basal and 14.9 units of bolus - but I needed slightly more bolus than normal because the gastroparesis was playing up
Basal = 12 , Bolus between 10 - 14 depending on food and at 10 to 1 carb to ins ratio. As Ive lost weight and my diet has improved this has decreased dramatically... this time last year maybe a little before - Basal - 28, bolus 22 - 30
mmmmm, mine are wildly different, yesterday I had 115 units bolus and 40 basal units. Always knew I was weird! 😉
On the pump my total daily dose is around 50 units, with a split of 55% basal, 45% bolus.

I've always found on the pump that if I'm more than 60/40 or 40/60 things don't work well for me.

+1 to what Alison said.

Currently averaging approx 43% basal 57% bolus. It does wander about a bit, but outside of 60:40 in either direction usually suggests something is not right and it's basal-test time for me.

Diabetes in teenage years sounds *horrible* 😱

EDIT - forgot to add TDD. approx 31u on average over the last 7 days
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Over the last 60 days my average TDD has been 53.5, with a basal/bolus ratio of 52.5:47.5.

In that period I've had a couple of steroid injections which have pushed my insulin requirements way up for a week or so in each case, so for a 'normal' day my TDD is probably around 50.
30 day avg (same as 7 day).....TDD just over 15u with basal/bolus split of 64/36
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