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Change of plans. Making today a rest day and doing the long run tomorrow.

Can’t be arsed doing it today knowing I won’t finish for ages and stressing about how long I’m taking whereas tomorrow I can start at 8 or 8:30 and still have time to do something else with my day!
Good plan. Much cooler tomorrow morning as well.
Change of plans. Making today a rest day and doing the long run tomorrow.

Can’t be arsed doing it today knowing I won’t finish for ages and stressing about how long I’m taking whereas tomorrow I can start at 8 or 8:30 and still have time to do something else with my day!
That is why I always do my long run on a Sunday, especially in the winter so I don't have to try and get back before if gets dark.
By making today a rest day does that mean I can have cake I wonder…?
7 weeks to go before my next half and according to the training schedule I’m meant to be only at week 10. So I’ve jumped forward the missing ones and will do what I can do.
And Life has come along and buggered things up for me.
Classic Achilles tear which healed badly and now is a pain.
Physio has given me three pages of exercises and has approved yoga, Pilates, walking and even very short distances running but said in no uncertain terms “You’re not a World class athlete. You’re going to be at least two months before you can consider running a half marathon unless you want to cause permanent damage.”

So I’ve handed back my place in The Big Half but I’m holding on to the Royal Parks Half one for now as it’s too much of a wrench to hand them both back on the same day.

Big Half was in support of the Rhys Daniels Trust who are a small charity which provides free ‘Home from Home’ accommodation at specialist children’s hospitals across the UK. That enables families to stay close to their child receiving treatment for a serious or life-threatening illness.

All facilities are self-contained and supplied free of charge for as long as the hospital and the Trust agrees the family needs them during the child’s hospital treatment.

I’m going to see if I can find anyone to take my place on their team.
Very sad to hear that @ColinUK. Did the physio give you any advice to avoid it happening again in the future other than just to build back gradually?
Very sad to hear that @ColinUK. Did the physio give you any advice to avoid it happening again in the future other than just to build back gradually?
Not really. Did say it was important to give it adequate time to heal though. And to seek medical help earlier next time.

He’s referred me to another physio clinic which deals with more chronic needs so let’s see what they say/do.
@ColinUK sorry to read of your Achilles injury. I had one of those last year and it can be a sod to heal. I hoped time would heal so did nothing but rest for a couple of months. Then self registered for a physio appointment but they had a 5 month backlog. I eventually got to see a physio who confirmed it was Achilles and it can take a long time and it can be caused by something silly like a new pair of trainers adjusting your gait slightly or a little more running one day or putting a little extra strain on your foot on a climbing wall.
I am now back to my previous running level, I can stand in a bike without causing pain, the rowing machine is pain free but after 2 hours at the climbing wall, I can feel an ache again.

I can appreciate the disappointment of missing out on your half marathon but, based on my experience, my advice would be "don't rush the healing. Be patient."
Places confirmed for the Big Half and for Royal Parks Half - so that's Sunday 4th September for the Big Half and 9th October for the Royal Parks Half.

And there's 8 weeks in my Half Marathon training plan.... might be a bit tight for the first one but I'm game. Today is a long run - according to the plan it's 15km... I tend to run at about the 8' pace so I'm not quick by any means, if I start soon I'll be finished just in time for dinner.
How you getting on @ColinUK?
How you getting on @ColinUK?
Not running anything for the rest of the year I’d say.
Tore my Achilles a little while back and then got knocked off a bike which damaged my ankle and leg further.
I still can’t put full weight on that leg.
Not running anything for the rest of the year I’d say.
Tore my Achilles a little while back and then got knocked off a bike which damaged my ankle and leg further.
I still can’t put full weight on that leg.
Oh goodness that's rotten. Hope you recover soon!
Not running anything for the rest of the year I’d say.
Tore my Achilles a little while back and then got knocked off a bike which damaged my ankle and leg further.
I still can’t put full weight on that leg.

Ouch. Very sorry to hear that. All the very best on a good recovery.
So today is The Vitality Big Half.
I’m disappointed to be missing it but at least my space has been filled so the charity get the runner and the sponsorship.

I’m ok walking for about 1km and then my ankle swells up so I have to rest. It’s a pain, literally, but I’m aware that it’s healing.
So today is The Vitality Big Half.
I’m disappointed to be missing it but at least my space has been filled so the charity get the runner and the sponsorship.

I’m ok walking for about 1km and then my ankle swells up so I have to rest. It’s a pain, literally, but I’m aware that it’s healing.

Ah that must have been poignant for you @ColinUK

Good to hear your injury is healing. Hope it’s not too frustrating a wait.
Ah that must have been poignant for you @ColinUK

Good to hear your injury is healing. Hope it’s not too frustrating a wait.
It’s incredibly frustrating tbh. The pain is constant and it is truly debilitating. But it is getting better. I’ve noticed that I’m at least sometimes now able to walk without throwing my hip quite so far out of alignment as was initially the case, and yesterday I walked a whole KM without any additional discomfort in the foot itself. By the time I’d gotten back home again though it was time to RICE. That said I’ve also not taken painkillers for a week I think so that’s a definite sign of improvement.
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