Rubbish pharmacy!

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Sorry we're rubbish....

Ummm, sorry...I work in a pharmacy (i'm a pharmacy technician, we help the pharmacists but don't have the four year degree or clinical knowledge, or alas, the pay scale) and i'm trying not to appologise for the whole profession(s). I'm not in community though, i work in a hospital, but we still mess up from time to time. Trust me, it's nearly as frustrating for me as it is for you (nobody likes to be rubbish). Yeah, occassionally we run out of stuff, even insulin, i know it's stupid, but sometimes the suppliers or the manufacturers have a problem and we can't get round it. I don't think there's a problem with Novorapid at the moment (i'm not 100% sure, coz Boots may very well have a different supplier to us NHS trusts, and my job has changed in the last week meaning i spend less time dispensing).

I don't think it should matter which sharps bin you have, as long as it's not the blue/purple cytotoxic one (is there another colour for human waste? I can't remember). Our local council collects ours and as i'm not supposed to finger prick test mine's nowhere near full.

Yeah, insulin should be kept in a fridge, as Helen said, that's really one of the first things you learn when you work in a pharmacy, but i think it just means a reduction in the lifespan if it's left out. I'm not sure how long you have to leave it out before it starts to reduce or how long the new lifespan is, it could be as much as four weeks anyway.

Lastly, in case you're interested or can't understand why the counter staff don't know about doses and side effects...There's three groups of people in the pharmacy business.. The Pharmacist, who as somebody said earlier has to own and be responsible for the business. He or she has a four year degree and a year pre-registration experience before they can register with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and call themselves a Pharmacist. They know all about the drugs, what they're used for, how to use them and what sort of doses a person needs, or if not, they know how to find out. They double check the doctor's prescription before it's dispensed and can check that the drugs are correct before the prescription is given back to the patient.
Then there's us Technicians, we've got a BTEC and or an NVQ level 3 in a Pharmacy subject (that's usually a two year day release course) or equivalent. Traditionally we're all about dispensing, that's getting the right drug with the right instructions to the right person. Lately hospital based techs have been getting out and about a bit more and are talking to patients on the wards about what drugs they usually take and giving advice on new ones. We get extra training before we;re let loose on patients though... Techs also do a whole host of other jobs, like ordering in drugs for stock, making up syringes of drugs, managing the workforce, maintaining the pharmacy environment and so on. Some can final check the prescriptions, a job previously reserved for pharmacists. Quite soon we are also going to have to register with "the society".
Then there's ATOs or assistants or dispensers. These are staff who may not have the relevant training to be classed as techs. Job roles vary widely, we have a lovely lady who looks after the front desk and some ATOs who dispense. We also have ATOs who maintain stock on the wards and some who help make up syringes.

Sorry, uber-long post, hope your insulin arrives soon Northerner

Hi Rachel, thank you for your post - most informative! I think my dander was up because I had perviously only ever got excellent service from the pharmacy and it seems it hasn't been a smooth transition from the previous person's system. But they are all very nice people, so I am friendly and polite because I know they probably have a lot of loud and nasty customers to deal with and don't need another!🙂

Like any walk of life there are some people who are excellent at their job and some who are poor (haven't we heard a lot of stories about poor GPs and nurses etc.!)

I've now got all my supplies for the next two months!🙂
I'm sure you're a model customer Northerner (besides, have i ever met anybody from the North who isn't nice? No!🙂)

It's true, we're all human after all. Sometimes i am kinda embarrassed bout the lack of knowledge about diabetes even amongst the professionals (you should see the ammount of time i spend whinging about inappropriate comments about diabetes, nothing rude, just thoughtless. Oh and my co-worker's incurable sweet tooths/ teeth, grrrrr i'm on a diet you mooses!) I mentioned the other day that my HBA1c had come right down and people asked me what that was... Sometimes people are nice though, and do remember that i'm not obssessed with chocolate and donuts. My boss bought me some nuts once, in place of the chocolate buttons she got the rest of the team.

Also, Superdrugs lost my prescription once and i was pretty annoyed, it happens to us all. (Don't ask why i can't get my own drugs from my own's complicated)

I was interested when I went in for my needles today (my third visit...😉). One of the assistants was chatting to a customer who invited her to a Macmillan coffee thingy. The assistant said she wouldn't be able to come as she was diabetic, on four injections a day, and that she had to be careful that her activity levels in the afternoons couldn't be too high because otherwise her blood sugar might fall too low. The other lady sympathised with her and the assistant responded in a bit of a martyr-ish tone. All the while I was thinking, why not a) adjust your insulin, or b) have a snack...🙂
hi northerner i follow one of your suggestion a few months ago and now i have only to leave my repeat at the surgery and the pharmacycollect it prepare it all in 2 days i did a very good change thanks to you [ p. s. 250 strip at the time ]
hi northerner i follow one of your suggestion a few months ago and now i have only to leave my repeat at the surgery and the pharmacycollect it prepare it all in 2 days i did a very good change thanks to you [ p. s. 250 strip at the time ]

That's excellent news Daniella!🙂
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