Posting etiquette

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What a shame that I now feel I have to think twice before I post :(

Helen, you werent thinking twice when you commented on me "sticking up the poll"!!! Dont start now :D:D
Helen, you werent thinking twice when you commented on me "sticking up the poll"!!! Dont start now :D:D

Believe it or not, I did think long and hard (excuse the pun :D ) before I posted that, and in the end I couldn't help myself. A decision I think I may regret 😱

Firstly may i say i love this forum, it has a friendliness to it and a kind of warmth, people post in a language that i understand, and best of all the site is not full of anti-carbohydrate fascists telling me i shall go to hell if i even LOOK at a chip!
BUT and it is a big BUT i really am the type of person who needs a reality check now and then and perhaps the threat of losing eyesight/toes etc is the kick up the backside i need (obviously not in the newbies thread!)
I am now at the stage of my diabetes where i think maybe some chocolate now and then or a cigarette wont do me any harm because so and so on the forum does it, this is not only wrong but dangerous too.
Best wishes to ALL of you, and i hope i haven't spoken out of turn.
Believe it or not, I did think long and hard (excuse the pun :D ) before I posted that, and in the end I couldn't help myself. A decision I think I may regret 😱


Well it made me giggle - so much so it nearly gave my secret posting at work away! 😱
evening all, whats this post about again?? Sometimes they can't half go off on a tangent! Like the time I found a frog in the garden! Opps there I go again. Right yes we are all here for differing reasons, and I agree that sometimes it can seem a bit harsh this ganging up but if thats what the people are saying let them be heard. As for thinking twice before posting, wouldn't work for me, but general politeness can't be wrong, some come across stronger than others that shouldn't be cause for burning them at the stake, although it is a bit chilly so maybe a bit of a roasting will be good! Not sure what my point is here, but this is part of the greatness of this forum, I can type anything, expressing my feelings/thoughts asking questions sharing my experiences, like when I found a frog in the garden last week. I don't mean to be flippant, but feel free to persecute me, I adore the fact that there is so much knowledge out there and enjoy reading them all, keep up the good work one and all, and don't be put off by anything so long as everyone is polite we can all happily co-exist in this cyber space, space.

END (I think?!)
evening all, whats this post about again?? Sometimes they can't half go off on a tangent! Like the time I found a frog in the garden! Opps there I go again. Right yes we are all here for differing reasons, and I agree that sometimes it can seem a bit harsh this ganging up but if thats what the people are saying let them be heard. As for thinking twice before posting, wouldn't work for me, but general politeness can't be wrong, some come across stronger than others that shouldn't be cause for burning them at the stake, although it is a bit chilly so maybe a bit of a roasting will be good! Not sure what my point is here, but this is part of the greatness of this forum, I can type anything, expressing my feelings/thoughts asking questions sharing my experiences, like when I found a frog in the garden last week. I don't mean to be flippant, but feel free to persecute me, I adore the fact that there is so much knowledge out there and enjoy reading them all, keep up the good work one and all, and don't be put off by anything so long as everyone is polite we can all happily co-exist in this cyber space, space.

END (I think?!)

very well put !
i think spoodgel just needs to realise what he said was pretty out of order - especially as mentioned before he has never met Graham and is more than likely not a medical professional and therefore has no right to be declaring what someone is or isn't. opinions are fine ('sounds like it could be ____, you should get it checked out' etc) but stating something with no hard proof is something completely different.
Hell no!! This Great Britain, the United Kingdom etc. etc. I don't know if you saw my early post's here? But I was in a latin American site for a while where they discuss which McDonald's or Dairy Queen is better for their diabetes?!! Unreal!! I remember one thread which went on for day's extolling the virtues of iodine included salt on their french fries!! Beggars belief!!😱

iodine :confused: is that what the nurse :confused: put on my toe when i smashed the they put it on chips?
Ooo I love a good debate I do.

I won't join in though, can't be bothered. I know we are all here supporting each other and all newcomers.

One thing someone mentioned though and I think it is in the very original post about cleaning teeth and testing and this was 'laughed at'.

I would like to point out that I know of two doctors (not particularly good ones) who have said in the past when doing a fasting blood test, do not clean your teeth until after you have tested.

Now this may be utter c**p but I have no idea just wanted to point it out so that the person who 'laughed at' the other person can take that laugh right back again.

Did I confuse you all with the last para............😛
Ooo I love a good debate I do.

I won't join in though, can't be bothered. I know we are all here supporting each other and all newcomers.

One thing someone mentioned though and I think it is in the very original post about cleaning teeth and testing and this was 'laughed at'.

I would like to point out that I know of two doctors (not particularly good ones) who have said in the past when doing a fasting blood test, do not clean your teeth until after you have tested.

Now this may be utter c**p but I have no idea just wanted to point it out so that the person who 'laughed at' the other person can take that laugh right back again.

Did I confuse you all with the last para............😛

agree rumour has it there is loads of sugar in make it taste nice...and the quickest way to get sugar in blood stream is through the gums so i totally identified with the confusionX
Hi, I do hope that the reason for this thread hasn't been misconstrued, although I suspect it may have been. The only reason for its existence is that I moved some posts out of Graham's 'Burning feet' thread as they were wandering away from the subject of that thread. The intention was certainly not to 'gang up' on spoodgel. I'm not opposed to 'reality checks' and blunt-speaking, as long as it is appropriate as a response to an original poster's question or post.

Responses need to be considered in relation firstly to the terms and conditions of the site, and secondly with the posting guidelines in mind. In some threads it may be appropriate to give stern warnings about possible harm they are doing themselves, based on our own experiences, but in others judgement is needed as to how helpful the response might be - particularly for someone trying to take in the shock of diagnosis.

Misunderstandings and misjudgements do occur from time to time, but I'm very happy to say that only one person has ever been banned from this site and that was because they had a commercial motive for being here.
Hi, I do hope that the reason for this thread hasn't been misconstrued, although I suspect it may have been. The only reason for its existence is that I moved some posts out of Graham's 'Burning feet' thread as they were wandering away from the subject of that thread. The intention was certainly not to 'gang up' on spoodgel. I'm not opposed to 'reality checks' and blunt-speaking, as long as it is appropriate as a response to an original poster's question or post.

Responses need to be considered in relation firstly to the terms and conditions of the site, and secondly with the posting guidelines in mind. In some threads it may be appropriate to give stern warnings about possible harm they are doing themselves, based on our own experiences, but in others judgement is needed as to how helpful the response might be - particularly for someone trying to take in the shock of diagnosis.

Misunderstandings and misjudgements do occur from time to time, but I'm very happy to say that only one person has ever been banned from this site and that was because they had a commercial motive for being here.

I do realise that my abrupt response, has been hurtful, I am dying from this disease, my internal organ's are deteriorating one by one, I start dyalisis tomorrow. please, please!! Get the message across that this disease is a killer, in the nicest possible way if you please.........Tell them that ignoring it is wrong..........denying it is wrong........they must know!!!! I used to be nice once.....but now I'm counting the day's. Please don't let other's suffer in agony like me!!! I beg of you!!
pancreatic cancer = killer

diabetes = not so much.

I really hope your posts don't scare any newly diagnosed people :(
I do realise that my abrupt response, has been hurtful, I am dying from this disease, my internal organ's are deteriorating one by one, I start dyalisis tomorrow. please, please!! Get the message across that this disease is a killer, in the nicest possible way if you please.........Tell them that ignoring it is wrong..........denying it is wrong........they must know!!!! I used to be nice once.....but now I'm counting the day's. Please don't let other's suffer in agony like me!!! I beg of you!!

NOW you're scaring me! 😱
pancreatic cancer = killer

diabetes = not so much.

I really hope your posts don't scare any newly diagnosed people :(

Please Katie, you may not be suffering this, but my misdiagnosed and therefore uncontrolled diabetes started with a tingling in my feet, now my whole body from the chest down is if it is on fire without remission, my kidneys have packed in and am almost blind... Do not underestimate the complications of uncontrolled diabetes. Just because it's nice to be nice! I realise I've not much longer to go now and would like to think that someone, anyone will benefit from the realisation that good blood control is paramount!! This will be my last post, as I go in to hospital tomorrow and do not expect I will be able to again. May your god bless you and all who read this...
jeff, referring to your earlier post... it is not wrong or dangerous for someone with diabetes to have a piece of chocolate now and then. Unless you mean that your lack of will power means you cant only have a bit and will eat the whole lot :D
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Please Katie, you may not be suffering this, but my misdiagnosed and therefore uncontrolled diabetes started with a tingling in my feet, now my whole body from the chest down is if it is on fire without remission, my kidneys have packed in and am almost blind... Do not underestimate the complications of uncontrolled diabetes. Just because it's nice to be nice! I realise I've not much longer to go now and would like to think that someone, anyone will benefit from the realisation that good blood control is paramount!! This will be my last post, as I go in to hospital tomorrow and do not expect I will be able to again. May your god bless you and all who read this...

I understand that you are suffering because of poor control and i'm very sorry to hear this. I just think that your other post was something that would scare people, especially newly diagnosed people! You just posted a lovely, caring post in reply to a newbie and that's great- very supported. It's one thing to say 'you must get control!!!' but it's another to say "this disease is a killer". Most people are promptly diagnosed, do gain good control and are complication free for years and years. You are right, good control is paramount and we can only try our best.

I do hope to see you post on here again. May YOUR God bless YOU xx
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blimey if i had been a newbie coming in and saw id sure of hell left by now.
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