smoking and diabetes

who does what

  • smokes

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • gave up since diagnosis

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • never have smoked

    Votes: 27 84.4%
  • partner smokes around them.

    Votes: 1 3.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Yikes, Northerner, I just read that and thought of Alan Carr. The idea of him giving me any advice would be enough for me to want to pummel him with something!

Yes, Alan doesn't really fit the picture of an anti-amoking guru!😱:D
Have never smoked. It has played a part in the deaths of 3 of my grandparents. Never met either of my grandfathers.
I smoked like a trooper back at Uni, and during my sealed knot days. Now I very rarely light up. And consider myself to have given up. I will admit I had one today though...and I feel very guilty about it. I like the smell of a cigarette but not the staleness.

I now need to punish myself for that ciggy today. I feel very very guilty.
I don't smoke and have only done so a handful of times ever. my partner does smoke, but not in the flat and rarely after returning home at night.
I've never smoked, mainly because I was always aware of my mum trying to get my dad to stop before it killed him! My dad smoked loads and although he was usually banished upstairs to the attic to smoke by mum (a nurse who hated smoking!) the house always smelt stale. If he smoked downstairs when I was in bed as a kid I was really scared the house was on fire! (seriously scary primary school fire safety film scarred me for life!). In the end he had a heart attack (probably due to smoking) on his 57th birthday! He was incredibly lucky in that he actually arrested in A&E, where they were able to sort him out (by all accounts took a fair bit of work though...) He more or less went cold turkey then and as far as I know hasn't smoked since!

I really resent having to breath in second hand smoke, especially now I'm pregnant - I take the view that by all means poison yourself, but don't inflict it on me!! 😱 Just my opinion...that said, in case of conflict / post trauma fair enough, I'm thinking about all those muppets stood outside the LRI in earshot of the audible warning & in front of the massive signs reading "Smoking is illegal on this site"! I have to walk past them every time to get to the antenatal clinic & it really winds me up...
I smoked for 50 years, then on 1st December 2005 I decided to pack it in and went cold turkey, then on the 5th December 2005, I was rushed into hospital and diagnosed with diabetes. I was in there for 15 days and could'nt smoke anyway, so it worked out well, I have not smoked or been tempted since.
In my youth I was what used to be called a 'social smoker', (or, as someone once said to me, more like an 'anti-social' smoker!) ie only when I was out, or sometimes at work. I gave up when I was expecting my daughter 27 years ago, and smoked off and on in between then and now. I was smoking (socially) when I miscarried my 3rd child (well, not actually right at that moment), and always felt so guilty, although I was told that wasn't the reason for the miscarriage.

Gave up for years after that, although in the last few years, took it up again ( I really DO enjoy it!) on nights out or weekends spent with my sister. We both gave it up at the beginning of the year after she became really ill, had suspected lung cancer, which turned out to be only (only!!) double pneumonia and pleurisy. Obviously I'm glad about that (giving up, not me sister nearly croaking!!) now with the diabetes.

Funny thing is, I could chain smoke all night, and then not have another one for 2 or 3 weeks, and not even want one. Fancy one now and then, especially if I'm out, but never actually crave one. For some reason, I never found cigarettes addictive. Another funny thing, is hubby smokes and I can't STAND it!! I hate other people's smoking smell!! Guess that makes me a hypocrite!!

thank you all for doing my poll and answering , i just thought it would create an intresting topic as we dont often cover smoking alot ,more booze
I dont fit into any of the categories either! I started smoking at about 16 and smoked until 3 years ago (about 15 years). So started and stopped as a diabetic and that didnt really come into it... Pretty stupid really - I can still hear my Mum saying now that surely I have got enough potential problems with the D without adding to them with smoking blah blah blah. She was right of course, but did not want to hear that at the time. I used to long to be able to be a social smoker like Helen P but I have always been an all or nothing kind of girl, and since giving up 3 years ago would not want to have one now as I know I would be back chugging away again full time! My other half smokes though (out in the conservatory) and strangely it does not bother me.. although I do enjoy winding him up and pretending it does ... yes I am evil!

hahaha when i first read the title i mistook the word poll...for pot...and thought ohhhhh have they found a miracle cure!!😱:D:D
An emergency? I'm trying to imagine an emergency that could be dealt with by smoking... Umm, nope, nothing comes to mind. I'm a militant ex-smoker (they do say there's nothing worse than a convert), anyone who wants to smoke around me can go do it outside and I don't care if it's 40 below with a force 10 gale and a blizzard out there.

One Christmas Eve a rather disraught friend turned up after her partner had been involved in a fatal accident and they wouldn't let her go to the hospital in the ambulance because she was in such a state of distress and was getting in everyones way. The smoking calmed her down enough to allow my partner to phone the hospital on her behalf and get more information.
One Christmas Eve a rather disraught friend turned up after her partner had been involved in a fatal accident and they wouldn't let her go to the hospital in the ambulance because she was in such a state of distress and was getting in everyones way. The smoking calmed her down enough to allow my partner to phone the hospital on her behalf and get more information.

I can see that a smoke can calm some one down I think in a stressful situation.these days i take deep breathes 🙂
The poll does no really have a slot for me. Being diagnosed as a younster I have taken it up and given it up twice since diagnosis. First at 16/17 - my motorcycle years and then at about 25. The first time was for about a year, the second six months. I would always advise people not to smoke having seen so many people die as a result. Diabetes seems to cause the onset of problems years earlier. In one eighteen month period I lost three friends (two were diabetic) to smoking - none was that old. However at the end of the day I still think it is a free country and it is up to individual choice. I would rather have smoking/none-smoking pubs that smoking binge drinkers blocking the pavement as you get in parts of central London!
sorry falcon i have found a few have said a slot was not there for them , it was my first poll so plz forgive a few teething trubs :D:D
I gave up on 16th July.....:D

I could still murder one now after 4 months....😱
I gave up on 16th July.....:D

I could still murder one now after 4 months....😱

Stick with it Tez, it takes a good while but it's worth it.
Never smoked - grew up in a house where my mum smoked like a lum (chimney..) and I absolutely hated the smell.

Hubby smokes cigars after giving up cigarettes many years ago but has always been under strict instructions to smoke outside, even if it is chucking it down with rain/snow/whatever. I haven't survived breast cancer to succumb to lung cancer through second hand smoke..

I guess I'm a bit of a militant too....
I gave up smoking 21 years ago. Don't miss it at all, especially the smell on your clothes and getting sore throats alot.
I gave up smoking 21 years ago. Don't miss it at all, especially the smell on your clothes and getting sore throats alot.

When I was a smoker I never understood what people were complaining about, but once I stopped things start to smell completely different - I was astounded to discover that my girlfriend had been right all along!😱🙂
When I was a smoker I never understood what people were complaining about, but once I stopped things start to smell completely different - I was astounded to discover that my girlfriend had been right all along!😱🙂

I hope you didn't tell her this directly!!!😱
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