Posting etiquette

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Please Katie, you may not be suffering this, but my misdiagnosed and therefore uncontrolled diabetes started with a tingling in my feet, now my whole body from the chest down is if it is on fire without remission, my kidneys have packed in and am almost blind... Do not underestimate the complications of uncontrolled diabetes. Just because it's nice to be nice! I realise I've not much longer to go now and would like to think that someone, anyone will benefit from the realisation that good blood control is paramount!! This will be my last post, as I go in to hospital tomorrow and do not expect I will be able to again. May your god bless you and all who read this...

Spoodgel, thank you for replying here and most of all for putting your earlier posts in context. I am sure you appreciate how it was impossible for us to know how desperately ill you are, and how this inflamed your passions on the subject. I'm truly sorry to hear that you are suffering so and hope that you are able to get some relief from the terrible pain you must be in.

My thoughts will be with you today, and I do hope that you can come back again.
Hi, I do hope that the reason for this thread hasn't been misconstrued, although I suspect it may have been. The only reason for its existence is that I moved some posts out of Graham's 'Burning feet' thread as they were wandering away from the subject of that thread. The intention was certainly not to 'gang up' on spoodgel. I'm not opposed to 'reality checks' and blunt-speaking, as long as it is appropriate as a response to an original poster's question or post.

Responses need to be considered in relation firstly to the terms and conditions of the site, and secondly with the posting guidelines in mind. In some threads it may be appropriate to give stern warnings about possible harm they are doing themselves, based on our own experiences, but in others judgement is needed as to how helpful the response might be - particularly for someone trying to take in the shock of diagnosis.

Misunderstandings and misjudgements do occur from time to time, but I'm very happy to say that only one person has ever been banned from this site and that was because they had a commercial motive for being here.

Sorry Northerner, my post wasn't meant to 'gang up' on spoodgel, far from it. I did want to comment on the toothpaste though. Spoodgel was being sarcastic about Graham (I believe) refering to this when in fact this is what a couple of people have been told by their doctors so Graham's confusion was totally just. That's all.
Please Katie, you may not be suffering this, but my misdiagnosed and therefore uncontrolled diabetes started with a tingling in my feet, now my whole body from the chest down is if it is on fire without remission, my kidneys have packed in and am almost blind... Do not underestimate the complications of uncontrolled diabetes. Just because it's nice to be nice! I realise I've not much longer to go now and would like to think that someone, anyone will benefit from the realisation that good blood control is paramount!! This will be my last post, as I go in to hospital tomorrow and do not expect I will be able to again. May your god bless you and all who read this...

Good luck in hospital Spoodgel, I do hope tomorrow goes as well as you wish it to.

I just wanted to say that I do agree with the contents of your posts, you are right, diabetes can be a killer but there are ways to say things and I believe that the way you said things were far to harsh for newly diagnosed people and others as well. We all know what diabetes is capable and I feel that the people who join sites like these are the ones that actually do want good control and will fight for it as this is a starting place. These people here do actually care about their diabetes, it is the hundreds of thousands on their own, not in clubs or in forums, who believe every word their doctors say who need more help along the lines you are suggesting.

We are here to support you as well you know, in whatever way we can possible from a computer. 🙂

I will be thinking of you today and hope the hospital can help with some good pain relief. It is a shame we didnt know your circumstances as you obviously have a wealth of experience to offer all diabetics, whether long -standing or newly diagnosed.
If you have strength left, it would be nice to know how your doing.
May your god bless you. Bev x
Good luck with today wil be thinking of you
Agreed, it's all about living with diabetes, not aiming to die from it - but some people will get complications, despite their best efforts to control their condition. However, good control reduces chances of complications, not eliminates the chance - and along the way, exercise / activity can be lots of fun, which is the main reason I do it, rather than specifically to improve my health (and cycling also to not use car when I don't need to, or environmental grounds).
I must admit, I'd be scared if I were starting kidney dialysis, like Spoodgel, but none of us know that when he first posted, so thanks for explaining - your comments make sense now and are less likely to offend when read in context.
My heart goes out to Spoodgel, I can understand why he's so damn passionate in his posts....................

Fingers crossed he WILL be able to come and join us on the forum again.

Good luck Spoodgel, I hope it went well today.
I don't think many of us fail to understand the serious nature of this condition we've been served.

In reality by coming to this forum we realise it is a condition with many sides and implications. No two of us are alike, each and every one of us from the point of diagnosis should be striving one thing in common - CONTROL

We're the unlucky, lucky ones, we or our loved ones have been diagnosed, hopefully in time, hopefully with better care than we'd have had without diagnosis.

Alas, some people fail to be picked up through screening or testing for any number of reasons, some excusable, some unforgivable.

I hope your treatment offers you the relief you need and enables you to resume some of lifes normal tasks.

Another important aspect of the forum is the emotional support offered and delivered in good quantity by new and old members. Diabetes is a hidden condition, serious enough to shorten your life considerably, but controllable with the right measures and support. And while the medical profession look at the raw mechanical impact of the condition, few if any stop to consider the emotional drain it places on the diabetic and those around them.

Needing tens of injections a week, for every week of your life, just to stay alive, never having a day when you can say 'stuff it, today I'm having a day off, I'm not diabetic today' doesn't happen.

Perhaps for some of the younger members and those represented by the most dedicated of parents on this forum, there could be hope of a cure or at least perhaps an artificial pancreas within the first half of their life time. That is real hope, but doesn't detract from the serious nature of the condition and it's impact in the whole of the human body, the brain through every organ, including your limbs, eyes and maybe even your hearing.

Lifting the load and lightening it for others during those times of darkness is a fantastic role to play and be a part of, in whatever form it takes.

When you sign into the forum it is quite clear in that there is no medical diagnosis or opinion to be presented, officially none of us (as I am aware) are medically qualified and there is a delicate balance of how much is private and how much about us is publically available.

Balance in all is required. Emotions as we all know can run high, with passion about a given topic or with blood sugars bouncing from floor to ceiling.

Often best for many of us to stop before hitting the send button, having a cup of tea and re-reading what we typed. Says he as he is about to hit send on pages of rubbish! 🙄

Again, all the best with your treatment, keep us posted on your progress.
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