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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Now that I’ve completed my first half marathon and signed up for the second (and even contemplating putting in to the ballot for a full one somewhere) I’m convinced I’m official a Runner.
So I’m off to the National Running Show today.
I’m expecting it to be full of stalls selling overpriced stuff and really basic, carb heavy food.
What japes!

Anyone else popping along?
Congratulations on your half. Sounds like the running bug has truly bitten!

Would like to say I am going to the show. Was considering it, but a badly timed Covid infection has put paid to that.
I bought things.

I got more freebies than I bought though so that’s a win!
Officially confirmed that I'm running in the Royal Parks Half this year!

That's in addition to the Big Half in September.

Oh and I did a Yoga today!

I'm following the NRC training for the Half again as I find it interesting and engaging rather than hectoring and patronising like I find some of the other training apps.
I know that I don't stretch anywhere near as much as I ought so I'm introducing yoga to give me at least two good stretch sessions a week.
Interesting. I've taken a look at the similar type thing available from Garmin Connect and that looks to be far less interactive, more a traditional "Day 1 and 3, steady run, day 5, intervals...." type thing. I've kind of developed my own routines by referencing advice on the interweb but always open to more suggestions.
Interesting. I've taken a look at the similar type thing available from Garmin Connect and that looks to be far less interactive, more a traditional "Day 1 and 3, steady run, day 5, intervals...." type thing. I've kind of developed my own routines by referencing advice on the interweb but always open to more suggestions.
I tried various C25K type of things and found them all really lacking. For me it's also the psychology and humour which appeals. As well as the fact that it's really easy to hear and it's got decent audio quality for the coaches.
Just done my first fartlek (sp?) session!
By “first” I mean that I’m not counting those I couldn’t finish so it’s a big woop from me for me!
Just done my first fartlek (sp?) session!
By “first” I mean that I’m not counting those I couldn’t finish so it’s a big woop from me for me!

Is it Hatha yoga? - there was always one position that causes many folk to pass wind!
Vinyasa Flow I think. #IDunnoReallyButItMadeMeIntoAHumanPretzle
5km treadmill run done. With NRC accompaniment which I’m grateful for today, and then straight into an hour long yoga class which actually ran on for another fifteen minutes.
I’m a little bit sweaty but I’m very pleased that I managed it all!
5km treadmill run done. With NRC accompaniment which I’m grateful for today, and then straight into an hour long yoga class which actually ran on for another fifteen minutes.
I’m a little bit sweaty but I’m very pleased that I managed it all!
Sounds like some good cross training going on. I did actually see a sports physio recently and she stressed that stretching type work is key to efficient running and avoiding injury.

Managed to get out on Saturday and do a new best time for the route as well as discovering, for the first time, what it's like to run in torrential rain. Really enjoyed it!
@Rob Oldfield The stretching from the yoga is wonderful. Depending on the class it can really make me sweat as well but even the more zen yoga class gives a really deep stretch.
If you can get to a class I recommend it. And it’s clearly had a positive impact on my running already.
@Rob Oldfield The stretching from the yoga is wonderful. Depending on the class it can really make me sweat as well but even the more zen yoga class gives a really deep stretch.
If you can get to a class I recommend it. And it’s clearly had a positive impact on my running already.

Are you doing those remotely or in person? Given that Covid cases are on the rise again I'm definitely avoiding rooms full of people doing strenuous exercise!

To be honest, I'm kind of getting used to just fitting in stretches over the course of the standard day.
Are you doing those remotely or in person? Given that Covid cases are on the rise again I'm definitely avoiding rooms full of people doing strenuous exercise!

To be honest, I'm kind of getting used to just fitting in stretches over the course of the standard day.
In person!
I couldn’t contemplated doing them online and I’ll roll the dice with covid and where it lands so be it.
Places confirmed for the Big Half and for Royal Parks Half - so that's Sunday 4th September for the Big Half and 9th October for the Royal Parks Half.

And there's 8 weeks in my Half Marathon training plan.... might be a bit tight for the first one but I'm game. Today is a long run - according to the plan it's 15km... I tend to run at about the 8' pace so I'm not quick by any means, if I start soon I'll be finished just in time for dinner.
Change of plans. Making today a rest day and doing the long run tomorrow.

Can’t be arsed doing it today knowing I won’t finish for ages and stressing about how long I’m taking whereas tomorrow I can start at 8 or 8:30 and still have time to do something else with my day!
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