Sick as a dog, stupid meter!

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've been feeling pretty terrible for the past few days and it doesn't really seem to be shifting :( My levels have been quite elevated so it's obviously not all in my mind, and I've been trying to combat the rises with extra insulin. However, this means that I am uncertain of how much I actually need, so I've been particularly nervouse of night hypos - I've needed to increase my lantus by quite a bit to stay anywhere in range and am never quite sure how I'm going to react as I'm quite sensitive to it normally.

So, I have been testing when I wake in the night. I keep my aviva nano by my bed fr this purpose. About three weeks ago the bateries failed, so I replaced them. Then. last night I awoke at 4 am feeling hot and dazed so thought I should test. I tried three test strips before I realised the meter's error was due to low battery! They'd only been in 3 weeks! Grrrr!!! I was going to not bother with the test, but then decided it was better to make sure so had to get up and get my other meter. I was 6.7, so OK and it was probably just the illness that made me feel that way. Stupid nano! I've had enough trouble sleeping and it took me ages to get back to sleep! 😡 I'll be ringing Roche later to complain!
Hi Alan

So sorry you aren't feeling too good. I really hope you improve quickly. There really does seem to be a lot going around at the moment.

How annoying about the batteries - especially in the middle of the night and when you feel poorly too. I would definitely complain. As you are feeling ill, is it worth having a second tester at side of bed?

Get well soon x
Thanks Lucy. I had hoped the nano would be reliable enough, rather than needing a backup to my backup! The worse thing is that it's the Great South Run a week on Sunday and I've missed my training because of feeling rubbish. :( I don't think I'll be breaking any course records!
I wouldn't worry about a record - just doing it will be good enough!!

I totally understand now about how interruptions to training are annoying. I have jsut hurt my solius muscke below calf? I did it on an outside run on sunday and know I need to rest it but pushed it again yesterday and it hurts bad again today!! It makes me realise how addictive this training is.

Next sunday is a way off - just get well soon and who knows! Good luck with the donations too Alan.
Thanks Lucy. I had hoped the nano would be reliable enough, rather than needing a backup to my backup! The worse thing is that it's the Great South Run a week on Sunday and I've missed my training because of feeling rubbish. :( I don't think I'll be breaking any course records!

Hope you feel better soon Northerner and have sucessful run on Sunday🙂
Sorry you are feeling so rotten. I hope you are better soon and get the puncture kit (AKA the meter) sorted.
Just wanted to add my best wishes, Alan, hope you are feeling a lot better soon. Kind regards,
Batteries usually last longer than this.😱

I would have a spare by the bed just in case. I hope the run goes well on sunday.🙂Bev
Hi Alan sorry to hear your under the weather i thought i had seen a little less of you on here, thats terrible about the batteries my freestyle from abbotts has lasted me since feb 09 and still going strong..hope roche can come up with answrs for you and everything goes ok over the weekendm wishing you a speedy recovery

Steff 🙂
Sorry to hear that you are under the whether, good luck for sunday

I have the nono as well, so I'm not the only one who has problems with the battery!

My meter does this to me, and it's not the batteries that are dying, if you take the batteries out give them a rub then replace them the other way around, this gets it all back up and running again?

Sometimes it takes several goes to sort it though..
Sorry to hear that you are under the whether, good luck for sunday

I have the nono as well, so I'm not the only one who has problems with the battery!

My meter does this to me, and it's not the batteries that are dying, if you take the batteries out give them a rub then replace them the other way around, this gets it all back up and running again?

Sometimes it takes several goes to sort it though..

Thanks Ellie. I did try that first before getting up and going downstairs for the other meter (it was cold out of bed!), but no joy :( Sounds like there might be a bit of a design flaw in the nano. It also needs two batteries, but my Aviva only needs one and it lasts far longer.
Meter probs

Really sorry to learn about your meter, we're all so reliant on them and it's a complete pain when they go wrong. The One Touch Ultra 2 seems fairly good on batteries but it's useful to keep a back-up meter. Technology can always go wrong, I sometimes wonder why they got rid of the old sight read Boehringer strips for occasional use.

All the best with the run.

I've been feeling pretty terrible for the past few days and it doesn't really seem to be shifting :( My levels have been quite elevated so it's obviously not all in my mind, and I've been trying to combat the rises with extra insulin. However, this means that I am uncertain of how much I actually need, so I've been particularly nervouse of night hypos - I've needed to increase my lantus by quite a bit to stay anywhere in range and am never quite sure how I'm going to react as I'm quite sensitive to it normally.

So, I have been testing when I wake in the night. I keep my aviva nano by my bed fr this purpose. About three weeks ago the bateries failed, so I replaced them. Then. last night I awoke at 4 am feeling hot and dazed so thought I should test. I tried three test strips before I realised the meter's error was due to low battery! They'd only been in 3 weeks! Grrrr!!! I was going to not bother with the test, but then decided it was better to make sure so had to get up and get my other meter. I was 6.7, so OK and it was probably just the illness that made me feel that way. Stupid nano! I've had enough trouble sleeping and it took me ages to get back to sleep! 😡 I'll be ringing Roche later to complain!
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Thanks everyone. The run is on the 24th, not this Sunday, so at least I will have a week to try and recover. If it had been this weekend it might not have been wise to participate.
Looks like you have a faulty meter Northerner, I use the nano meter and last put batteries in back in June, and I test 8-9 times a day. Could be the batteries are at fault, ring them up and explain the situation and they should forward you new batteries or even a new meter, the mark-up on the strips more than covers the cost of a replacement meter, so they will be happy to oblige. Toby.
The technology fairy seems out to get you, what with meters and inability to access web-sites.

Hope you are feeling better soon.
The technology fairy seems out to get you, what with meters and inability to access web-sites.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Thanks Margie 🙂 It's something that always amuses me (and occasionally frightens me!) when people start promising marvellous things from technology. Having worked with it for 30 years (software, that is) I'm aware at how prone to failure or unplanned for human error it is. Whatever the problem with the website is, it's due to either something in my operating system going wrong (most likely) or something the site has included but not tested for in circumstances like mine. I thought all the recent claims for the new ID cards were wildly optimistic and a recipe for chaos.

I suspect that my meter is somehow draining power even when it appears switched off. :( I'll ring them later today.
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope that you feel well enough to do the run 🙂
Oh Alan, sorry to hear you are under the weather, pleae look after yourself.

I did wonder why you hadn't been on-line for a few days.

Did you have the 'flu jab? I ask as I was quite unwell for 3 days after mine this year (never had that before), but it passed.

Please take care of yourself
Thanks Hazel 🙂 My flu jab is on the 30th, so can't blame that! I rarely get ill so I don't cope well with it! I have been feeling a little better today although I'm having to have 40% more insulin to keep my levels below double figures - keep expecting a hypo and then test and I'm 9.x!
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