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Pringles- Original


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
This isn't a query, just a major disappointment for me I haven't eaten any Pringles for at least 6 years. Today for some reason I saw them in the supermarket and decided to buy them. I arrived home, opened the Pringles tube, ate three, alas they weren't as wonderful as I had thought they would be. Too salty and too stodgy for me. Over the years both my diet and palate have changed, still not a bad thing, but, nevertheless it came as a bit of a surprise.
Over the years both my diet and palate have changed, still not a bad thing, but, nevertheless it came as a bit of a surprise
The recipe will have changed
@Sharron1 Life is full of little surprises, even in a tub of pringles it would seem 😉
Did the tube have a metal base? I heard that they were changing the packaging to make the tubes recyclable, in particular the base. If it's been changed I wonder if it's had an effect on what's inside.
@Sharron1 Life is full of little surprises, even in a tub of pringles it would seem 😉
At least I can rely on C. Dairy Milk, as I look towards my Easter Eggs. Not long now
I also brought some for xmas just as a treat and we found the same thing ended up throwing them away 😡
You couldn't tempt me with the Original variety but Sour Cream and Onion.... Yum! Not had any since diagnosis 6 years ago but doubt my tastes have changed enough not to scoff a whole tube in one sitting given half a chance. I buy nuts now and make sure to walk straight past the crisp section in the supermarket. If I am really in need of something then a packet of pork scratchings does the trick.
Never been a fan of pringles so I don't miss them. Each to their own though. I used to eat packets of wotsits when I was a schoolgirl but I haven't eaten them for decades. (Unfortunately I am that old 😱:rofl:)
Skips are also on the lower side of carb contents

Pre-D, I used to love as Skip sandwich! Skips or frazzles both make delightful sandwiches.
Pre-D, I used to love as Skip sandwich! Skips or frazzles both make delightful sandwiches.
I remember loving Frazzles when I was a kid.
Then they seemed to disappear and I couldn't find them.
Now they are back, they don't live up to my memories.

I do like Skips but I can't imagine them in a sandwich. One of the things I like is how they "melt" in your mouth which wouldn't work with bread.
Maybe I will have to do some research :D
I used to have a passion for crisps, I'm talking about the 60s, and M&S cheese and onion were my favourite. Rather like Sharron1's experience with Pringles I don't find the current version to be as good; could be them, could be me or maybe it was the passion of youth.

I don't care about them now except when I go abroad for some reason. The excuse I give is that they are a readily available source of carbohydrate and I always buy a big bag. As soon as I come home I don't even think about them.
Pre-D, I used to love as Skip sandwich! Skips or frazzles both make delightful sandwiches.

Next stop Masterchef @harbottle? 😛

I was really pleased when Walkers tapped into the Crisp-in or Crisp-out thing. It was always strictly forbidden by my Mum when I was a child, so became a rare birthday-party treat when all normal rules of engagement were eased!

Interesting to find how your tastebuds change and adapt isn’t it @Sharron1

It can happen completely without you realising, then suddenly you have something that would once have been entirely ‘normal’ or a special treat, only to find your tongue and taste has moved on, and it’s actually pretty unpalatable now!
Next stop Masterchef @harbottle? 😛

I was really pleased when Walkers tapped into the Crisp-in or Crisp-out thing. It was always strictly forbidden by my Mum when I was a child, so became a rare birthday-party treat when all normal rules of engagement were eased!

Interesting to find how your tastebuds change and adapt isn’t it @Sharron1

It can happen completely without you realising, then suddenly you have something that would once have been entirely ‘normal’ or a special treat, only to find your tongue and taste has moved on, and it’s actually pretty unpalatable now!
Alas (I think) my enthusiasm for CDM Easter eggs has not vanished and I am eagerly awaiting the moment to tuck in...
Blood test soon to see if Ezitimbre without the Statin has done anything for my cholestrol, and also if the reduction of Metformin down to two has caused problems. The Clinical Pharmacologist assured me that my Hba1c would increase. As ever, all stick and no carrot in my surgery.