Should more be done to inform patients of shortages?

Hi standup,
Would not think Internet pharmacies are restricted by geography unless the prescriptions are different in varying regions.
It was my GP that suggested it and as I said they are located very close to my house and I think the benefit they have is they use various wholesalers
Hi standup,
Would not think Internet pharmacies are restricted by geography unless the prescriptions are different in varying regions.
It was my GP that suggested it and as I said they are located very close to my house and I think the benefit they have is they use various wholesalers
All prescriptions in Wales are free rather than some are exempt or some people qualify. I'd imagine there's no easy way of claiming back the cost from the Welsh government which is why the ones I looked at said you must be registered with a GP in England.
My GP surgery got back to me yesterday, as promised. My case was brought up in a meeting that was held on Wednesday. It was decided as I have complex gastric issues along side the fact I don’t have a pancreas, that I will be referred to the gastroenterologist where, I’m hoping, a plan will be put together for when the time comes that I can’t get anymore Creon. It’s something at least, I’ve been heard and I’m in the system. In the meantime I’m to carry on with the rationing of the Creon and cutting down on fatty/oily food etc,. Which I won’t be doing today as I’m going out for lunch with three of our grandchildren. Full dose required!
Well, despite my inner fears earlier this month, today I collected my full request from earlier this month of both 10k and 25k Creon capsules. I'd received some tubs of my normal 25k capsules a week ago and now have the rest. But I also have 10k tubs on my repeat scripts as a fall-back option and my Surgery's pharmacist allowed my request of both sizes to go through to Tesco. So I've been very fortunate and now have a buffer, which is a great relief.
Well, despite my inner fears earlier this month, today I collected my full request from earlier this month of both 10k and 25k Creon capsules. I'd received some tubs of my normal 25k capsules a week ago and now have the rest. But I also have 10k tubs on my repeat scripts as a fall-back option and my Surgery's pharmacist allowed my request of both sizes to go through to Tesco. So I've been very fortunate and now have a buffer, which is a great relief.
Great to hear Roland and glad Eggy is in the system on a Plan of sorts.
Although I have not run out I have tried to reduce my dosage and experimented quite a lot recently to try and manage on a much reduced requirement just in case the shortages really bite.
So far so good with no major issues but do understand that those who have had pancreatic removal surgery partial or full have a greater need for guaranteed future supply.
Good luck in getting whatever you require for normal control as it is a major concern for anyone on regular medication.
Looks like going to have to speak with hospital consultant about creon shortages as been waiting now for 3 weeks & pharmacy still has no idea when stock will be in.

Been taking reduced dose already but dare not reduce it anymore.
I’ve rang all the pharmacies in Carlisle not a thing. Hope you get sorted.
I’ve rang all the pharmacies in Carlisle not a thing. Hope you get sorted.

Really sorry to hear that @eggyg

Hope you can get some supplies soon. Must be frightening and frustrating in equal measure :(
Mr Eggy popped to chemist for my prescription. Guess what? 8 tubs of Creon! I can’t believe it. Do I celebrate with a slice of buttery toast laden with a rich duck pâté all washed down with a glass of Spry Crisp and Dry or be boring and still ration them? 😉
Mr Eggy popped to chemist for my prescription. Guess what? 8 tubs of Creon! I can’t believe it. Do I celebrate with a slice of buttery toast laden with a rich duck pâté all washed down with a glass of Spry Crisp and Dry or be boring and still ration them? 😉
Splurge, but sacrifice one cap to the gods of Supply Chain Resilience.
Thank you, that saves me ringong them alll too, as suggested by my dietician.
It doesn’t help the issue though.
I got mine from Dalston Pharmacy you could try there. If you’re struggling I could give you a couple of tubs. With what I’ve got and what I’ve just picked up I’ve got 18 weeks worth, that’s without rationing but I think I still will whilst I am able ie not leaving the house.
Mr Eggy popped to chemist for my prescription. Guess what? 8 tubs of Creon! I can’t believe it. Do I celebrate with a slice of buttery toast laden with a rich duck pâté all washed down with a glass of Spry Crisp and Dry or be boring and still ration them? 😉
Eggy am so pleased for you and saves me being embarrassed about saying I got back home to say 4 tubs had been delivered ( owed from previous prescriptions).
So hopefully it is evidence of supply improving or at least takes away some of the worry