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Got some of these to try tonight x

I would suggest either sticking with the amitriptyline and asking your doctor for a slightly higher dose or ......stopping the amitriptyline and trying something else

I wouldn't advise chopping and changing tablets and just because you can buy sleeping tablets from the chemist it doesn't mean you won't become dependent on them

I would suggest speaking to a doctor or nurse about this

Take care
Am still not sleeping, got to get up in less than an hour to try and get appointment at doctors and i haven't even been to sleep yet. Am so tired and nothing is working, had a little cry earlier as all i want to do is get a good nights sleep, most i am getting is a couple of hours no matter what time i go to bed, hopefully the doctor can suggest something else x
I have recently been prescribed low dose Amitriptiline to manage pain. I have been told that it can take about 8 days before you notice the benefit. It might be worth trying this for a little while. I was also told that it can make people feel a bit groggy so it is a case of looking at the pros and cons. For me it is worth getting some sleep to make it easier to manage the pain during the day.
I have recently been prescribed low dose Amitriptiline to manage pain. I have been told that it can take about 8 days before you notice the benefit. It might be worth trying this for a little while. I was also told that it can make people feel a bit groggy so it is a case of looking at the pros and cons. For me it is worth getting some sleep to make it easier to manage the pain during the day.
Just been to doctors and he has upped the dosage to 2 tablets, said you can take up to 5 but as i am only little as lost so much weight due to my diabetes that it would be too much. I have gabapentin for the nerve pain in my feet and that seems to be working really well x
Just been to doctors and he has upped the dosage to 2 tablets, said you can take up to 5 but as i am only little as lost so much weight due to my diabetes that it would be too much. I have gabapentin for the nerve pain in my feet and that seems to be working really well x

Are you on medication for anxiety and depression ?

Have you seen a doctor about this ?
Am seeing the doctor today hopefully as need him to do me another sick note and order the right testing strips, but my sleep is even worse now so going to ask him about some sleeping tablets as only getting 1-2 hours sleep a night at the moment. I am now on gabapentin to stop my feet playing up at night and that seems to be helping, it is just the not sleeping i need to sort out x
Hi has your sleep been off since the gabapentin,because some medications can cause insomnia.
Doctor gave me amitriptyline to help my sleeping but just picked it up from the chemist and looked it up and says it is an anti depressant, not sure if that will help my sleep and i am.not depressed so don't know what that is about ? X
They use it off label for sleep, I don’t think I would take it.
Doctor gave me amitriptyline to help my sleeping but just picked it up from the chemist and looked it up and says it is an anti depressant, not sure if that will help my sleep and i am.not depressed so don't know what that is about ? X
Ya I don’t know why he would prescribe this, I would t take it. I’m having a hard time getting off medications that I should have never been on. It’s made my life hell. One an antidepressant way to many side effects, and one an anti anxiety med. that I wasn’t informed that a person can become dependant on, and only suppose to be taking for up to 2 to 4 weeks if I was told this from my doctor I would of never ever taken it. I had terrible anxiety when I was diagnosed with diabetes, was very scared, and overwhelmed.
@Craftygal. I see you are posting from Canada. No problem, I only mention it because we are a UK based forum and because protocols on use of drugs vary from country to country and our members (mostly UK residents) might want to take this into account when replying to your posts.
@Craftygal. I see you are posting from Canada. No problem, I only mention it because we are a UK based forum and because protocols on use of drugs vary from country to country and our members (mostly UK residents) might want to take this into account when replying to your posts.
Sorry did I say something wrong, Im just going by experience, with psychiatric drugs, that a lot are used off label, and can cause problems, when it’s time to get off these drugs. I just don’t want anyone to be harmed by these medications. They do work for some people but not others.
No, @Craftygal, you did not do anything wrong at all. Quite the opposite, this forum is all about mutual support by sharing experiences and hearing about how things are done in other countries is a very helpful contribution to that aim. We have in the past had much confusion when members have responded to posts assuming that the poster was living in the UK and I thought it might be good to clear the point early to avoid things getting sidetracked.

Read around the forum, keep on posting, ask questions. Sounds like you need some support if your post about your doctor's reaction is anything to go by!
No, @Craftygal, you did not do anything wrong at all. Quite the opposite, this forum is all about mutual support by sharing experiences and hearing about how things are done in other countries is a very helpful contribution to that aim. We have in the past had much confusion when members have responded to posts assuming that the poster was living in the UK and I thought it might be good to clear the point early to avoid things getting sidetracked.

Read around the forum, keep on posting, ask questions. Sounds like you need some support if your post about your doctor's reaction is anything to go by!
Oh okay, yes I’m from Canada, there are no forums like this here in Canada. I’m having a hard time with doctors, my story is long. I will tell you a little, when I was diagnosed 11 years ago on Sept 11th of all days to be diagnosed, the day the towers were attacked in the US. Anyways I was in shock days after my diagnosis, and quite scared, so about a a few weeks into my diagnosis, I made an appointment with my doctor to tell him how I was feeling, and in tears in his office, he asked how my mood was, and I said down and scared, I was not depressed, he just handed me a sample pack of an antideressant called Pristq 50mg. He said I was depressed so I trusted him and thought if he says I’m depressed I must be depressed he’s the doctor, he was a newish doctor to me my old doctor passed away. So I trusted I was depressed. Well I did not feel good at all on this medication very groggy, so I went back to him and he said take it at night, so I did well I was wide awake all night the darn meds cause insomnia to. So I went back he told my to suck it up, I was shocked I didn’t have words. I ended up in hospital told them I can’t sleep but at this time I didnt know they cause insomnia, I talked to a psychiatrist I was so tired and crying because no sleep, I also told the psychiat that I was just diagnosed with diabetes and he more less said you will be fine lots of people live with diabetes they gave me a sleeping pill called Zoplicone, I sure slept. I stayed there in psych for a few weeks. But know support for a person diagnosed with diabetes I was in tears. Just plain scared that’s what made me cry, the fear. I had already changed my diet and didn’t like it I was so hungry, and craving something sweet, they did have a diet there for people with diabetes that came on a tray with my name on it, I felt kind of left out other patients were getting ther meals served from like a caffatiera, type thing and lots of yummy food, it made me feel worse, I want that food and I know I could have some that was on the menu there, but they said you have to eat what’s on the tray we give you tuna sandwich and some fruit, I was so sick of tuna sandwiches, and very small portions at dinner time, at this time when in hospital, I had lost some of my weight. But I know I was so overwhelmed and fear. I was doing this by excercise and diet no medications and still am to this day. But the medications I was on was causing havoc on my sleep. Anyways with Zoplicone your only suppose to be taking this for short term. Well when I came home I was still taking these meds which were okay everthing was fine till I developed intolerance to the sleep med, which means your body builds tolerance and they quit working, also my husband didn’t support me on the emotional side of diabetes which is such a missing link in diabetes support. He said your fine your A1 cs are good, blah blah but I was scared to stay home alone in case I had a low, full of anxiety. And a antidepressant that was causing weird side effects, so back to the doctors he put me on Ativan take when needed it helped,my panic and took only when needed. But something changed I think I was building tolerance to this to it didn’t work as good, so off that and put on clonazapam low dose.Actually I was taking both Ativan during the day just one, then clonazapam at night with antidepressant Pristq.
All along I know I had Diabetes distress not depression. So currently taking Effexor xr .75mg way to strong, and working with a psychiatrist to try to lower the dose and maybe eventually get off the drug and pray a lot that I don’t go through withdrawl. The on that really scares me is getting off clonazapam, which is a benzodiazapine that are very difficult to get off of. My doctor did not tell me that benzos are only suppose to be on for two to four weeks, I have been on this for almost 11 years! the withdrawl is horrible I tried once and my legs were so weak. So the bottom line is I had absolutely no emotional support at all from my doctor or family. And now my husband has diabetes and won’t listen to me about diet so more stress. That’s all it’s been for the last ten years, my mom passed away 2015 from cancer very unexpected so I’m grieving her so much, and very alone in this to, and my husbands brother died by suicide 2018, and my other brother in-law died by cancer last year which is my husbands other brother. So all this has caused me not to sleep again. We just settled my moms estate so the grief is very intense right now last December, November we had to go through all her belongings and put her house up for sale, that has been real difficult. It sold and getting an inheritance isn’t the same as having my mom here, so many things and no where to turn.
Oh okay, yes I’m from Canada, there are no forums like this here in Canada. I’m having a hard time with doctors, my story is long. I will tell you a little, when I was diagnosed 11 years ago on Sept 11th of all days to be diagnosed, the day the towers were attacked in the US. Anyways I was in shock days after my diagnosis, and quite scared, so about a a few weeks into my diagnosis, I made an appointment with my doctor to tell him how I was feeling, and in tears in his office, he asked how my mood was, and I said down and scared, I was not depressed, he just handed me a sample pack of an antideressant called Pristq 50mg. He said I was depressed so I trusted him and thought if he says I’m depressed I must be depressed he’s the doctor, he was a newish doctor to me my old doctor passed away. So I trusted I was depressed. Well I did not feel good at all on this medication very groggy, so I went back to him and he said take it at night, so I did well I was wide awake all night the darn meds cause insomnia to. So I went back he told my to suck it up, I was shocked I didn’t have words. I ended up in hospital told them I can’t sleep but at this time I didnt know they cause insomnia, I talked to a psychiatrist I was so tired and crying because no sleep, I also told the psychiat that I was just diagnosed with diabetes and he more less said you will be fine lots of people live with diabetes they gave me a sleeping pill called Zoplicone, I sure slept. I stayed there in psych for a few weeks. But know support for a person diagnosed with diabetes I was in tears. Just plain scared that’s what made me cry, the fear. I had already changed my diet and didn’t like it I was so hungry, and craving something sweet, they did have a diet there for people with diabetes that came on a tray with my name on it, I felt kind of left out other patients were getting ther meals served from like a caffatiera, type thing and lots of yummy food, it made me feel worse, I want that food and I know I could have some that was on the menu there, but they said you have to eat what’s on the tray we give you tuna sandwich and some fruit, I was so sick of tuna sandwiches, and very small portions at dinner time, at this time when in hospital, I had lost some of my weight. But I know I was so overwhelmed and fear. I was doing this by excercise and diet no medications and still am to this day. But the medications I was on was causing havoc on my sleep. Anyways with Zoplicone your only suppose to be taking this for short term. Well when I came home I was still taking these meds which were okay everthing was fine till I developed intolerance to the sleep med, which means your body builds tolerance and they quit working, also my husband didn’t support me on the emotional side of diabetes which is such a missing link in diabetes support. He said your fine your A1 cs are good, blah blah but I was scared to stay home alone in case I had a low, full of anxiety. And a antidepressant that was causing weird side effects, so back to the doctors he put me on Ativan take when needed it helped,my panic and took only when needed. But something changed I think I was building tolerance to this to it didn’t work as good, so off that and put on clonazapam low dose.Actually I was taking both Ativan during the day just one, then clonazapam at night with antidepressant Pristq.
All along I know I had Diabetes distress not depression. So currently taking Effexor xr .75mg way to strong, and working with a psychiatrist to try to lower the dose and maybe eventually get off the drug and pray a lot that I don’t go through withdrawl. The on that really scares me is getting off clonazapam, which is a benzodiazapine that are very difficult to get off of. My doctor did not tell me that benzos are only suppose to be on for two to four weeks, I have been on this for almost 11 years! the withdrawl is horrible I tried once and my legs were so weak. So the bottom line is I had absolutely no emotional support at all from my doctor or family. And now my husband has diabetes and won’t listen to me about diet so more stress. That’s all it’s been for the last ten years, my mom passed away 2015 from cancer very unexpected so I’m grieving her so much, and very alone in this to, and my husbands brother died by suicide 2018, and my other brother in-law died by cancer last year which is my husbands other brother. So all this has caused me not to sleep again. We just settled my moms estate so the grief is very intense right now last December, November we had to go through all her belongings and put her house up for sale, that has been real difficult. It sold and getting an inheritance isn’t the same as having my mom here, so many things and no where to turn.
They seem to have better support in the US to, I watch a lot of podcasts through You tube, and what I see in the US for support they have clinical psychologists that work specifically with people with diabetes in the emotional side of it, the distress there’s a podcast by the Behavioural Diabetes Institute look it up on YouTube I’m so glad they recognize the other side of diabetes and that it’s a full time job and hard to deal with at times. And can get you down.
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