Statin thoughts……

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Hi all,
scared to take statins, scared NOT to take statins.

4.12.23 20.3.24
TL 7.5. 7.1
LDL. 4.85. 4.46
Triglycerides 2.77. 2.6
Ratio. 5.6. 5.00
Non HDL. 6.11. 5.65
HDL. 1.35. 1.41

I have been on 50mg of Sertraline for some time and know it causes an increase in cholesterol. I know it’s too high but could try harder to cut down on cheese, red meat, full fat yoghurt and butter. I eat an otherwise healthy diet with occasional treats like chocolate. HbA1c was 48 three months ago brought down from 53. Really don’t want to take them, but don’t want to be stupid about it either. Just don’t know what to do!
I have negative feelings about statins but after a lot of trial and error I am now on a non statin pill which seems to agree with me OK
I have taken statins for a few years and at first they gave me muscle cramp. I was advised by a heart surgeon to lower the dose and I am now on the lowest dose. There are differences of opinion on statins but your doctor should advise you.
If you take a low dose you are half in half out!
I have taken statins for a few years and at first they gave me muscle cramp. I was advised by a heart surgeon to lower the dose and I am now on the lowest dose. There are differences of opinion on statins but your doctor should advise you.
If you take a low dose you are half in half out!
I think there’s a difference of opinion even among doctors. I think offering them is automatic if you are at a certain level. Glad you’ve found one that works for you without giving you muscle cramps.
Hi all,
scared to take statins, scared NOT to take statins.

4.12.23 20.3.24
TL 7.5. 7.1
LDL. 4.85. 4.46
Triglycerides 2.77. 2.6
Ratio. 5.6. 5.00
Non HDL. 6.11. 5.65
HDL. 1.35. 1.41

I have been on 50mg of Sertraline for some time and know it causes an increase in cholesterol. I know it’s too high but could try harder to cut down on cheese, red meat, full fat yoghurt and butter. I eat an otherwise healthy diet with occasional treats like chocolate. HbA1c was 48 three months ago brought down from 53. Really don’t want to take them, but don’t want to be stupid about it either. Just don’t know what to do!
When I was diagnosed with type 2 last June, my Hb1Ac was 108, I was put straight on Metformin and Gliclazide and within 2 weeks, I was asked if I wanted to take Atorvastatin to control my Cholesterol and I said yes, no side effects. The Gliclazide was swapped to Empagliflozin in September. In February of this year my Hb1Ac was 47 and I was taken off Metformin due to it causing chronic diarrhoea, they had tried slow release Metformin but It caused the same symptoms and the statin removed from my prescription as both my good and bad Cholesterol had returned back to normal levels. Cholesterol changes constantly some doctors put their patients onto statins in the blink of an eye while others recommend dietary and lifestyle changes and redo bloods every 3 months.
My diet changed from day 1 of being diagnosed and I do have the occasional treat now and then I am happy I helped myself, changing my diet and lifestyle helped my Cholesterol come down.
mine was upped from 20mg to 40mg pretty certain it is now causing leg pains each day so going to halt and ask for the dose to be reduced back down not having this going on each day. not just that my levels were all ways in targets just the NHS setting lower goals all the time! they will have us all eating grass soon.🙂
When I was diagnosed with type 2 last June, my Hb1Ac was 108, I was put straight on Metformin and Gliclazide and within 2 weeks, I was asked if I wanted to take Atorvastatin to control my Cholesterol and I said yes, no side effects. The Gliclazide was swapped to Empagliflozin in September. In February of this year my Hb1Ac was 47 and I was taken off Metformin due to it causing chronic diarrhoea, they had tried slow release Metformin but It caused the same symptoms and the statin removed from my prescription as both my good and bad Cholesterol had returned back to normal levels. Cholesterol changes constantly some doctors put their patients onto statins in the blink of an eye while others recommend dietary and lifestyle changes and redo bloods every 3 months.
My diet changed from day 1 of being diagnosed and I do have the occasional treat now and then I am happy I helped myself, changing my diet and lifestyle helped my Cholesterol come down.
Well done on changing your diet. When I look at all the recommendations for what to eat to lower cholesterol it is all the things I’m eating.
mine was upped from 20mg to 40mg pretty certain it is now causing leg pains each day so going to halt and ask for the dose to be reduced back down not having this going on each day. not just that my levels were all ways in targets just the NHS setting lower goals all the time! they will have us all eating grass soon.🙂
I agree. They seem to move the goalposts no matter how hard you try.
now on day 3 of halting and sure enough leg pains starting to settle and memory feeling more like myself. why oh why is this stuff acting like this when it should be helping us?
now on day 3 of halting and sure enough leg pains starting to settle and memory feeling more like myself. why oh why is this stuff acting like this when it should be helping us?
Glad things are settling, but what do you do now?
I have taken statins since diagnosis 16 years ago with no side effects. Brought levels down from 7.5 to below 5.
I have just been taken off Statins, they worked wonders with my cholestrol and trigs but played havoc with my liver enzymes. GP wants to wait until my liver is normalised and then to see what to do. I had no other side effects . I am loathe to go on a Statin merry-go-round, he mentioned a cholestrol lowering drug called ezitimbe (I think) that works on food, which might be a better option for be. Time will tell.
I have just been taken off Statins, they worked wonders with my cholestrol and trigs but played havoc with my liver enzymes. GP wants to wait until my liver is normalised and then to see what to do. I had no other side effects . I am loathe to go on a Statin merry-go-round, he mentioned a cholestrol lowering drug called ezitimbe (I think) that works on food, which might be a better option for be. Time will tell.
Many experts in the field seem to be recommending low intensity statin + ezetimibe as first line treatment now. Versus high intensity statin, generally delivers the same or superior LDL-C / apoB reduction with lower side effect risk.
got an appt so will ask for the dosage to be reduced back down not even sure why it was banged up as bloods were within limits just NHS setting target levels lower and lower till we all eat grass in fields 😛 teadance
my partner sadly now gone from the covid era was on statins for endless years i honestly had my missigivings about the use of them as my partner had 3 heart attacks and then left sided stroke! 5 stents and another heart attack.
Many experts in the field seem to be recommending low intensity statin + ezetimibe as first line treatment now. Versus high intensity statin, generally delivers the same or superior LDL-C / apoB reduction with lower side effect risk.
I had read about that option. Will see and listen to what GP suggests, but he is keen for me to waiit a while.
I have just been taken off Statins, they worked wonders with my cholestrol and trigs but played havoc with my liver enzymes. GP wants to wait until my liver is normalised and then to see what to do. I had no other side effects . I am loathe to go on a Statin merry-go-round, he mentioned a cholestrol lowering drug called ezitimbe (I think) that works on food, which might be a better option for be. Time will tell.
Hope liver enzymes settle down. I agree, a statin merry-go-round doesn’t sound like much fun.
Many experts in the field seem to be recommending low intensity statin + ezetimibe as first line treatment now. Versus high intensity statin, generally delivers the same or superior LDL-C / apoB reduction with lower side effect risk.
Interesting. Not something I’d heard of.
my partner sadly now gone from the covid era was on statins for endless years i honestly had my missigivings about the use of them as my partner had 3 heart attacks and then left sided stroke! 5 stents and another heart attack.
So sorry to hear that. What a lot to have to go through.
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