Pump start 780G

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Week 1
Very confusing having had a Combo for eight years. Soooooo tempted to switch back at present but I need to keep going to using the pump in it’s intended mode with autocorrections. But
  • 2 cannulas have fallen out
  • I can’t find a way of adjusting the Bolus if I use the Bolus wizard and can’t remember how I managed to modify the Bolus on a couple of occasions
  • If things go wrong in the night at present I have to think to do stuff, rather it being something that I can deal with from habit.
  • If you have to access the pump for any Bolus how do you manage when wearing a dress? Not a problem at present as we are not eating out but I am not sure I want to be fishing around in a restaurant, and I have some nice dresses that I like wearing. Any solutions?
I will stick at it, and it will get easier (so long as Humphrey, the pump, doesn’t get chucked out of the window!!- But then I do still have my Combo.)
I can’t find a way of adjusting the Bolus if I use the Bolus wizard and can’t remember how I managed to modify the Bolus on a couple of occasions

You can definitely do this... i think you ‘up/down‘ to highlight the dose in yellow, then press the centre button to allow you to ‘up/down’ the dose.

Sorry that my memory of the menus has disappeared.
If you have to access the pump for any Bolus how do you manage when wearing a dress? Not a problem at present as we are not eating out but I am not sure I want to be fishing around in a restaurant, and I have some nice dresses that I like wearing. Any solutions?
I guess it depends on how often you wear dresses?

Does the MM780 have the simplified bolus options from the BG meter? those might be workable in a number of circumstances when out and about?
It gets a lot more complicated in auto mode, just be patient with it until you switch into auto mode and you should notice some changes.
Well after one week and hitting a TIR of 34%, and two nights of no sleep at all I gave in.
Cannulas sites were very sore and swollen, my levels were rarely below 10 and corrections only worked if given by pen. It Then caused a lot of stress and .... I swapped back to my Combo. I simply needed some rest, and recovery time.

Whilst I am back on my Combo, I am using the time to :
- do a full fasting basal rate test. That always takes a few days!
- then check sensitivity and carb ratios for each time slot
- try a Medtronic cannula without insulin to see if it is an issue with the cannula or glue
- keep a record of the things I automatically do in the Combo, identify these and check
that I know how to do these in the 780, and be prepared with questions if in doubt.

In some cases the Medtronic pump support have not known answers to issues I have raised, as this is all so new to them too, but have found out answers where they can. I think I want to be better prepared before trying again and I am happy to wait, and then try a restart. I want to have some success with the 780 in manual mode before I order any sensors, so my progress might be slow.

I still very much want to get through to the auto mode if I can as in the long run it will save me thinking so much about Diabetes. I think the info itemised above that I will gather over the next few weeks will enable me to make a better start second time round. Hopefully by then the pump help line will also be more familiar.
I guess it depends on how often you wear dresses?

Does the MM780 have the simplified bolus options from the BG meter? those might be workable in a number of circumstances when out and about?
That is a feature that is no longer available. The handsets are very basic as they are only intended to measure BG and send this to the pump. Job done, as in automode many of the others facilities in their earlier pumps will not be needed. It is intended to be in automode. I will just take some time to get there, if I do.
You can definitely do this... i think you ‘up/down‘ to highlight the dose in yellow, then press the centre button to allow you to ‘up/down’ the dose.

Sorry that my memory of the menus has disappeared.
Thanks Mike
I finally worked out how to get back to be able to adjust a Bolus which helped a bit. However by then sites were so skanky I don’t think the bonuses were getting through.
Well after one week and hitting a TIR of 34%, and two nights of no sleep at all I gave in.
Cannulas sites were very sore and swollen, my levels were rarely below 10 and corrections only worked if given by pen. It Then caused a lot of stress and .... I swapped back to my Combo. I simply needed some rest, and recovery time.

Whilst I am back on my Combo, I am using the time to :
- do a full fasting basal rate test. That always takes a few days!
- then check sensitivity and carb ratios for each time slot
- try a Medtronic cannula without insulin to see if it is an issue with the cannula or glue
- keep a record of the things I automatically do in the Combo, identify these and check
that I know how to do these in the 780, and be prepared with questions if in doubt.

In some cases the Medtronic pump support have not known answers to issues I have raised, as this is all so new to them too, but have found out answers where they can. I think I want to be better prepared before trying again and I am happy to wait, and then try a restart. I want to have some success with the 780 in manual mode before I order any sensors, so my progress might be slow.

I still very much want to get through to the auto mode if I can as in the long run it will save me thinking so much about Diabetes. I think the info itemised above that I will gather over the next few weeks will enable me to make a better start second time round. Hopefully by then the pump help line will also be more familiar.
Don’t worry SB I did the exact same after 2 weeks, went on holiday to Italy and left the pump at home, if you stick at it it will come right, I have 93% TIR, now. Changing the sensor is my big bug bear and I would advise you do it on a Saturday or Sunday morning so you have plenty of time to attend to the calibrations, normally it asks me a couple of times.
I had many probs with the infusion sites and eventually found on my rib cage under my arm works really well and even stays in when I’m thrashing around when I’m sleeping
I tried to be as discrete as possible but the photo might give you an idea,


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Thanks @Paulbreen. It is good to know that others have had similar issues.
I haven’t given up yet.
It is a pain in the a*$ to begin with but it is worth the hassle when you get it into auto mode
Thanks @Paulbreen. It is good to know that others have had similar issues.
I haven’t given up yet.

Hi SB, Just wondering if you've had anymore luck with the 780G? I haven't been on a pump since I was 14 & I'm 26 now so won't have issues changing from pump to pump. My 780G was dispatched just before xmas & my online training is on the 7th of January. Ive also been funded the guardian 3 CGM to run alongside..

I wasn't given any other options in regards to different pump brands. Your concerns aren't the first I've seen unfortunately.
Hi @Maco

I plan to start on the 780 again in the New Year. The issues were basically around operator error (Me). I had not checked my basal rates, my other ratios were hiding this. The switch highlighted the issue and I was not sure about how to make some of the adjustments I needed to do on the new pump. As a consequence I was as doing loads of corrections, and bouncing all over the place with levels. Then my sites got pretty annoyed at having all the extra insulin being chucked at them, ... Operator errror as I said.

My advice would be to check that your basal insulin is correct before your start date. Do a fasting test (although perhaps not this week what with Christmas Cake, chocolates, ...). The only other thing I would do is put in a cannula to check that your body has no issues with the glue, although there are ways round it if you do, and the pump carline are excellent.

The various systems with automated insulin delivery seem to keep people in range for a very high proportion of time, and you then have a lot less to think about which is appealing. The 780 is reported to be a big improvement the 670. It is great that you have been given funding for the sensors.

I look forward to hearing how you get on, and I shall no doubt be a few days behind you.
Having done some basal rate testing, checked cannulas without insulin running, ... i felt ready to have another go with the 780. It was definitely operator error the first time round, with the bonus of a UTI to add into the mix.

I had a full hour of a virtual appointment with my DSN and we checked out all my settings, checked basal rates and I committed to a restart on Monday, with a follow up appointment with DSN on Tuesday. As I had to change my set yesterday I decided to just take the plunge, still in manual mode but if all goes well this time I will order the starter kit.

Had a nice flat line overnight but a hypo first thing. Easy to sort out ready for tonight (although I won’t shout too loud in case the DF is nearby). I feel a lot better prepared this time and have found out how to do some of things I was uncertain of before. I shall see how this goes.
Hope it goes really well this time @SB2015 - and you can run in manual long enough to try automode.
Thanks Mike

After a couple of tweaks to basal rates overnight I am now getting nice flat lines throughout the night. Some other basal rates to check during the day, although I know that once in automode wobbles will be sorted out by the pump. I shall still use the next few weeks to develop an understanding of how the manual mode works before switching over. I am already getting to know the various screens and routes to TBRs, basal rate profile changes, ...

Talking of TBRs I am used to an alarm going off when a TBR finishes, which gave me the chance to check levels and decide whether to reset it. Either I did not notice the alarm or this ones doesn’t do that. Any Medtronic users know?

The Medtronic sensors are dropping in price now which is good news. I suspect this is due to the competition from Dexcom as well as the availability of Libres.

I have abandoned the linked BG test kit, as I struggled to get the test strips out of their no spill pot. They are a lot smaller than my old ones and I did like the light on the test strip port. However I can continue with my old one and the bigger strips, which I find easier to manage and just enter the BG manually.

I find it strange that Medtronic have set up with a bluetoothed test kit, but then you have to access the pump to confirm it within 12 minutes. So if you have to get out the pump I am not sure what advantage the Bluetoothness is. It feels like they are then able to advertise that their handset is bluetoothed to the pump, which drew me in, and as a Combo user I assumed that that meant I could do everything from the handset. As I am at home it is not a problem needing access to the pump for a Bolus and I have time to try out different options for adaptations to clothes.

Good brain exercise doing a switch.
Talking of TBRs I am used to an alarm going off when a TBR finishes, which gave me the chance to check levels and decide whether to reset it. Either I did not notice the alarm or this ones doesn’t do that. Any Medtronic users know?
Mine beeps when the temp rate ends, only one beep though.
@SB2015 when I had my old tubey pump and wore a dress, I would put it in a pump belt wrapped twice around my upper thigh. I was pretty good at surreptitiously getting the pump out under the table in a restaurant without exposing too much thigh.
I never tried it with a maxi-dress so didn't have to lift too much dress to access the pump.

I have read some women storing their pump in their bra. No idea how they discretely access it in public.
@SB2015 when I had my old tubey pump and wore a dress, I would put it in a pump belt wrapped twice around my upper thigh. I was pretty good at surreptitiously getting the pump out under the table in a restaurant without exposing too much thigh.
I never tried it with a maxi-dress so didn't have to lift too much dress to access the pump.

I have read some women storing their pump in their bra. No idea how they discretely access it in public.
Thanks Helli

I think your idea of a thigh belt is likely to be a lot more discreet than getting the pump out of my bra. I have seen the hidin belts and fancy weaving some stretchy fabric to make my own.
That will work better for parties and for concerts, where dresses are a bit less floaty.

I was surprised how many normal dresses that I have do have pockets. So a small buttonhole behind each pocket will work well.
@SB2015 How are you getting on since restarting?
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