shutting down and giving up

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hi all
oh boy its been a whirlwind of a few days for me i've had a medical appointment everyday this week so far i've managed to get to all of them on time and in person (major win), its not been easy and i've had a few very scary and ernest conversations with the medical staff i've seen and some numbers discussed that have really put the willies up me i've had to stop take stock and admit to them and myself that i'm in a HUGE PICKLE i've let things get on top of me and if i keep this up things aren't going to end well my hba1c is 106 my cholesterol is 17 and i have high blood pressure, i think i already knew this but having the numbers there in black and white seems to have knocked something loose in my addled old brain, ive asked to see a dietician because i need help with eating right im seeing a mental health nurse today and im being referred back to my shrink for a meds review (i've been on the same doses for a few years they need tweaking) Im back on all my meds and have been for nearly a week now , ive also been in contact with social services so i can get help with my day to day life because i clearly need a little more help than ive previously wanted to admit i feel like im a few more rungs further up the ladder now and that it may just be ok to ask for help every now and then no ones refused to help i dont feel judged or looked down upon.
i feel like im taking the power back from the trolls that run free in my brain and im winning step by step im taking it back for me for my health and my sanity
peace love and high fives all round
Hi Griff.

I want to respond to your last post with both a "heart" and a "star" but had to settle for one so went with a star but please read it as both because I know you deserve them.

I can understand how much effort it took you to get to those appointments as I get really stressed about attending appointments in general but with doctors I find it doubly daunting. I am also really pleased the medical professionals involved responded without judgement and have come up with a plan of action to help you and most importantly that you feel like you are making progress to climb out of that hole and take control again, with some help from other agencies. The numbers are just numbers. They help you and the medical professionals to figure out how to change them. In some respects, being really high is good because you should see quite significant improvement quite quickly now that you are getting help to get back on track. Being so high, they have also perhaps helped galvanize you into action, if you know what I mean. It's easy to bury your head in the sand when results are averageishly poor, but whoppers 😱 are more difficult to ignore 😉

We all know it won't be plain sailing and it will take a lot of effort, particularly on the days when you are mentally struggling..... we all have those days even without the challenges you face.... so do feel free to come back and say you are struggling and need some support or a kick up the bum if necessary or just feel free to have a moan. It is helpful to offload it, especially to a group of people who understand a lot of the frustrations and difficulties. Most importantly, keep posting because it helps you to focus and maintain motivation.... at least it does for me...

I wonder if you might like to join us on the "Group 7-day waking average" thread. We tend not to use the "average" bit in the title anymore but just log in each morning with our morning waking BG reading and have a bit of chat. It is like a virtual diabetes coffee morning... although some people log in later in the day too. We have a bit of chat and banter as well once we get to know each other. It has a really good community spirit and we look out for and support each other, celebrate victories and commiserate when things don't quite go to plan..... Anyway, hopefully I have "sold it" enough for you to want to join us there (no pressure if you don't fancy it though).... Here is the link....

Maybe see you there sometime soon, but please continue to post here too if you like.
Been a bit of a crap day for me and gotta tell you that YOU totally gave me a ray of sunshine through the clouds with your post. So I thank you for sharing and impacting my day for good.

I don't want this to come across as condescending but I'm so proud of you for what you have faced and achieved this week. huge huge epic win!

Keep it up and keep posting. And like @rebrascora mentioned, the daily thread is a good reason to check in and share you highs and lows (and not just your bg ones).
Don't worry or feel bad if you have rubbish waking readings compared to others. Mine are atrocious (waiting on referral at the mo) and I have had nothing but kindness and support with my struggles. If testing is still a issue for you, post without a reading. No big deal on that front x

I know BP and cholesterol is a concern. Lets just say you have a number to beat for next time. It is what it is and dwelling on what lead you there is only useful in analysing what you need to do to change it and not beating yourself up over it 🙂
There are a lot of wise and wonderful peeps who can help with eating tips and tricks should you want to ask. No one will pressure you into anything but just letting you know so when you are ready to address that, there is help on hand in between dietician appointments.

We are here for the great days as well as the bad days and the ones in between.
Many many hugs to you Griff :D
Lou x
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