Review yesterday.

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Plenty of stuff on t'Internet about it, some examples here -
I must admit this all screams placebo to me.

Fortunately it also sounds harmless (I think it's usually recommended that we shouldn't walk barefoot but I think that's because of possible damage so if someone wants to walk barefoot on damp grass I'd have thought that would be harmless so long as they check their feet carefully afterwards). And placebos can work fine even if everyone involved believes that they are placebos.
The first link seems genuine, but the 2nd wants my email address if I want to know how to do it.
The first link is to what looks like a paper, but one which is (in its entirety) half a page.

The second one links to a 2013 paper of what looks like an initial study of 10 people. Which seems an odd thing to link to: why not link to the followup with a much bigger sample size, with (I'd hope) some blinding? (Blinding would be entirely feasible since they're using wires to earth the people.)

Again, surely this screams placebo to everyone? Harmless, but likely at its heart nonsense?
'First take your earthing rod .....'

For whatever reason I heard this voice in my head from a BBC Radio prog decades since speaking in country bumpkin accent, 'Oy think the arnser loys in the soil!' (?Around the Horne)
I don't actually think I am going to try it!
"Oy think the arnser loys in the soil" - I think this originated from a chap on Gardener's Question time who often used this phrase.

But I could swear that Rambling Sid Rumpo also used it.
But I could swear that Rambling Sid Rumpo also used it.

Haven’t remembered Sid for years! Was that Round the Horne too?
@AndBreathe Things have progressed, but slowly! I want to thank you for advice and prompting me to go further with this issue. I've been worried by a high pulse rate for a while now...along with the high BPs. So I spoke to the Geriatric Consultant and explained regarding the Liothyronine and lack of blood tests for T4 and T3. To my surprise he said I had had T4 tests last August when the Laboratory thought my TSH was too low. No one communicated that to me, nor do I know what the result of the T4 test was.

However, I did get the full spectrum of Thyroid tests done last week and the results came back as TSH=0.2 Free T4=12.6 T3 = 7, (Reference ranges: TSH: 0.27 - 4.2 mU/L, Free T4 12 - 22 pmol/L, Free T3: 3.1 - 6.8 pmol/L. ) T3 was over the reference range, so we are trying me on 50mg Thyroxine which I was on before and only 5mg Liothyronine - was on 10mg. Difficult because I have 20mg Liothyronine tablets which I have to cut into quarters. I am to have more tests in 3 months. I think things might be going in the right direction with BP and pulse rate as they have both dropped, but I am only a couple of days into the new regime so it's hard to say if it's just a blip.

Anyway, wanted to thank you for your prompting, it's been very helpful.

Interesting Patti.

In terms of your TSH sometimes going low, my consultant is disinterested in TSH, once one is taking thyroid meds. TSH is a pituitary signalling hormone, so if the hormones are arriving in tablet form your pituitary doesn't really need to call on your thyroid to produce T4. Moving further on, once we are on T3, the Free T4 reading becomes less critical. providing the T3 is in a decent place and we are well.

You have been only just over range on your T3, so it'll be interesting to hear how you do, thyroid-wise, dropping your active hormone dose by 25%. My gut feel would be that for me that would be a heck of a drop. That said, cutting 20mcgr tablets into 8 could be a real challenge!

I'll be really very curious to hear how you get along. Hormonal interactions seem quite delicately balanced.

Oh well, then we come into winter and it all changes!
Memories.... Half an hours Bridge whilst listening to Round the Horn after Sunday lunch in Hall. Then back to an afternoon's study, (revising notes, preparation for the next week, writing up practical work) before a break for tea and then working on until late in the evening.

PS for those who have no idea what we are talking about, you can find many episodes on Youtube. Jules and Sandy and their polari will be lost on most!
I’m Julian, and this is my friend Sandy etc.
Oooh, and nice to varder your dolly old eke Mr Horne.
Ooh me lallies, I can't find Arthur in Round the Horne but he does appear in a 1958 episode of Beyond Our Ken.

I suspect that Arthur may have morphed into Rambling Syd Rumpo somehow.


Interesting Patti.

In terms of your TSH sometimes going low, my consultant is disinterested in TSH, once one is taking thyroid meds. TSH is a pituitary signalling hormone, so if the hormones are arriving in tablet form your pituitary doesn't really need to call on your thyroid to produce T4. Moving further on, once we are on T3, the Free T4 reading becomes less critical. providing the T3 is in a decent place and we are well.

You have been only just over range on your T3, so it'll be interesting to hear how you do, thyroid-wise, dropping your active hormone dose by 25%. My gut feel would be that for me that would be a heck of a drop. That said, cutting 20mcgr tablets into 8 could be a real challenge!

I'll be really very curious to hear how you get along. Hormonal interactions seem quite delicately balanced.

Oh well, then we come into winter and it all changes!
No I'm cutting 20mcg tablets into 4. So I will be lowering the dose by 50% as I was previously taking 10msg. Yes, we'll see how it goes. I will let you know when I get my 3 month tests. What I really dread is putting weight on. OTOH my pulse rate is dropping as well as BP which has been down to 125/83 for the last two mornings. Considering it was 198/116 in June this can only be a good thing!
Ooh me lallies, I can't find Arthur in Round the Horne but he does appear in a 1958 episode of Beyond Our Ken.

I suspect that Arthur may have morphed into Rambling Syd Rumpo somehow.
We all spoke Palare when I was airline crew in the 70s and 80s. Vada the lallies, shame about the Eek.
No I'm cutting 20mcg tablets into 4. So I will be lowering the dose by 50% as I was previously taking 10msg. Yes, we'll see how it goes. I will let you know when I get my 3 month tests. What I really dread is putting weight on. OTOH my pulse rate is dropping as well as BP which has been down to 125/83 for the last two mornings. Considering it was 198/116 in June this can only be a good thing!

Ah. Mea culpe. I was very tired last night.

Yes, that's quite a drop, but if it's getting tricky, I wonder how you might do just dropping the T4 a bit, but leaving the T3 alone. You'd potentially have more flexibility there, although the impacts of changes take longer to show. T3 half-life is so short.

I'm not suggesting you do that, but could be an option if this was doesn't quite hit the spot. I guess it all depends how your T4>T3 conversion is.
Eh don't worry, I don't always read stuff right when I am tired. Yes, I know it's a bit risky. I'd quite like to be referred back to the proper Endo who I saw initially, but I'll give it 3 months. Prior to asking to be referred to him years ago, I did quite a lot of research into thyroid conditions, but I confess I have forgotten a lot of the ins and outs. I've had to fight so many battles since regarding medication. Getting them to treat B12 properly is a nightmare!

At the moment I'm on a crusade to get our surgery to allow us to have our test results online.
I applaud your crusade. Ours has reverted back to the ring on Tuesday lunchtime default, should you ever require a test result. Frigging nuisance.
I am not the Practice Manager's favourite person for sure now!
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