school trip - NOT groundhog day?

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Thanks Adrienne -- so far so interesting! Just received phone call: tesco's delivery was not accepted at self catering place cos all delayed and no one there to receive -- so they have to grab a bite at mc d's -- argh!!! The worst. He's sounding a little stressy -- doesn't like the food AND knows chips are hell. He has a performance tonight which is the priority: doesn't want to go low from the bolus, which will be right in the middle of the performance. Cripes. SO we are advising a big DW for the chips, 20/80 over 3 hours, to avoid risk. Also NO shake, as is a huge bolus. He'll do chick nuggets, which, though fatty, are lowish carb.

Oh lord. Best laid plans. I think it'll be fine. He'll go high in the night. But could be worse.

Admit that with all this in play now wish he was at the disco getting another girl!

Oh well. We've been cheery in texts back and forth. Assume food will arrive later or tomorrow...Poor teachers!
Just a line to say Im reading and following the updates!

McD's is in the collins carb counter, you guys got a copy? xx
McDs have pretty complete nutritional information on the back of tray liners, leaflets etc. If chips are too high in fat, most outlets can serve salad bowls, in place of chips, sorry French fries, in combo meals or on their own.
Hope for the sake of all participants on the trip, both pupils and teachers, that food delivery arrives when someone is there to take it inside... Doesn't sound like you're blaming anyone - delayed travel can always mean delayed food, and long before I had diabetes, I always carried spare food with we when travelling, amount depending on how long and how remote I was travelling - and in the most dramatic incident, when my partner and I (post diagnosis) were delayed for 48 hours, unable to cross a stream flooded with glacier meltwater, we survived on spare porridge oats, muesli bars, noodles, hot drinks, soup etc (we had tent, stove, gas etc) - but were pretty hungry by the time we crossed over!
Thanks all...yes, tray liners are a godsend at McD's -- we discovered this only two days ago when we got shakes (daughter and I, that is!)...

I should have suggested the salad actually Copepod, you're right. I did point him toward the carrots and apples/grapes though...

I wasn't blaming, quite right, but after having spoken to a friend just now, she sort of said 'you'd think they'd have brought a night's food, given the situation'. Oops. They do mean well, they really do. But...I'd have brought a night's food!

Never mind. Concert is starting in 10 mins. Ergh.

Yes, he has Collins with him!

Yes but a salad is hardly fair to him at MacDonalds. You have done exactly the right thing Patricia. Nuggets and absolutely no shake or ice cream. They have the highest sugar than anything else in the world !!!! I'm sure it will work out.
Hi all

Quick update: concert received standing ovation from small audience, and solo piano went well. No hypo. Yay!

Later food had arrived, so we received text at 10.30pm asking about baked potato and spag bol carb...eek. But they were obviously starving.

Had gone to 4 from McD's dual wave tail end...So bolused and ate with guarantee of testing at 1am at least... Along came text at 1am (bless): 4.9. Hmm... Had juice and cereal bar. Woke on 9mmols. NOT BAD! Clearly chips not as desperately bad as we thought from McD's...He hasn't had them from there since diagnosis.

So then last set of texts was breakfast: multiple small bowls of coco-pops and three pieces of toast!! Ahhh! Never has coco-pops...Oh well. We were bristly because if he has waited to bolus AFTER eating this much in the morning, we know by now there is a higher risk of a spike/crash situation...

He says there was barely any delay and that 'i'll be fine'. We panicked about whether he tested again before eating, having been up a while...Then set the whole thing aside. It'll be something to learn from. He has to make mistakes, if indeed things about this turn out to be so...

As my OH says, there are so many variables that could go either way (under or over carb, test or didn't test, etc) that it's unlikely ALL of them are pointing toward negative results!

Overall, a cheery sounding boy. Now my mind is racing over their mid-day busking in the cold...

Hi all

Quick update: concert received standing ovation from small audience, and solo piano went well. No hypo. Yay!

Hi Patricia, I've been living this with you via your posts - and I am SO amazed by all you have to go through as a family......I really must remember this when I (as a old lady only diagnosed a year and still trying to get to grips with it all) feel sorry for mself !

All good wishes to yourself and the rest of your family - respect !
Hey Patricia, all going well then.

We don't have a problem with MacDonalds chips, it is only chip shop chips that are a nightmare really.

Don't worry about things like coco pops, lots of the kids on the email list have them, I let Jessica once in a blue moon, they are not much worse for you than normal rice krispies or cornflakes or Frosties etc etc, really they aren't.

It really is amazing though that even though E is not with you, you are still having to think and do what you would normally think and do if he was with you. Bizarre. How many other parents whose kids are on the same trip with E are doing that, none I would imagine. They are all getting a break !! Lucky them.

What a hero E is, great about the standing ovation.
Hello again:

Strenuous walk in the morning has meant a 50% temp which he then (not surprisingly) forgot to shift to 75%, so has been on 100% and now 4mmols...Never mind! (again)

Has just estimated some kind of baked bean, corn, new potato deal well i think, and will go back onto temp.

Busking good! Raised money for a children's charity.

He's doing brilliantly. We've had a few hours of not hearing anything -- but after two I began to worry. Ridiculous. He's so capable. But to his credit, he responded to my text...All well. This is the thing isn't it Adrienne: we're sort of damned if we do and damned if we don't!


Tonight another concert.

And for us: xfactor. Risotto (rice at night!) and syrup sponge. My daughter cannot remember the last time she had this. Probably since diagnosis, over a year ago. So *her* treat.

For now!


p.s. interested to hear you aren't troubled by McD chips -- maybe not us either! Good news for emergency feeding times...
Patricia, just wanted to say that i am following your posts. Sounds like all is going well so far which is great news. E is a true star!

As Adrienne said, all the other moms probably having a break whereas you are not really. This will be the same for all of us parents when it is our kids turn to go on trips etc. 😱

I hope the rest of his trip goes well! Will be following your posts!

Hello all

As he's become more comfortable, fewer texts. More underlying worry for me, but hey, I'll get used to it! My problem, not his...

Yesterday afternoon he took it easy. Too tired to swim. Had tummy ache. Heard from teacher about good levels and all well.

Obviously recovered because next we heard was after dinner, after concert, and after a prompt! Concert went okay, but he had had a huge scare: lost testing kit!!! We had sent another, but before that could be retrieved, teacher searched pavements and actually found the kit...Well done her.

His text said he had been really worried. This probably means he was fighting considerable panic, maybe even tearful. It's the kind of thing -- losing anything -- that makes him very, very anxious.

So. Concert good. Back to camp for Lord of the Rings...We waited up to hear from him. At 1am I said I needed to know his numbers and last bolus before I could sleep, sorry and all...He responded immediately: 8.4. Good job, dude!

Still had an hour for last bolus, but we figured he'd *probably* be okay despite activity....Heard this morning he woke mildly hypo, but was find, on his way to perform in a church service...

SO. All well. He's a good boy. Want to hear if he felt supported, etc...suspect he felt good throughout, though obviously shattered. This is where you see the difference in our kids as compared to others: he is doing so many more things, weighing up so much more -- silently and invisibly -- that what is tiring for others is absolutely shattering for him.


Love him to bits.

Aaaahhhh......! Great to hear it has all gone so well (for both of you!).

Thank goodness they found his testing kit on the pavement, what a nightmare!

Okay, all good so far: home safe and sound. Looked at numbers: sheesh! Better than at home!

Had a fabulous time. Whole group arrived back elated. Invited back next year. He felt comfortable and happy.

Stressy now though. Very tired. A cold. Carol service rehearsal tomorrow. Erk. First thing. Then another performance tomorrow night. Erk. 1000 people. Erk.

We are busy smoothing panics...

Re the lost testing kit: apparently after E had tried all interval to find it, teachers detailed the entire choir to search the venue, the coach, and all around... Then finally the teacher found it just on the pavement outside the coach.

Yes. Good people.

I'll let you know about actual support offered -- good, bad, too much, too little? -- when I get the chance to get the lay of the land. Meanwhile it's kinda all hands on deck for keeping everyone safe and settled until tomorrow night...

Damn. Forgot to say that one of the things he enjoyed the most he said was being able to eat 'on the run' as he put it: sandwiches, the odd kit kat, just as he went...which he clearly did very successfully. In fact, I think he kind of ate like a horse...apparently spent all his money on food between meals!

Hurray indeed for the pump. It is allowing him to eat like a growing boy. Thank you, inventors and scientists, in so many ways.

All great news, Patricia! Well done E! SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOO pleased (and relieved) for you all!

Brilliant that is fantastic. Overall a great weekend for E. Well done to E for alerting the teachers about lost kit, lots of kids wouldn't do that and well done to the teachers for the search party. Lots of teachers wouldn't do that.

Even though J is not on a pump I have been following this bit about the trip as next June J will be going away for 5 days with school, he'll only be 9 so it's terrifying me already! At least I know where to come for advice before hand! Well done for coping with it all, sounds like he had a ball.
excellent news good weekend all round really then
Hello again all

Yes, a good weekend, and a learning one in lots of ways for us. Things I have thought I'd do a little differently:

Prepare an 'in case of emergency' handout, which will include how and in what instances to use glucagen, how to do a finger prick, and a list of what is available from any pharmacist, in case of ahem any loss of equipment!

Prepare a list of 'regular test times' etc...I think the teachers asked him loads if he needed to test -- he didn't mind, but then again he knows them well. Complement this with 'under what circumstances should a test be done?' list (to include not only physical symptoms, but activity indicators etc).

If he were younger, I would definitely prepare a carb crib list, and get a fuller picture of exactly what menu is being offered. For Wales we will need to do this just in case the phone signal isn't great.

BTW, my OH has said, and I think I agree -- that if there is no phone signal in Wales, one of us may well go along... A nurse, even a trained up one, won't be able to cope with all the nuance of the situations...A T1 nurse?! Lou? Or a trained up mountaineer? Copepod?

I honestly can't imagine ANYONE except very specifically experienced and trained people being 'good enough' in such extreme circumstances. Am I crazy?

Okay. For now.

Just have to make it through the carol concert in the Cathedral...argh!

xxoo Thanks for all! As ever!
No you are not crazy. There is nothing more precious in this world than our kids and you would do anything to protect them. If that makes you crazy then so am I !🙂
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