Slightly troubling news.

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Well hopefully this will be the final update on this thread. I've had a CT scan and I'm awaiting a report on the results from the consultant. meanwhile I have been staying generally fit by lifting weights in the gym, cycling to work early and doing a 10k run before work, and swimming. I'm now having very few problems and I'm finally getting to the point where I'm not having to hold back in case I do. I've been trying to get my 1500 metre swim time down to forty minutes for the first time (OK I'm not Michael Phelps but it's a good time for me), and at my last attempt missed by only twenty seconds. The real proof of the pudding was this weekend when I ran forty miles at the Endure 24 Ultra Marathon at Bramham Park near Leeds. My wife Liz and I ran as a pair under the heading 'Little Short Legs & Chrome Dome' and managed to clock up 65 miles between us. The course was what you would describe as undulating and I was able to run up the hills without problems. Having managed to do this without specifically training for it, I have penciled in Endure 24 as my 'A' race for 2019. The plan is to go solo and try for the 100 mile tee shirt.
I have now had a letter from the cardiologist, CCed to my GP, detailing the results of my CT Scan. It showed 'no coronary heart disease, no non-cardiac pathological findings'. The letter says that I have now been discharged from the cardiology clinic as 'the problem is most probably non-cardiac in nature'.

Whatever it was it seems to be clearing up now anyway. The odd feeling that I used to get before the attacks of feeling faint is more or less gone. The feeling was difficult to describe, even to myself, and so now I don't even know whether I'm imagining it. I am now training fairly hard without having any problems so hopefully I'm now over it. I will be running the Grimsby 10K tomorrow and seeing if I can get anywhere near the PB that I set for this distance in May 2017. This was 47:40 and will require 1K splits inside 4:46 to beat it. I don't expect to better the time as I'm still not fully run fit but you never know.
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Ah, Chris, that's great news. I've just read through this whole chain, and i'm so glad it's positive at the end. You are an inspiration.
"You are an inspiration."
Thanks Caroline, people keep telling me this and I don't quite understand it. I seem to be a natural exercise junkie so doing lots of exercise isn't difficult for me. As you will have gathered from reading this thread, I found it more difficult to deal with the frustration of not being able to train as much as I wanted to. I wrote a piece about being an inspiration which can be found here:
Further to my gradual recovery, I did the East Hull parkrun today and got a reasonable result. Time 22:10 position 42/384. This is just 28 seconds down on my PB which I set on the 1st of April 2017 when I was sixteen months younger. My new sports watch automatically gives out 1K splits which has allowed me to assess how good I am at pacing, surprisingly good as it turns out. I did every one of the first four kilometers just a few seconds either side of 4:30. I speeded up on the last kilometer to empty the tank and so that one was slightly quicker. I still felt just slightly faint as I walked back to the car, showing that the problem still hasn't completely gone away, nevertheless it is hardly an issue now. The other good thing about having set such a good time was that, just as I got into the car to drive home, it absolutely hosed it down with rain.
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Further to my gradual recovery, I did the East Hull parkrun today and got a reasonable result. Time 22:10 position 42/384. This is just 28 seconds down on my PB which I set on the 1st of April 2017 when I was sixteen months younger. My new sports watch automatically gives out 1K splits which has allowed me to assess how good I am at pacing, surprisingly good as it turns out. I did the first every one of the first four kilometers just a few seconds either side of 4:30. I speeded up on the last kilometer to empty the tank and so that one was slightly quicker. I still felt just slightly faint as I walked back to the car, showing that the problem still hasn't completely gone away, nevertheless it is hardly an issue now. The other good thing about having set such a good time was that, just as I got into the car to drive home, it absolutely hosed it down with rain.
That's a terrific time Chris! 🙂
Not bad for an old git like me. The first place time is usually around sixteen minutes.
Well, a while ago I thought that I was posting my last update on this thread but new developments keep occurring. As it has done in the past, my fainting problem returned one morning while I was doing an early morning bike ride before work. This is the second time that this thing seems to have cleared up and has then returned. It does seem to be gradually improving as it isn't as bad as it was. For the time being I am back to training at a fairly low intensity so that it doesn't happen again. I don't know if it was significant that the night prior to this event my evening meal was a salad with hardly any carbs in it. One thing that I have been doing while exercising is checking my pulse, stick finger in neck, count for six seconds, multiply by ten. My resting heart rate is about 60 BPM which I'm told is pretty good for someone of my age. Swimming at a moderate pace brings it up to about 120 BPM but I find that, along with the elevated heart rate, I start getting missed beats. I can feel a regular pulse but every so often there is one missing. I have gone back to the doctor and described the current situation pretty much as described above. I was surprised to be told that the missing beat thing is actually very common and is nothing at all to worry about. Meanwhile I don't have any major events to train for just now so I can take it a little steady. I've sort of come to terms with not knowing whether I am now stuck with this thing for good and will just have to work around it, or whether it will continue to gradually get better.
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