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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I got a call from my DN this week to say that as repeat liver function tests had come back normal they want me on statins. This was unexpected as I'm 2 months type 2 diagnosed now and these havent been mentioned.

My cholesterol is fine but I got told everyone over 40 with type 2 should take them as our blood is more sticky and there is more risk of a hear attack.

I've been reading up and it sounds like statins are pretty serious medication with a lot of side effects. I'm really apprehensive about taking them. Since been diagnosed I've gone from no medication to metformin and anti depressants so I'm reluctant to take a third.

Just wondered if everyone else with type 2 is on statins and how they find them?
They started me on them when diagnosed T2 in November 2020 but my cholesterol was up,
have recently stopped taking them they gave me mad dreams & memory loss. My cholesterol is good now due to good diet and weight loss so having private test to see if stopping has raised them again. DR did advice it was best not to stop but like you, I also take a high dose of Venlafaxine for mood/Anxiety so pills were adding up. My advice would be see how you get on with them if my cholesterol results show it's up then I would go straight back on them.
They started me on them when diagnosed T2 in November 2020 but my cholesterol was up,
have recently stopped taking them they gave me mad dreams & memory loss. My cholesterol is good now due to good diet and weight loss so having private test to see if stopping has raised them again. DR did advice it was best not to stop but like you, I also take a high dose of Venlafaxine for mood/Anxiety so pills were adding up. My advice would be see how you get on with them if my cholesterol results show it's up then I would go straight back on them.
Thanks. My cholesterol was ok so I'm struggling to understand why. It feels like they are just throwing pills at me as I asked if I can get off metformin too if I get myself under control and they said new advice is to stay on metformin regardless
I was on statins with no side effects but I had blood tests and became pre diabetic which rose to 49.
Doctor agreed to come of them for 6 months..tested again 40 yes cholesterol was up a bit but not prescribed statins.
Trying to control both with diet and exercise
Doctors told me they automatically put everyone pre or diabetic on statins
Thanks. My cholesterol was ok so I'm struggling to understand why. It feels like they are just throwing pills at me as I asked if I can get off metformin too if I get myself under control and they said new advice is to stay on metformin regardless
Did they say why you need to stay on metformin surely if you want to get into remission .my GP has reduce my Met Formin to one a day for three months then I will have my next HBA1C and then that will be reviewed
You could use plant sterols insteal (odd name but they are a plant based statin). No known side effects at all. I use them no problem. I refused the GP statins because I didn't want to risk the possible side effects.
I really believe the statins pushed my blood sugars up
Did they say why you need to stay on metformin surely if you want to get into remission .my GP has reduce my Met Formin to one a day for three months then I will have my next HBA1C and then that will be reviewed
Yes she rung me to put me on statins and discuss a diabetic training conference she had been on. She mentioned that for first 5 years at least I have to stay on metformin a higher dose then can drop but I'll always be on it and she also mentioned they think covid caused my diabetes. Now the jury is out on that and I dont know what to believe but she said a lot of new research and reports have been done and mine developed almost instantly after covid and apart from a genetic link to grandparents with it I dont have any risk factors. It doesnt matter how I've got it as I'm stuck with it I just wish they would give consistent advice as I'd been keen to get off metformin asap and am working really hard but she was saying I'll always be on it as the advice now is to stay on it forever. I just dont know what to think
I had a good chat with my gp all about statins. I e been on them for over a year now. My cholesterol wasn't high at 4.6, it's now 2.4. I've experienced no noticeable side effects.
Odd to be told you must always take Metformin I was taken off after last test as I can control my BG with diet & exercise maybe not forever but for now anyway if you get control of your BG why would you need them ?.
Due to the effect Statins had on my muscles and pain on my arms and legs I came off s
them after a year and noticed the difference almost over night. For more than 30 years my cholesterol has never gone above 5, at one time the British Heart Foundation recommended no higher than 6, so I was fine.

It is true that if you have type2 they prefer you to be under 5. Incidentally, I have only had type2 since 2016.
Hi. It sounds like you haven't had the best advice from the DN etc. Statins are not a diabetes drug and shouldn't be prescribed unless there is an indication that your lipids ratios are not good i.e. LDL, HDL etc and not the Total figure. Statins can be harmful and you shouldn't let your total cholesterol when on them go much below 4 as the body/brain needs cholesterol for repairs. Your blood as a diabetic will only be 'sticky' if your BS is not under good control. Make sure you have a full lipids 'panel' at your next blood test and make it a fasting test. Look at the various ratios in the results. If you don't have online access ask the surgery to give you access at the Test Result level.
I had side effects from the Atorvastatin and Metformin, so badly that I will not take them voluntarily ever again.
My sister is really sad about the changes in her husband since he was put onto a statin for no reason other than it was the policy to do so.
He sits and stares at the TV all day, but can't remember what he's seen, and can't hold a conversation. My sister organises holidays when allowed, but his driving is deteriorating and he gets lost easily, also he can't react to sudden problems on the road. He used to be a bus driver and won awards for safety and good judgement so my sister is sure it is the tablets, but the subject can't be mentioned at home.
I had side effects from the Atorvastatin and Metformin, so badly that I will not take them voluntarily ever again.
My sister is really sad about the changes in her husband since he was put onto a statin for no reason other than it was the policy to do so.
He sits and stares at the TV all day, but can't remember what he's seen, and can't hold a conversation. My sister organises holidays when allowed, but his driving is deteriorating and he gets lost easily, also he can't react to sudden problems on the road. He used to be a bus driver and won awards for safety and good judgement so my sister is sure it is the tablets, but the subject can't be mentioned at home.
That sounds horrendous. They don't sound a good drug at all.
Due to the effect Statins had on my muscles and pain on my arms and legs I came off s
them after a year and noticed the difference almost over night. For more than 30 years my cholesterol has never gone above 5, at one time the British Heart Foundation recommended no higher than 6, so I was fine.

It is true that if you have type2 they prefer you to be under 5. Incidentally, I have only had type2 since 2016.
They had the same effect on me my cholesterol was below 5 when I questioned this I never got an answer so I stopped taking them
I got a call from my DN this week to say that as repeat liver function tests had come back normal they want me on statins. This was unexpected as I'm 2 months type 2 diagnosed now and these havent been mentioned.

My cholesterol is fine but I got told everyone over 40 with type 2 should take them as our blood is more sticky and there is more risk of a hear attack.

I've been reading up and it sounds like statins are pretty serious medication with a lot of side effects. I'm really apprehensive about taking them. Since been diagnosed I've gone from no medication to metformin and anti depressants so I'm reluctant to take a third.

Just wondered if everyone else with type 2 is on statins and how they find them?
Hi Jo121

Sorry to hear your news. It's a real shock to be told your diagnosis.

I am on Metformin and statins too, like yourself in one hit, so to speak.

Although worrying to take such medication from nothing, it really hasn't affected me ( side effects wise ) although had a runny tummy after the first week of taking the medication, but I think that was my stomach getting used to Metformin, rather than statins. All ok now though.

We are all different though but statins hasn't caused me big side effects *touching wood* as yet.

I really hope you will be ok on them also
The vast majority of folk taking statins have no side effects at all. I didn’t. And it’s always the same few responders to this question who comment negatively when this question is asked.

That indicates that side effects are rare. And at least one peer reviewed double blind study showed that as many people on placebo got muscle pains and other known side effects as did those taking the statin. I think that muscle pains became a popular side effect because it is known that statins in high doses can cause a very rare, and very severe condition called rhabdomyolisis, which is potentially fatal, and can only be treated in hospital, so that gets a mention in the data sheet.

Simple aches and pains in muscles are part of being human, and happen all the time, so if you concentrate on them you will notice them. Your brain usually dismisses them.

So if you want to join the happy millions who take statins without a problem, go ahead. They do reduce the chance of getting heart problems, but whether you would get heart problems if you don’t take them is a moot point.

One final point - Alcohol potentially has more side effects that are potentially fatal than any statins. Acute pancreatitis (25% death rate), liver problems, falling downstairs, depression, impotence are but a few. And I bet most people ignore those completely sipping their glass or three of wine.
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