Suggestions for new sections for forum?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Excellent idea Bev as always.

Can I make a suggestion though. The problem with just a thread is things get lost and people won't know where to find this.

Can I suggest that we have another title in the main general messageboard where it says parents, pregnancy, recipes etc that says Carbs.

Then in the carbs topic we have a few other headings for example :


Then if someone wants to know something about pasta they can go to the pasta tab and start a new thread or look up an old one.

Obviously we have to make it clear that it is not advice, it is just help. Helping about food is a great thing as it is so bloody complicated. We are not saying about how much insulin to give although we can assist with how to work out ratios and sensitivity factors as a starting point as the rules are the same accross the country.

We can just give info about what we know and what we know works for our kids or ourselves and others can try and from that work out what works for them?

I'll help with what I can. Just to let you know though, I am not a superhero, I have friends who know so much more than me. I can only tell you what I know from my experience.

Is that a good idea ? 🙂
Hi Adrienne, what you have suggested is good in principle, as it would make the various topics related to carbs more accessible. However, I know that Kati/Admin's main objective in designing the site was to keep it as simple as possible, and the addition of a new section with several sub-sections might go against what she would like.

How about this as an alternative: Threads with the titles you suggest can be started in the General Messageboard, but with the addition of the word 'Carbcounting' (all one word). You could then search for threads with this in it and it should bring up all the desired threads. Having it as all one word should mean that no other threads are found (except this one, probably!)

Just a suggestion to get the ball rolling, as it may be some time before Kati is able to put some thought to it and respond.
Its entirely up to you Northerner, its not my decision. I think it would be more complicated having it mixed up with the general messageboard as it is such a huge subject but as I say not my decision.

I'll help with whatever is decided.

I know that I don't bother going back over old stuff and am sure some others may be the same. If it was at my fingertips it would be much easier.

Just my thoughts.
Hi Adrienne, what you have suggested is good in principle, as it would make the various topics related to carbs more accessible. However, I know that Kati/Admin's main objective in designing the site was to keep it as simple as possible, and the addition of a new section with several sub-sections might go against what she would like.

How about this as an alternative: Threads with the titles you suggest can be started in the General Messageboard, but with the addition of the word 'Carbcounting' (all one word). You could then search for threads with this in it and it should bring up all the desired threads. Having it as all one word should mean that no other threads are found (except this one, probably!)

Just a suggestion to get the ball rolling, as it may be some time before Kati is able to put some thought to it and respond.

I do agree with Adrienne that this is a big area for a lot of us, can't something like the pumpers section be done - it will make for an easier to use resource in the long term, otherwise it's just going to be an almighty jumble under one thread. I don't think the title gets copied across when you reply to a post, so it's going to loose consistency very quickly.

Under it's own area then each topic would be it's own thread and far easier to search. This is one area that is likely to be used for future reference, perhaps more than any other area of the forum.

It should be done sooner rather than later. In my opinion it makes it the forum easier not more complex.
Thanks for your comments Adrienne and David - I will give it some thought. Any other opinions or ideas welcome!🙂
Thanks for your comments Adrienne and David - I will give it some thought. Any other opinions or ideas welcome!🙂

:D I have loads more opinions if you would like them !!! I could go on for ages (like normal). :D
:D I have loads more opinions if you would like them !!! I could go on for ages (like normal). :D

Your opinions are always welcome Adrienne, as are those of others! This forum has grown considerably over the past 12 months and it is inevitable that changes need to be made - it's just working out the best way to accomplish them without losing sight of, or undermining, the forum's strengths🙂
Your opinions are always welcome Adrienne, as are those of others! This forum has grown considerably over the past 12 months and it is inevitable that changes need to be made - it's just working out the best way to accomplish them without losing sight of, or undermining, the forum's strengths🙂

I was only joking Northerner. It is a great forum and set out brilliantly. Just new things are thought of and changes have to be made sometimes. No biggie 🙂
Your opinions are always welcome Adrienne, as are those of others! This forum has grown considerably over the past 12 months and it is inevitable that changes need to be made - it's just working out the best way to accomplish them without losing sight of, or undermining, the forum's strengths🙂

I think on a topic such as this, the strength can only be to have a dedicated area for it. The more I think about it (the more my brain hurts 🙄) the more it makes sense.

Given time I think it could be heavily resourced and utilised area of the forum.
I think on a topic such as this, the strength can only be to have a dedicated area for it. The more I think about it (the more my brain hurts 🙄) the more it makes sense.

Given time I think it could be heavily resourced and utilised area of the forum.

Agreed totally.

Anyone else got any views. Bev, what do you think, it was originally your idea ? 🙂
Agreed totally.

Anyone else got any views. Bev, what do you think, it was originally your idea ? 🙂

How do you know thinking makes my brain hurt? 😛

Yes Bev, where are you?
I think on a topic such as this, the strength can only be to have a dedicated area for it. The more I think about it (the more my brain hurts 🙄) the more it makes sense.

Given time I think it could be heavily resourced and utilised area of the forum.

Something I have been considering for a while is an 'Information' section. This would probably replace the 'In the News' section on the Main page. In the News would then become a sub-section of the Information board.

Infrmation could then include sub-sections for Carb and Carb Counting, Glossary, In the News, Blogs and Sites of Interest. Any more people can think of? Think I'll move these posts to a new thread!
Ooops! Sorry - just been bleaching the loo! Then making picnic to take A and friends up a big hill for snowboarding.

I think we do need a seperate section for carb related issues. A bit like the 'pumping' thread.

Personally when A was diagnosed the area of carb counting and food affects was a nightmare and if we could help a newly diagnosed aswell as those long standing D's - then that has to be a good thing?

I think sometimes when people have been diagnosed for a few years everyone assumes that they 'know' everything - but it seems clear to me that a little 'refresher' course is needed. I suspect its because the 'care' giver of the diabetic sometimes fails to pass on such important info or assumes that the person has taken it all in. I know i would love this section to be available for Alex if he felt the need in future to 'update' his info. I do try to go through things with him so he has the knowledge - but you never know how much they take in do you?

I also think it would be more detailed and helpful than a website because people like to realte personal experiences and you just cnat do that on a web designed carb course. I personally found it very boring and gave up quickly! I much prefer to hear personal experiences and practical info.🙂

I better go now as Alex is looking at me - he wants to play!🙂Bev

p.s. perhaps we could use the 'gallery' section as it seems unused.
Still think carb counting should be on its own and not even in information.

The theory is that every single person on insulin should be carb counting. If they are not then they have been let down by their team in a huge way. Even people on mixes can carb count, I have friends that have done it. So carb counting is one of the most important aspects of controlling blood sugar levels. Even people who have type 2 and on medication and/or diet would benefit from carb counting to an extent. I can guarantee that a person with type 2 on medication and doing some sort of carb counting would get better results pretty immediately.

I know you are resisting the urge to agree with me on this one Northerner but when I feel strongly about something I will try my hardest to get everyone to agree.

How easy would it be for Salmonpuff to log on one night when having pasta and instead of trawling through the search to be able to immediately go to the carb section and then to pasta. Its the same as if a parent wants to go to the parents tab or a pregnant lady or dad to be wants to go to the pregnant tab. Carbs should be there with them.

Ok I'll shut up now (for a while - supposed to be working 😱) and let you all get on with it.
How easy would it be for Salmonpuff to log on one night when having pasta and instead of trawling through the search to be able to immediately go to the carb section and then to pasta. Its the same as if a parent wants to go to the parents tab or a pregnant lady or dad to be wants to go to the pregnant tab. Carbs should be there with them.


That would make things sooooooo much easier :D If there's something there that i could go to straight away - cuz lets face it, carbs are stumping me right now - then it would make things much simpler and easier to find an answer.
Personally I think this should be a new section too. I think it would be alot more used than some of the current sections e.g. book recommendations and DVLA/driving.
I may be going against the consensus here but I would be reluctant to see new sections popping up on the boards. In my opinion it would confuse things. One thing why I like these boards over other forums I've been part of is that everything is,mostly, in one place so you see and participate in everything. I find when things are split up you don't tend to look at things that on the surface don't seem relevant, when the reality is that, particularly as conversations develop, they may become relevant both in sharing opinion and learning from others. I feel that people are more likely to participate when it's all together and potentially that feeling of the board could be lost if we divide things up furthef.
This makes my brain hurt with indecision, actually.

I know that I have to deliberately look at any other section than Pumping and General. And the reason I look at both is because they both come up on the same page. I have to *make*myself jump back one more to Parents etc, even though there are things on there which I know I would find useful or interesting.

It's deciding the layers of things which is perhaps as hard as anything?

I guess I do think carb counting should be separate -- I'd use it, contribute to it, and would have been grateful for it at the beginning certainly. We all frequently exchange views on various things to do with carb counting; having them in one place would be good.

However, for me it's about where the thread or section actually sits. I hang around the General Messageboard because the huge majority of my posts are on it, and it comes up whenever I view any thread I'm subscribing to...I'd probably lose track of Carb counting if I had to go elsewhere...?
Sorry, forgot to say Northerner that I think an Info section of some sort would be very good. This is a resource. I would have been glad of it.
I may be going against the consensus here but I would be reluctant to see new sections popping up on the boards. In my opinion it would confuse things. One thing why I like these boards over other forums I've been part of is that everything is,mostly, in one place so you see and participate in everything. I find when things are split up you don't tend to look at things that on the surface don't seem relevant, when the reality is that, particularly as conversations develop, they may become relevant both in sharing opinion and learning from others. I feel that people are more likely to participate when it's all together and potentially that feeling of the board could be lost if we divide things up furthef.

I think from a legacy perspective this part of the forum would end up being more widely used than anywhere else.

To have it as one huge jumble under one thread will go completely against the concept of making it easy to use. It would end up with so many repeat posts, a lot I guess about pizza, where if there was a thread for pizza and someone opened a new thread for pizza the new thread could be moved to the old thread, the poster then has access to all the previous informaion and probably the answer.

There is a lot of lazy posting, not wrong, but people if they searched more could probably find the answer or a thread that was heading along to it. Very rarely do old threads come to the surface with someone picking up on something and wanting more information.

I think DVLA is an important area for many people to quickly access. Books and recipes could easily head into the proposed information section as they are rarely ammended. The same could be true of exercise, but I think it's actually an important area.

Perhaps rather than just carb counting we could embrace everyone and have it as diet?
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