Pumpers - would any of you go back to injections?

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Before Breakfast😱 no time!!!! Although I wake her at 7.15, she doesn't get up till 7.45 to leave at 8.20 latest!!
We were told to do it before a meal, so just before dinner at around 5 to 6, 2 hours later would be around 8. Then the before bed test at 10/10.30. So if there's a problem, we'd notice either at 8 or at bedtime.

I put a repeat appointment in my outlook calendar for every 3 days, so that it will remind me around lunchtime to take the insulin out of the fridge. If for any reason Carol changes it at a different day, I'll go and change the date.

Sounds like you have it cracked Monica......I have got a full cannula/cartridge/set change down to about 3 minutes 😎
I have got a full cannula/cartridge/set change down to about 3 minutes 😎

Carol takes about 5 min or so, but remember she's a teenager. It takes an hour to do hair and makeup 😱 So 1/2 hour in the morning is a rush to get breakfast and brushing teeth in
Not in a million years would i go back to injections!!! My HBA1c was 11% when i got my pump after trying desperately hard to control my diabetes using DAFNE. I finally got funding from the NHS 10 years ago and have never looked back.

I am in a position that my HBA1c is now at it's lowest since i was diagnosed 20 years ago. I can now live a normal life where i am not constantly tired and thirsty. I can plan my wedding wearing my dream dress (with a pouch for my pump of course!!) I can also start planning to have a baby, something I never would be able to do on injections.

The freedom I have with my pump to eat, exercise etc when I want is amazing, I no longer feel like the odd one out when out with friends and going out for a drink is much better when you dont have to do injections!!! Even being ill is more normal now!!!

I love my pump and i will never ever give it up for injections
A bunch of "WILD HORSES" wouldnt get me to go back to injections. Nowt is perfect but is better !

Hi Babysaurus

You sound very similar to me at the moment. I am 14 weeks pregnant and am going for my pump TOMORROW. My last HBA1C was 5.3% too. I will update you tomorrow in how I am finding it but I am hoping that it will do away with my many hypos.

The only high readings I have been having during pregnancy tend to be post prandial (about an hour after I eat), particularly breafast and lunch. I am having a high (between 10-14 when it apparently shouldn't be above 7.8) and then within an hour, even without correction, it is crashing to somewhere in the 2s. This is what I hope the pump will help with.

I will keep you posted on tomorrow's pump installation!🙂
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Hi RuthieG, welcome to the forum 🙂 Hope all goes well with the pump tomorrow! 🙂

My diabetologist and nurses said you would only really ge a pump if you were 'well educated' and can carb count etc so I never thought of it as the lazy way or a last resort.
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