Sick as a dog, stupid meter!

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Hope you feel better soon , i reckon Roche must have had a dodgy batch of batteries , i had mine in my expert adiser / blood machine that is paired to my pump and they failed 2 days later and they are the lithium ones , i rang roche straight away and they offered to replace them
Ihave had the same problum with my Aviva Nano, I just got new batries 2 weeks ago and could not do a test yesterday through night Iam goint to phone them now. Good job I had another one I have got the new Accu-Chek Mobile as well but find it a bit heavey to carry about when going out.
Hope you start to feel better soon Northe! 🙂
Hope you feel better soon Northey!
Hope you are feeling better soon and that your eyes clear up xx
Thank you everyone! It has made me realise how scared I am of out of range numbers that I can't seem to control. I know that might sound pathetic to a lot of you who struggle with far worse, but it's made me realise how vulnerable to panicking I am if things don't all appear hunky dory most of the time 😱
Thank you everyone! It has made me realise how scared I am of out of range numbers that I can't seem to control. I know that might sound pathetic to a lot of you who struggle with far worse, but it's made me realise how vulnerable to panicking I am if things don't all appear hunky dory most of the time 😱

try and chill northe all that stress cant help your BS or BP .... we are changing seasons again and through this place i understand that that can make it tough ...but please stop fretting !! 🙂
Get well soon Northey! x
I just rang Accu Chek about the nano. The guy had me taking the batteries out and then doing some tests (not sure what it is supposed to do without any batteries in, but he had me pressing the buttons!). Then he said they would send me a replacement meter and a bag to return the faulty one in.
They do a similar thing with mobiles don't they. Anyway hope it gets sorted, it must be frustrating.
Hi Northener hope your feeling a bit better today.
They do a similar thing with mobiles don't they. Anyway hope it gets sorted, it must be frustrating.

I wouldn't know, my mobile is about 7 years old and my annual bill is around ?1.60! 🙂 I thought he might be buying time to get something else done. At least he didn't ask me to dip it in a bucket of water - when I was a teenager we used to pick random numbers out of the phone book and pretend to be telephone engineers to see how many people we could get to dust their phones in talcum powder! 😱 :D

Hi Northener hope your feeling a bit better today.

Thanks Carole, still feeling ropey, but maybe slightly better.
Ah Alan - that brings back some naughty memories calling people.
Is Mr Wall there? No - Is Mrs Wall there? NO Are any of the walls there? No Then how does your roof stay up!!!!

Is that MR X on the line? Get off theres a train coming!

Gosh if that happened to me now I would be furious!!
ROFL, not heard the talc one before. I once got my Aunt to call the zoo (she didn't know it was the zoo of course) and ask to speak to Mr C Lyon.:D
We used to call people and record them saying 'Hello?...hello?...anyone there?' then we would hang up and call them back, and play their own voices back to them! :D My great aunt used to think that the further someone lived away, the louder you had to talk! 🙂
Hope you are feeling better today. Irang Auccu-Chek about my nano aswell and they are sending me a new one as well.
I have a few old ones that I dont use and asked them if they recycled them and I would send them back. But they said they did not do that. Anybody got anyware I could send them as Idont want to put them in the bin if they can be used. Thanks:confused:
Hope you are feeling better today. Irang Auccu-Chek about my nano aswell and they are sending me a new one as well.
I have a few old ones that I dont use and asked them if they recycled them and I would send them back. But they said they did not do that. Anybody got anyware I could send them as Idont want to put them in the bin if they can be used. Thanks:confused:

Thanks Grandma (feels a bit strange saying that!). Starting to feel a little better! How old are your meters? I'm not aware of anywhere that takes them, the need is generally for in-date strips and insulin, needles and lancets. You haven't go an Optium Xceed you don't want do you? I rang Abbot to ask for a free one and they wouldn't give me one!
Sorry dont have that one. I have 3 accu-chek avivas and one accu-chek active 2 nanos and now the newaccu-chek Mobile. AND Iam sure that Ihave more someware because my friend died and her husband gave me all of hers. there not that old dont think, they still work and they use the test strips you can still get. Ill have a look and see if one of hers is what you want.....As far as the GRANDMA thing thats what evebody calls me ware Iam because the grandkids are always hear and shouting GRANDMA GRANDMA HAHA. I forgot to put Carol on the end when Iregisted.:D
Thanks Grandma (feels a bit strange saying that!). Starting to feel a little better! How old are your meters? I'm not aware of anywhere that takes them, the need is generally for in-date strips and insulin, needles and lancets. You haven't go an Optium Xceed you don't want do you? I rang Abbot to ask for a free one and they wouldn't give me one!

I got my optium exceed from the hospital, as this is what they recommend type 1s use for testing ketones. Have you asked your dsn?
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