Recently diagnosed type one needing answers please!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Apologies for long winded post.

I was diagnosed as a type one diabetic on the 31/1/17. Started on Novorapid 7 units at mealtimes and 22 units Lantus background at night (2100hrs).

Diagnosed as "diabetic" November 2016 but due to nurse doing wrong blood test I didn't find out my antibodies until January. Was started on Insulatard (for both types) and metformin due to sugar levels ranging 10-23 most days.

My brother is type one, sister type one, uncle type two, nan was type two and her brother type one. Long family history of this.

I've only been on insulin since 1/2/17.

This evening I have tested my sugars after dinner and they have gone from 11.7 post eating, to 15.1 as I felt shaky and now they are 17.6.

I gave my background at 2100 hrs.

I'm worried as they're creeping up quite a lot. Can anyone suggest what I should do to lower the levels?

Sorry for all the information!

I'm just struggling a bit - lots of knowledge on diabetes but when it comes to me now having it, it is all so brand new and overwhelming.
Hi Eleanor, it's really early days for you, so don't do anything other than take your insulin as your DSN has suggested, and keep a record of your BG levels and food eaten. Drink plenty of water if you're running high. It sounds as though you needed more insulin than the 7U for the meal you had for dinner, but your team should teach you about how to count your carbs and adjust your insulin doses, and also how to give correction doses for high levels. Because you're so newly diagnosed, it's possible that your pancreas might start secreting a little insulin again for a while (known as the honeymoon period), so it's wise to be cautious at first and not rush to correct a high BG level. Do give your nurse a ring in the morning, and see what she thinks about increasing your dinner time insulin.
Thank you very much,

Luckily my mum knows lots about adjusting meal time insulin based on what you're eating / carb counting etc but because I have not seen anybody since 16th january and that was when they thought I was going to be type two (don't ask I've had lots of issues with my DSN) it was just to discuss BG levels.

It's just hard as I've been left to my own devices.

I'm seeing a consultant for the first time Tuesday so I'll definitely know more then.

I'm just worried as before all the insulin and even on Insulatard and metformin I was ranging 9-23 most days. I've not been 16+ for a week or so and because it's creeping up I just wanted to know what I could do in the interim.

Thank you very much though! Reassuring.

I know to drink water and I will check with the Diabetic Centre tomorrow.

Not good that you've been left in the lurch like that. Normally you would give an insulin correction for a level of 17mmol, but we can't advise people here on the forum on insulin dosing, and particularly as you are newly diagnosed it would be risky. Hope your lantus brings your BG down somewhat.
That's fine I was more looking for reassurance or how to treat hyperglycaemia but I know it's drinking water and monitoring and obviously if you feel unwell and it's consistent contact your health care provider or call for help etc.

Thank you though! I'm just still new to all this so I don't know what the right thing to do is so I thought I'd ask
That's fine I was more looking for reassurance or how to treat hyperglycaemia but I know it's drinking water and monitoring and obviously if you feel unwell and it's consistent contact your health care provider or call for help etc.

Thank you though! I'm just still new to all this so I don't know what the right thing to do is so I thought I'd ask
Hi Elanor
Warm welcome to the forum
That's fine I was more looking for reassurance or how to treat hyperglycaemia but I know it's drinking water and monitoring and obviously if you feel unwell and it's consistent contact your health care provider or call for help etc.

Thank you though! I'm just still new to all this so I don't know what the right thing to do is so I thought I'd ask
Hi Eleanor, welcome to the forum 🙂 Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but it sounds like you have lots of family experience to draw on! As @Redkite says, it's very early days for you so try not to stress too much about your numbers at this stage. Did you test before eating, and how long after eating were your subsequent tests? What did you eat? At this stage it's important to do lots of testing - waking, before eating then maybe 1 or two hours after eating and before bed. Record all these levels along with the carbs in what you ate and these records will help your DSN to determine how to adjust your insulin doses. It's all about building up knowledge and experience at the moment - I know it's disappointing when you see those high numbers, but things will improve as you begin to learn your tolerances for different meals 🙂 The high numbers you were seeing may be due to the lantus not lasting the full 24 hours, something experienced by quite a few - the solution there may be to split the dose into two injections to get better coverage. As I say, you will soon begin to see patterns if you record everything 🙂

I'd highly recommend getting a copy of Type 1 Diabetes in Children Adolescents and Young People by Ragnar Hanas (whatever your age, I was 49 at diagnosis!). Please let us know if you have any questions and we will be more than happy to help 🙂
Hi and welcome to the forum.
Hi Eleanor, welcome to the forum 🙂 Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but it sounds like you have lots of family experience to draw on! As @Redkite says, it's very early days for you so try not to stress too much about your numbers at this stage. Did you test before eating, and how long after eating were your subsequent tests? What did you eat? At this stage it's important to do lots of testing - waking, before eating then maybe 1 or two hours after eating and before bed. Record all these levels along with the carbs in what you ate and these records will help your DSN to determine how to adjust your insulin doses. It's all about building up knowledge and experience at the moment - I know it's disappointing when you see those high numbers, but things will improve as you begin to learn your tolerances for different meals 🙂 The high numbers you were seeing may be due to the lantus not lasting the full 24 hours, something experienced by quite a few - the solution there may be to split the dose into two injections to get better coverage. As I say, you will soon begin to see patterns if you record everything 🙂

I'd highly recommend getting a copy of Type 1 Diabetes in Children Adolescents and Young People by Ragnar Hanas (whatever your age, I was 49 at diagnosis!). Please let us know if you have any questions and we will be more than happy to help 🙂


Yes lots of family knowledge and support!

I test my sugar levels nine times a day and I've started to write down what I'm eating too as I know that helps for carb counting etc and adjusting. I was on Insulatard and 1000mg metformin before so I think it's finally got out of my system now hence the high numbers, I've woken high too so it's been consistent since 9pm last night.

I'm seeing a consultant for the first time tomorrow so I'm happy that I'll get to learn what I need to do to make things better etc.

I will have a look at that thank you very much!

I know so much about Diabetes but now it's me I obviously feel overwhelmed and new to all this!

Early days! Thank you

Yes lots of family knowledge and support!

I test my sugar levels nine times a day and I've started to write down what I'm eating too as I know that helps for carb counting etc and adjusting. I was on Insulatard and 1000mg metformin before so I think it's finally got out of my system now hence the high numbers, I've woken high too so it's been consistent since 9pm last night.

I'm seeing a consultant for the first time tomorrow so I'm happy that I'll get to learn what I need to do to make things better etc.

I will have a look at that thank you very much!

I know so much about Diabetes but now it's me I obviously feel overwhelmed and new to all this!

Early days! Thank you
It is a bit different when it is you that is affected by it. Good luck with your appointment.
Hi Eleanor, Welcome. Tbh I feel it's perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed by this or any other long term condition, lets face it does come as a blooming shock doesn't it. In time you will learn about your diabetes and the best way to handle it, we can't actually beat it into submission but we do give it a good pasting.
Do let us know how you get on.
Hi Lin,

I'm just taking each day as it comes that's all you can do I feel! Haven't been diagnosed that long (since Nov and found out type one Jan) so I'm still getting used to it and have days where I want to scream and cry but it is what it is and I know it's so important to manage it well!

I will, I find the forum so useful and reassuring.

Thank you for your support
It is a bit different when it is you that is affected by it. Good luck with your appointment.
It's so different and overwhelming. I can't stop crying most days, prior to diagnosis have had to look after my brother several times during his hypos and seeing him have type one since six and growing up knowing what it involves, it's taken a hold on me now that I have it.

I'm still getting used to it.

Thank you!
It's so different and overwhelming. I can't stop crying most days, prior to diagnosis have had to look after my brother several times during his hypos and seeing him have type one since six and growing up knowing what it involves, it's taken a hold on me now that I have it.

I'm still getting used to it.

Thank you!
It as you already know, is going to take time. It sounds like you're grieving right now , which is perfectly normal !! be patient with yourself be how you need to be. Come here to have a rant if/when you need to, believe me we all need to do that sometimes.
Hello and welcome Eleanor 🙂

Things will become clearer on what to do for the best after your appointment. It is early days and a heck of a lot to take on at the same time as feeling rough from high blood sugars. You'll have a lot of knowledge from helping your siblings which will help but it is a different situation when you are the person trying to cope around the clock. It is a big ask trying to do what your pancreas did unnoticed and unthanked in the background.

Once you have been shown how to correct high blood sugars you will feel better knowing you have a way to balance things out when the need arises.

Good luck tomorrow, I wish you well getting to grips with your diabetes 🙂
Hi Eleanor - and welcome to the club that nobody wanted to join!!

Read this - bet nobody in your family has seen it - and I'd been diabetic over 30 years before I did, but I recognised going through every flippin stage. I had NO idea that's what it was all about, inside your own head! Why didn't anyone TELL me?

Hope it helps.
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