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I got my first one done at tattoo world in trowbridge by a guy called Slug. Funny name but an excellent tattoo artist and friendly to boot. Tattoo world isn't there any more i don't think, but i think slug is now tattooing around chippenham somewhere.

I got my latest one at sharp practice in salisbury, not sure who by though, but again they were very good. Even if I was sat in the waiting room for 3 hours...😱

I've heard of Slug... and everything has been good.

Sharp practice was one option, but you never get to know who is doing the work and what they've done, I get the impression there aren't many 'freehand' (I think that's the term) who can work without the default transfers.
I've heard of Slug... and everything has been good.

Sharp practice was one option, but you never get to know who is doing the work and what they've done, I get the impression there aren't many 'freehand' (I think that's the term) who can work without the default transfers.

i think a lot of the sharp practice 'artists' are just the generic ones who can only work from transfers. As they're a big company they like to get as many people in and out as possible, which is a shame. Plus, they're a bit on the expensive side (thugh saying that, mine was ?20 due to the wait).

If you can find out whereabout slug is working now definitely go and see him, he's brilliant.
I get the impression there aren't many 'freehand' (I think that's the term) who can work without the default transfers.

I dont' know much about tattoos as, although I'd love a small one I'm too much of a coward!

However, referrign to what you say about default transfers - my son has a tattoo going all around his upper arm, which he designed himself, he took the hand drawn design in and the tattooist copied it onto a transfer (don't know how) and used that.

I'm vaguely considering one to replace my medic alert dog tag. Not sure if I really want to do it but some day I might well.

Been tempted for years to get something, something meaningful, but I've never settled on what!

Talking of location, I had a transfer one at a festival one year a scorpion on one side of my neck, lasted about 3-4 days had a skinhead too people did look at me differently!!

Still would like to if I ever decide on what it would be an easy decision.

In terms of this disease, I would just tell them and like Sam said have stuff for lows or highs
ho there i have 3 tattoos and the first 2 were done on same day i had to get aletter from diabetic clinic saying it was ok basicaly to have the tattoo..all they say is to make sure your levels are stable a week before and after which is quite hard for me..the 3rd one they didnt ask for a letter and i have to say every hting was fine and i realy looked after them no problems at all
ho there i have 3 tattoos and the first 2 were done on same day i had to get aletter from diabetic clinic saying it was ok basicaly to have the tattoo..all they say is to make sure your levels are stable a week before and after which is quite hard for me..the 3rd one they didnt ask for a letter and i have to say every hting was fine and i realy looked after them no problems at all

hmmm, iwas never ever told to make sure levels were stable a week before. Seems a tad in the extreme to me 🙂
Been tempted for years to get something, something meaningful, but I've never settled on what!

Talking of location, I had a transfer one at a festival one year a scorpion on one side of my neck, lasted about 3-4 days had a skinhead too people did look at me differently!!

Still would like to if I ever decide on what it would be an easy decision.

In terms of this disease, I would just tell them and like Sam said have stuff for lows or highs

Peoples perceived ideas about people when they look different amuse me, even something so simple as going from a goatee to a full beard makes some people react differently - takes all sorts. And before you ask they RUN when I'm clean shaven :D

I do prefer the intrigue of wondering if or what people have.

While I can happily stick many needles a day in me, I'm not too sure how happy I'd be having someone else do it, don't like them taking blood that much 🙄
While I can happily stick many needles a day in me, I'm not too sure how happy I'd be having someone else do it, don't like them taking blood that much 🙄

I have to say, I find the sensation of getting a tattoo very very relaxing. I don't find it hurts at all. If I were to describe it as anything it would be more akin to a cat scratching you

I have to say, I find the sensation of getting a tattoo very very relaxing. I don't find it hurts at all. If I were to describe it as anything it would be more akin to a cat scratching you


Hmmmm, thanks Sam, I'm not the best fan of cats BECAUSE they do scratch 😱

When I pluck up the courage, find someone to do it and get the artwork, then I'll report back, but I won't say how much it hurt 🙄

Do you think a full back piece is a little optimistic for a first timer? JOKE!
even something so simple as going from a goatee to a full beard makes some people react differently

I have that problem all the time...😛
lisa you cracked me up !!!
E would a full back tatoo of bruce be a little confusing for such an intelligent dog!:confused:

You ought to see him when there is a mirror or reflective surfice he's walking by. Worse if it's him and his big half sister!

Posers or what? 😱
Not to panic, it's nothing some bleach and a Black and Decker hedge trimmer cant fix! :D
i now have 6 tattoos, the most recent is a heartogram (google it) on the back of my neck that i got done on saturday. got little miss giggles on my shoulder (big mistake), butterfly on boobie, three stars on ankle, four stars on my foot and five stars across my back aka as a tramp stamp these days...

the only bad thing i had was a major hypo when i was getting my back done, i dont know if it was anything to do with the adrenalin or what but every other time has been fine... just make sure you really think about what you want, but thats just common sense, not just diabetic advice!!!

it IS addictive though, that buzzing sound!!! xxx
Yeah be absolutely certain what you want because you do have to live with them. Some can be covered, but if you're like I was at 22, had a couple of pints and think a solid black lizard on your leg would be faaabulous darling...take a week to think about it and go back if you still want it, instead of getting it there and then. I now have a 4" lizard that looks like it was drawn by a drugged toddler that cant be covered as it's literally all black.
Yeah be absolutely certain what you want because you do have to live with them. Some can be covered, but if you're like I was at 22, had a couple of pints and think a solid black lizard on your leg would be faaabulous darling...take a week to think about it and go back if you still want it, instead of getting it there and then. I now have a 4" lizard that looks like it was drawn by a drugged toddler that cant be covered as it's literally all black.

What with the bleach and the B&D hedge trimmer and now this, you paint one heck of a good picture 😱
Gee thanks. Inside this fat hirsuite ugly tattooed old saggy woman, there's a skinny beautiful woman screaming to get out! Beauty's on the inside, shame the Beast is on my outside 😛

Funny I was thinking of this thread when I saw a tattoo a bloke had had on his leg of a lady's face. Thing is, once his leg hair grows back, it's going to be the Bearded Lady. Just goes to show - think about placement as well as design!
Gee thanks. Inside this fat hirsuite ugly tattooed old saggy woman, there's a skinny beautiful woman screaming to get out! Beauty's on the inside, shame the Beast is on my outside 😛

Funny I was thinking of this thread when I saw a tattoo a bloke had had on his leg of a lady's face. Thing is, once his leg hair grows back, it's going to be the Bearded Lady. Just goes to show - think about placement as well as design!

Yes, there was a picture of a middle aged, balding chap with a stick man pushing a mower into the last remaining hair - I've see this tattoo before, but somewhere else (anatomically) and on a lady... I couldn't help but think when this guy looses this last remaining hair, what is he going to look like?

Nearly as good as a scouser many years ago with a dotted line around his neck and those famous words 'cut here' certainly my friend, what with? 🙄
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