
Hi thank you for messaging me ,nope no pear drop smell pain went just get headaches diabetic nurse was great but said I shouldn't worry about my leavel being 18.3 ony worry if it goes to 20 or 33 it's crazy still waiting for diet nurse to come out hope you're well xx

That’s reassuring about the lack of pear drop smell and weight loss. Do keep an eye on the nausea and abdominal pain though, And watch out for breathlessness too.

And I’m not sure the advice to ‘not worry’ about levels at 18 is a great strategy long-term 😱

I get that people need reassurance, and there’s no use in fuelling anxiety, but 18 is a pretty seriously raised BG level and will make you feel awful.

Can you estimate the total carbohydrate content you are eating in a day? That might be helpful for your nurse to know, especially if it’s on the lower side like 50-100g per day. Your nurse may be assuming your high BG levels are coming from a menu with more like 250-300g of carbs a day.
I have started to do a food diary every day from this morning when I woke up my prick test was 12.7 and every night its 18.3 this morning I had scrambled egg on toast and thanks ill keep an eye on it I don't understand why there saying don't worry as the hospital said its high at 18 so don't no why there saying it's not
Does anyone no why I feel so bad on a morning when my prick test 12 and above but on a night when it's 18 or above I don't feel bad x
Does anyone no why I feel so bad on a morning when my prick test 12 and above but on a night when it's 18 or above I don't feel bad x

I’m not sure @julieanna2

I know some members here get very clear and consistent signals with high BGs, but I never have - I wonder if it might be one of those “your diabetes may vary” things?
Never thought of that u r probably right it's just weird feeling bd t around 12 but at night when it's highest I feel OK thank u for your response x
Just for an experiment how about trying scrambled eggs for breakfast one day - a bigger portion and no toast. And try drinking water or black coffee or a herbal tea. Peppermint is lovely and I find it reduces my blood sugars a little too. But don't drink more than one or two cups a day. Take your reading before and after the meal and see where you are for blood sugars then.
I find that I don't sleep well when my levels are above 8. I am hot and restless and I wake up feeling groggy but it wears off. However later in the day, if I go above 10 I don't feel desperately bad, maybe just a bit lethargic and exercise becomes hard work, so I think it might be to do with having poor sleep through the night when levels are high and waking up feeling washed out as a result of the poor sleep but as the day goes on, you get going and recover from the poor sleep, even though levels may be going higher.
Lower levels are definitely conducive to better, deeper, more restful sleep for me. Ideally between 4 and 5 gives me the best sleep. Unfortunately your high BG levels impact the quality of your sleep and the poor sleep elevates BG levels. I find exercise can really help with this element of diabetes management. A good brisk walk after your evening meal if you are able, can help to lower levels whilst you sleep.
Thank you that's a good idea ill give it ago thank u for your reply x
I scramble 3 eggs, when almost done I turn off the heat and grate some cheese into it then put thinly sliced tomato on the top and put the plate on top of the wok to keep the heat in and just warm the tomato so when I sit down and slide the eggs onto the plate it is perfect. I use a salad tomato and red Leicester cheese.
Ah right see my doc didn't explain that I feel like if have to figure things out on my own like when I done my finger prick last night to get a reading mine went up to 15.7 and didn't no what to do as couple of weeks ago I was so ill and my reading was 18.5 I just dono who do
Hi, Julieanna,
I've been diagnosed recently and I feel exactly the same re doctors and information. Diabetes UK has been absolutely great, as have the forums, where I've been getting very useful links and tips. I've been trying to get a doctor to talk to me about diabetes, all I got so far is a discussion with nurses about statin, one of the medications they had prescribed and I've been put on an educational course, but only in October. By then I hope to have done a lot about my blood sugar levels! I hope you find the literature and supportive community here at diabetes UK as useful as I have been finding it. Good luck!
Ho thank u for messaging me I have actually gotten my doctor to come out sometime today I think thos support group is great,I just feel ill everyday so told the doc I needed a mot lol xx