Really can’t cope with much more

Hugs @AJLang

Look after yourself.

Continuing to send positive vibes your way
These things always come all at once @AJLang I am sorry.

On your dad, please try not to get worked up. Its a shame but it was his choice, and there's nothing you can do about that. Some of us have complicated relationships with our parents. And I know how much it hurts. It is out of your control and not worth you being upset.

As others have said on your husbands job, these things take time. He might be okay, and if not you will have some time for a new plan b.

All my love and positive vibes to you both.
What a tough time you are going through.
I hope you can get some relief from your eye problems. Pressure in the eyes is not easy to cope with and it sounds like the consultant may have a way to help. Not easy but better than ignoring it and getting worse.
Estranged Father is also another difficulty that I can relate not to with my father but mother-in-law. Yes, the tie is broken but you think of them more as a result. So hurtful and it will affect you, best not to let it but that I know is impossible so I hear you. Perhaps you could find a way of personally having a special thing maybe a plant in the garden you do or a special plant at home. I used to say let a balloon off but that is frowned upon these days. Just something that helps you. Maybe go to his favourite church or pub. Anything that can help you feel you said Goodbye having not been able to go,
As for your husband, we will all be hoping he soon gets what he needs.
Thinking of you at this trying time.
Thank you everyone for your support. I’ve tried being strong and putting positive posts on social media. The reality is that I am finding it all extremely difficult and drinking too much in the evening - Southern Comfort and Prosecco may sound like a glamorous drink, and that’s how I usually drink it,but at moment I’m just drinking it because it blunts my mind the quickest.. Not helped when I found out when my Dad’s funeral was on a post on Facebook that I only found by searching. My lovely niece did tell me the next day via messenger. It was my Dad who decided he wanted know more contact with me five years ago. From time to time I tried keeping in contact by occasional email but 2.5 years he stopped replying. However I would occasionally see photos of him on Facebook and he looked well. Anyhow I’m wittering on. Thank you for your support. We’re expecting some updates from my partner’s workplace today xx
My wife has glaucoma. Long term treatment with eye drops?
I’ve been on eye drops for glaucoma for 25 years and even though the pressures are good the sight loss is still increasing. For the glaucoma I’ve also previously had the cataracts removed and several bouts of laser.
Thank you everyone for your support. I’ve tried being strong and putting positive posts on social media. The reality is that I am finding it all extremely difficult and drinking too much in the evening - Southern Comfort and Prosecco may sound like a glamorous drink, and that’s how I usually drink it,but at moment I’m just drinking it because it blunts my mind the quickest.. Not helped when I found out when my Dad’s funeral was on a post on Facebook that I only found by searching. My lovely niece did tell me the next day via messenger. It was my Dad who decided he wanted know more contact with me five years ago. From time to time I tried keeping in contact by occasional email but 2.5 years he stopped replying. However I would occasionally see photos of him on Facebook and he looked well. Anyhow I’m wittering on. Thank you for your support. We’re expecting some updates from my partner’s workplace today xx
I do think having a special moment to think of the good times and grieve him as you feel best would do you good. Even if you just light a candle and toast with his favorite drink.
With my beloved grandad I had a 2 finger kitkat with a glass of whisky, I couldn't make the burial of his ashes but I know he wouldn't have cared about that. A few moments thinking of him with a few of his favorite things would get his approval, like my tattoo in his memory, but he would have hated that ha!
I didn't thing life could get worse but it has. My partner got bad news on Tuesday (not health related) but I can't put on here what it was but it has thrown our life upside down.
So that's happened plus the bad glaucoma news, plus my Dad dying all in a month and I can't cope. I'm drinking far too much. My BG's are going high even though I'm carb counting but I am eating rubbish and drinking loads and my already very overweight body has put on weight. Each day I try to pull myself up it doesn't happen and got diabetic consultant appointment on Tuesday and I don't get on with this particular consultant. He will think that I'm making excuses as to why my diabetes is as it is.
Having said that maybe I'm beating myself up about my control - still 76% time in range but just know that one more bad day will put me under the 70% before the hospital appointment. (It's usually over 80%)
Sorry for the rambling. I have made an appointment for a review as to whether I can have online therapy but, through my own fault, the assessment appointment isn't until mid-September.
And apologies to those who've said in the past that they're inspired by what I say/my positivity. Your comments will help me to get back on track.
I will try to post more positive news over the next few days.
So sad to hear of this thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time and please don't give up...have faith and everything will get better.
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Are you perfectly sure Amanda has a girlfriend and likes to go for a pint? Admittedly I've only physically met her the once ...... however she always struck me as a heterosexual lady who enjoys her alcohol in rather smaller glasses!

@AJLang - hope that's raised a giggle anyway! Mate, it's a consequence of the Anno Domini we accumulate, the longer we exist, the more c**p we have to face and get through so we have to pull up our Big Knickers and get on with it. {{{{Hugs}}}}
So sorry to hear all of your news that has come in such a short space of time. I wish I could say something more constructive, but just do what you need to do to get through difficult time and don’t beat yourself up.
Remember how a cricket bat is traditionally made of willow because it is resilient and does not break easily. Right now I'd say you are being resilient. I see it right here. You are clearly still trying.
Having said that maybe I'm beating myself up about my control - still 76% time in range but just know that one more bad day will put me under the 70% before the hospital appointment. (It's usually over 80%)

It's ok to be willow. That which bends is less likely to break.
Take each day one at a time. Look at the daily behaviour which is making you feel worse than all the others and start by working on improvements there.
Talk to friends or family, or even those you know less, and get things off your chest. Vent. Cry. You are feeling this way for a reason and you will need to work though it.
I'm reminding myself of something on tv now - they used the phrase 'sometimes the only way out is through', and I'd agree with that.
You can get through this, one day at a time.
I am very sorry to hear all the trouble you are having. I thought they could keep glaucoma under control now so I am very sorry to hear that this does not seem to be the case with you. Obviously, I am wrong.

I am thinking of you but don't know really what to say. Could you see a Counsellor and offload everything to them? What about the RNIB? They may be able to help.

It is awful everything happening at once like this.
Thank you very much everyone. The bad news last week was that we found out my partner has lost his job after 24 years and it was a shock. However it has upended our lives, he is so depressed about it and we’ve got to find a new way of living as I haven’t been able to work for 12 years since I was 42 and my partner cares for me a lot of the time.
But we’re going to do everything we can to be positive. We had a new bright carpet fitted in the hallway yesterday (the old one was threadbare. We’ve also found a load of knitting kits I’d forgotten about so it was fun going through them. We’re going to spend the next few weeks as a holiday so that Mark can recharge as he’s finding things very difficult mentally. I’ve been waking up in the night worrying but I know that we can do this and we had year’s rehearsal during his sabbatical learning to live a more simple, frugal life with some really few things as well.
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So sorry to hear about your current difficulties but “ the darkest hour before dawn” scenario can happen.I know it seems very bleak at the moment but by being positive and making small changes can sometimes give you a more balanced perspective on life and a possible way forward.
Sounds like you may be sensing a slight more optimistic tone but not trying to underscore your current challenges.
VBW moving forward
{{{Hugs}}} to both of you - I'd had mine for nearly 30 years when I got made redundant and although it was truly awful at the time - in the finish it actually did me a mega favour cos I - eventually, though I did need to kiss a couple of frogs on my way there - got an absolutely cracking, better paid one!

I had to be prepared to adjust my head to the way other firms do things, other computer systems etc etc - which when knocking 50 doesn't come naturally - but HAS to be done and I surprised myself actually by discovering I could!

I wish Mark the very best of success!
Wishing you both the best and I hope that a break helps Mark, and that he can go on to find a different job. Thinking of you both.
That is a lovely positive post TrophyWench. I have to admit I was lucky in that I was never made redundant (spent most of my working life in the public sector where there is much less of it)but know quite a few who were and it is very upsetting and knocks you for six a bit.

My hubby lost his job jut after we got married and had to go on a lower salary for a while until he got back on his feet although he did find a job quite quickly. Others though do get better paid jobs straight away and find that the redundancy did them a favour.

My neighbour's daughter was made redundant and she changed direction completely becoming a fitness trainer and has never been happier.
Thank you everyone for the support and encouragement. They’ve really helped and things are starting to improve. We’re overhauling our life to learn to live on a lot less money but in a more relaxed way - challenging but a good challenge. Mark will be focusing on some crafting projects and caring for mw which will be easier for him because caring for me is a large enough job as it is. We intend to have a life less stressful than it was when he had his highly pressurised job
So pleased that you are starting to find a way forward with your new circumstances. I know it won't be easy living more frugally but having less stress/pressure at work is a bonus, so there is at least one positive.
Wishing you both the very best for the future. You surely must be in line for some better luck soon.