Pump start 780G

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have finally got a new phone that is compatible with the app for my new phone.
It has taken two days to get it all sorted.

I cried and sweared when the new phone told me it was incompatible when I tried to download the pump app initially, even though it was on the Medtronic list. However I spoke to a very helpful Medtronic person (in USA) who sorted things out, and I am now ready for the pump to arrive.

I also had no sound on any of the notifications even though I had set up all the in app settings and phone settings. Coffee with a youngster this morning sorted that out. How was I to know that there was a nice little switch on the side of my phone which very easily switches off the sound!!!

I tend to assume that if something goes wrong with tech it is down to me. I know that in a few months this will all be as familiar as my current pump and old phone.

Pump start is next week, and not face to face so it is all online. I will let you know how it goes.
Hey congratulations @SB2015 looks like your making progress, do you mind if I ask what is the name of the app you will be using ?
Phew! And hurrah for new tech (eventually!) cooperating.

Looking forward to hearing how you get on next week for the big switchover - hope it all goes smoothly and there aren’t too many frustrations.

Have you decided which infusion sets you will use?
Phew! And hurrah for new tech (eventually!) cooperating.

Looking forward to hearing how you get on next week for the big switchover - hope it all goes smoothly and there aren’t too many frustrations.

Have you decided which infusion sets you will use?
They have bought out new ones, which work much more like the Accu Chek ones. The tubing is now provided separately from the cannulas, so you can change a cannula if needed without having to change the whole set. The putter inner is very similar to my current one, but unfortunately disposable. Pros and cons for everything.

I have just had a message to say the pump arrives tomorrow, so it gives me a chance to familiarise myself with it before the training day, which will be very helpful. I can do that at my own pace, and I have found The Medtronic support line brilliant however silly my questions may seem.

All progress and feeling much less nervous about it.
Good progress @SB2015 🙂 At least the keyboard and numbers stay in the same order!
Thanks @Flower .

It is good that some things are straightforward, although it took
me a while to find where some of the symbols were hiding.
Hey congratulations @SB2015 looks like your making progress, do you mind if I ask what is the name of the app you will be using ?
The app is Minimed Medtronic which will work with these new pumps.
I know I can down load my data but this app will enable me to view the data from the pump and sensor on my phone and also share it with my clinic. I will know more once I have something for it to link with next Monday. I have also downloaded Carelink.
Thank you sir, I’ll look out for the link
Good luck with the changeover, let us know how you get on! We had very brief moments during the first few weeks when we missed the familiarity of the Combo, never wanted to actually change back though, integrated sensors are a complete game changer!
Everythig crossed for you for next week @SB2015
Thanks. It feels like a big step at present, but I suspect that in a few months
I will wonder why I was so worried, and we do have a full month of using the pump in manual before giong over to the automated system.
Good luck with the changeover, let us know how you get on! We had very brief moments during the first few weeks when we missed the familiarity of the Combo, never wanted to actually change back though, integrated sensors are a complete game changer!
Does the t-slim autocorrect in response to the sensor readings?
Does the t-slim autocorrect in response to the sensor readings?

Yes. Either Basal IQ (predictive low glucose suspend only) or control IQ (helps protect against both high BG and low BG)

Hypos are attempted to be avoided by reducing or stopping basal.

For high corrections with Control IQ, it begins by increasing the basal profile you have set for that time of day by a percentage, an dif that doesn't work It can add small correction boluses.
Thanks Mike

It is good to know that there are a variety of systems which operate in similar ways.
As you have said the language around the pump is slightly different from my previous one,
but it will become familiar with time.

I think the step of letting the sensors and the auto correct might be the more difficult change
but well worth trying. Someone (quite likely you) suggested that I definitely give it at least six months using the sensors.

Happy not to be trying with sensors over Christmas with those extra carbs, and a lot of unknowns, although it is all those things that I suspect the automation will address for me in the future.

Thanks for all the help from you and others.
Well, you want it to, certainly!

Be interesting to find out, albeit 2nd hand, whether it does what it says on the tin at the end of the day, of course.

(Still a bit disgusted with myself admitting it was too different to attract me sufficiently TBH)
Hope you get on well with it @SB2015

I remember my first 28 days with a sensor augmented pump and having a piece of diabetes tech actively independently helping me out. It was amazing, and slightly addictive!
It can make you a bit lazy though, if we get any low alerts from the sensor and it isn’t dropping rapidly into the 2s we tend to just sit there saying “Marvin will sort that out!”
Like it, Marvin. I ventured into the stratosphere around lunchtime, having changed my cannula this morning. Had to get my Novo pen and a needle and have a manual jab. Goodness knows why I hadn't waved the libre over my arm but there you go... still high. Ooops.

Had pump correction cos of course I ripped the failed one out earlier.

How the heck do you keep track of your lousy absorption sites?
Mine has been given the name of Humphrey.

The pump start on Monday was very good. The first day was a bit wobbly as my cannula failed.
Good to have the chance to do another set change soon after the training.
Just needing to tweak basal rates and ratios.

I am taking it step by step. In Manual mode at the moment without sensors.
Next it will be sensors and manual mode, before then going over to full auto mode.

I shall post a few questions as I go along.
Remember discussing this with a lady on the same Uni committee as me, one day, re our first set change. Took her 20 minutes so I was pleased it only took me 10-ish.

10 years later, it's still a ruddy faff. Just gets quicker is all.
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