Sensitive to blood sugar levels?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've been told my blood sugar control is 'too good', it averages between 5-8mmol/l, but I feel sick and get headaches/thirsty/tired/blurry vision when it gets to the 7-8 range, so try and keep it at 5-6, because I feel my best then. The diabetic nurse said my background BG was 'very tight' and that I must be sensitive to my blood sugar levels if I feel ill at 7-8mmol/l so I was wondering if anybody else has experiences like this?

Side note: I also eat mainly low GI foods, and am vegan, so I think that explains why I don't have many spikes in my background levels.
I think it's very common to be told to let your control be a bit looser I know I have. I start feeling a bit rough at 8+ and OK in the 5s and 6s
I was really interested to read this as I don't feel ill per se but if my levels go above 7 I can feel a change in how I feel which is usually a bit fuzzy and unfocused. Ironically I find it harder to detect hypo.
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