Really can’t cope with much more


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Got told a fortnight ago at Moorfields that I need glaucoma surgery that I need glaucoma surgery that could take the remaining sight that I have in my left eye - sight loss in left eye is already very noticeable.
My estranged Dad died on Wednesday. He didn’t want to see me even though he knew he was dying and I didn’t even know where in the country where he was living.
My partner has been “invited” to a meeting that could be his redundancy meeting. He has been there 24 years. We don’t know how he will find another job that fits with my complicated medical needs.
I’ve just about had enough.
Oh my goodness @AJLang

So sorry that all this is hitting you all at once :(

It must be such a sad and worrying time for you. Hang in there.
Don't have much to offer, but sending positive thoughts.
Hope the corner turns for you.
Got told a fortnight ago at Moorfields that I need glaucoma surgery that I need glaucoma surgery that could take the remaining sight that I have in my left eye - sight loss in left eye is already very noticeable.
My estranged Dad died on Wednesday. He didn’t want to see me even though he knew he was dying and I didn’t even know where in the country where he was living.
My partner has been “invited” to a meeting that could be his redundancy meeting. He has been there 24 years. We don’t know how he will find another job that fits with my complicated medical needs.
I’ve just about had enough.
Big hugs for you
Got told a fortnight ago at Moorfields that I need glaucoma surgery that I need glaucoma surgery that could take the remaining sight that I have in my left eye - sight loss in left eye is already very noticeable.
My estranged Dad died on Wednesday. He didn’t want to see me even though he knew he was dying and I didn’t even know where in the country where he was living.
My partner has been “invited” to a meeting that could be his redundancy meeting. He has been there 24 years. We don’t know how he will find another job that fits with my complicated medical needs.
I’ve just about had enough.
My wife has glaucoma. Long term treatment with eye drops?

Your dad? Is his loss. In his demise. Don’t beat yourself up. If that’s his last wishes confirmed? So be it.

Your partner. Wait until the outcome of the “meeting.” He could be offered a new post in a “restructure?

What are your complicated medical needs?
Sorry to hear you are having more bad news and stress. Try and take car as best you can.
Thinking of you @AJLang .
Big hugs from me.
I’m so sorry to hear you are having such a rough time, sending you love x
Just to add my thoughts for you as well @AJLang, you are going through the wringer. {{{Hugs}}} xx
Hugs, @AJLang , I’m so sorry you’ve got so much on your plate and hope things resolve in a better way than you fear.
Sending my love @AJLang ..all this and all at once too...the problems regarding your estranged dad are sad..but if that's what he wants..that's his's definitely not yours so dont beat yourself up over it...we're here for you no matter what.
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Oh Amanda! How sad and worrying! Sending (((HUGS))) too. Keeping fingers crossed for Mark's job.