
Morning done my prick test it 12.2 thinking of having scrambled eggs this morning with 1 slice of toast have to do a new shop for more healthy food
Early morning readings can be a bit stubborn, and the last ines to come down @julieanna2

Scrambled eggs should not raise your glucose levels. And hopefully just the one slice of toast will be OK for your metabolism.

Have a check in the shops to see if there are lower carb breads available. Seeded and wholemeal versions might have fewer carbs per slice which can help?
Does anyone feel sick or get headaches when there sugar levels r up abit
Just done my prick test it's 18.3 can anyone suggest anything quick to get it down I ate 2 and half hours ago
Just done my prick test it's 18.3 can anyone suggest anything quick to get it down I ate 2 and half hours ago
What did you have to eat? drinking plenty fluids may help.
Do you have any urine dip sticks to test for ketones, they can be bought from the pharmacy. If you have high blood glucose and ketones then that needs immediate medical attention.

I suspect you may need different medication to help given your situation.
Chicken ,beef,pork and noodles small portion doc no I don't have any I can get some but doc said with my high t2 ill ketons and glucose in my wee anyways my docs not much help x
Chicken ,beef,pork and noodles small portion doc no I don't have any I can get some but doc said with my high t2 ill ketons and glucose in my wee anyways my docs not much help x
Look out for symptoms as described in the link about DKA. You mentioned nausea and headaches before.
Oh I have blury vision waiting for a diabetic eye test today feeling sick and headache also had like waves of pain to upper stomach off and on all day just told my partner and he said doc said u will have kerons and glucose he said speak to nurse on Wed when she rings I don't think he understands I panic when it goes high as was very ill couple weeks ago my prick test was 18.5 x
Oh I have blury vision waiting for a diabetic eye test today feeling sick and headache also had like waves of pain to upper stomach off and on all day just told my partner and he said doc said u will have kerons and glucose he said speak to nurse on Wed when she rings I don't think he understands I panic when it goes high as was very ill couple weeks ago my prick test was 18.5 x
In order to distinguish whether it is the meal you have eaten which is pushing your glucose level up it is more useful to have pairs of readings, before you eat and then after 2 hours, the increase you aim at is no more than 2-3mmol/l.
It did occur to me though you haven't mentioned it whether you are taking steroids as they are well known for increasing blood glucose.

If you have the symptoms described in the link for DKA you should call 111 for advise not wait 2 days to speak to the nurse.
No I am not on steriods I'll ring 111 thank u for advice I try to talk to my partner but I don't think he understands about it much like me that why I keep asking on here even though I feel like a pain and bugging people x
No I am not on steriods I'll ring 111 thank u for advice I try to talk to my partner but I don't think he understands about it much like me that why I keep asking on here even though I feel like a pain and bugging people x

How are you this morning, I hope you had a good night.
Can you get your partner to read some of the information in the Learning Zone or in the Freshwell introduction as it might help him understand a bit more about what is involved in managing diabetes.
I rang 111 told me if I start feeling really ill to ring bk,I haven't slept all night then thos morning my levels r down to 12.7 but got a banging headache I have some to my partner he is going to read and diabetic nurse coming out to talk to us both and dieation can't thank you enough for your help x
Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling so poorly @julieanna2

How was the meeting with the diabetes nurse and dietician? How have things been going for the rest of the week?

Have you been losing weight without meaning to? Do you have a pear-drop smell on your breath.

As you are only recently diagnosed I’m a bit concerned about the very high BG levels along with stomach pain and nausea - as @Leadinglights says DKA isn’t to be trifled with. And there’s a possibility you may have a different and more unusual form of diabetes that might make DKA more likely for you?
Hi thank you for messaging me ,nope no pear drop smell pain went just get headaches diabetic nurse was great but said I shouldn't worry about my leavel being 18.3 ony worry if it goes to 20 or 33 it's crazy still waiting for diet nurse to come out hope you're well xx
My life every day is all about my bieabtes at min till o get used to it feels like it's taking over my life x