Starting a new weight loss effort with almost 100kg of excess weight to lose!

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Hi all, weekly update

Week 3 stats:

Weight: 174.3kg (-2.3kg)
BMI: 55.0 (-0.7)
Excess weight remaining: 95.3kg

I am finding it easier and easier to stick to my plan of eating. And the scales this week are a good motivator! I think a decent chunk of it is last weeks fat loss too, and its only shown up this week because all my congestion and illness has passed and I'm retaining less water.
Feeling good!
Oh well done - reduced bA1c and reducing weight too!!

I play melodeon with various sides down here in Poole, now that Anonymous morris have another drummer. I play for longsword, maypole, Anonymous is border, and I used to play for a Cotswold ladies side before lockdown but they have amalgamated with the men's side as numbers have dropped. There was a dance band, but we lost our bass player and the sound equipment during lockdown.
I play melodeon with various sides down here in Poole, now that Anonymous morris have another drummer. I play for longsword, maypole, Anonymous is border, and I used to play for a Cotswold ladies side before lockdown but they have amalgamated with the men's side as numbers have dropped. There was a dance band, but we lost our bass player and the sound equipment during lockdown.
Oh cool! I'm a singer & harper in Worcestershire 🙂 I do a lot of work songs, shanties and story ballads, involved with a few groups and the local folk circuit.
Oh cool! I'm a singer & harper in Worcestershire 🙂 I do a lot of work songs, shanties and story ballads, involved with a few groups and the local folk circuit.
Oh wow - harps are so amazing.
I have a collection of over 300 songs which I started back in 1969. I used to sail a tiny yacht and funded it and my motorbike singing in the evenings and collecting in pubs in Southsea and Portsmouth, our repertoires probably overlap quite a bit.
Many congratulations on last weeks progress. Great to hear that you are finding it a bit easier now. Onwards and downwards.
An extra little update - have had to have my meds decreased as my blood sugars were consistently at about 4.1 mmol/l in the evening which with gliclazide is a bit low. This is a big win for me!
I don't see my diabetes nurse til the beginning of April unfortunately but will find out more about the plan going forward then.
Hi all,

Missed last week as have been very ill with bacterial chest infection! Seems to have mostly cleared up now with a 2nd round of antibiotics. I've just filled in that missed week on my spreadsheet with the previous weeks info as if I had weighed in with no change.

This week is technically week 5!

Weight: 173.3kg (-1kg)
BMI: 54.7 (-0.3)
Excess weight remaining: 94.3kg
Hi all,

Missed last week as have been very ill with bacterial chest infection! Seems to have mostly cleared up now with a 2nd round of antibiotics. I've just filled in that missed week on my spreadsheet with the previous weeks info as if I had weighed in with no change.

This week is technically week 5!

Weight: 173.3kg (-1kg)
BMI: 54.7 (-0.3)
Excess weight remaining: 94.3kg
Well done
Can i ask if anyone has had the lemon bottle injections (fat dissolver) I’d like it in my chin where I couldn’t lose weight no matter how hard I try!
But clinic won’t ok it because no trials
Week 6 stats:
Weight: 171.4kg (-1.9kg)
BMI: 54.1 (-0.6)
Excess weight remaining: 92.4kg

Going well 🙂 Losing on avg. 1kg per week which is my goal.
Well done!
Hi all,

Week 7 is no different from the week before! I maintained exactly the same weight.
My diabetes nurse has recommended I start taking Rybelsus to replace Gliclazide. I have mixed feelings as Ozempic didn't suit me and Rybelsus is another form of the same drug (semaglutide) but I am certainly willing to try.

Thought I might pop in my weight loss graph here just for anyone who may be interested:
The blue line is my actual weight, the orange line is 1kg loss per week (roughly the guideline for where I want to be at the moment but I'm not too stressed about it as long as my weight is the same or reduced week by week).
Week 8 stats:
Weight: 169.6kg (-1.8kg)
BMI: 53.5 (-0.6)
Excess weight remaining: 90.6kg
Oops... let things slip a bit. I've stayed mostly 'on plan' but let tracking & weighing in float away with the wind!
I signed up to a gym yesterday that's a tiny walk from my front door and I'm hoping to start swimming (with the added treat of jacuzzi and steam room afterwards 😛 ) and treadmill walking for about 45 mins most days (I was watching something about insulin sensitivity and low-intensity daily exercise and it inspired me). I did a 30 min home workout in preparation today - couldn't go into the gym yet as my induction isn't til tomorrow.
Weigh in day is tomorrow - I'm a bit nervous that there will have been a significant change without me noticing but whatever has happened has happened and I can only go forward!
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