Posting etiquette

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi spoodgel, this isn't necessarily the case - we don't know Graham's full situation so we can't assume the cause is neuropathy. As I said in my earlier post, recently diagnosed people can experience heightened nerve sensations as their blood sugar levels fall in the initial stages of treatment (as happened to me). Graham's doctor will also have had neuropathy in mind, one would hope - but a trip to the podiatrist would seem the best course of action. It may not be diabetes related at all, although we obviously tend to blame that first.

Try not to worry Graham and ask if you can have your fee.

t checked by a podiatrist - this should happen at least once a year, when was the last ime you had such a check?

Sorry, but the reality is, Graham must control his blood level's now!!! Because as described, he is almost certainly in the initial stages of neuropathy development, which as we all know, does lead to a world that none of us wish to be in. Harsh word's now, softer landings.
Sorry, but the reality is, Graham must control his blood level's now!!! Because as described, he is almost certainly in the initial stages of neuropathy development, which as we all know, does lead to a world that none of us wish to be in. Harsh word's now, softer landings.

You cannot make a diagnosis based on a brief description of a symptom. All diabetics are aware that keeping blood sugars under control is paramount in order to avoid complications. Please read the General courtesy guidelines in the announcements section at the top of each messageboard.
You cannot make a diagnosis based on a brief description of a symptom. All diabetics are aware that keeping blood sugars under control is paramount in order to avoid complications. Please read the General courtesy guidelines in the announcements section at the top of each messageboard.

I think spoodgel is just a little pasionate about getting a point across nothing to critise, remember what it was like when first diagnoised... just remember all , we cannot give diagnoisness we can only encourage debate and access to information to enable diabetics to ask our health professional informed questions as to their individual circumstances
You cannot make a diagnosis based on a brief description of a symptom. All diabetics are aware that keeping blood sugars under control is paramount in order to avoid complications. Please read the General courtesy guidelines in the announcements section at the top of each messageboard.

As I have perused this forum before deciding to contribute. I must say that I have observed a great deal of paliative platitudes from newly diagnosed individuals, offering support to other newly diagnosed people. The only informative and dispassionate individual I have observed is Copepod, who displaces relative information in a thoroughly professional manner. As I have also observed, not all diabetics are aware of how to control there sugars. Please read through the unfortunate individual's post how he was uncertain whether to brush his teeth before testing. The truth dear boy!! Give them the truth!!!
As I have perused this forum before deciding to contribute. I must say that I have observed a great deal of paliative platitudes from newly diagnosed individuals, offering support to other newly diagnosed people. The only informative and dispassionate individual I have observed is Copepod, who displaces relative information in a thoroughly professional manner. As I have also observed, not all diabetics are aware of how to control there sugars. Please read through the unfortunate individual's post how he was uncertain whether to brush his teeth before testing. The truth dear boy!! Give them the truth!!!

I hope i speak for most on here when i say that this forum has become somewhere we can come to get support and encouragement from other diabetics when we feel at our most vulnerable. It is a scary condition as im sure you'll agree and whilst i appreciate your intention is to educate Graham and ensure he is aware of the medical facts and possible complications i think post is written quite insensitively.

Personally i always find Copepods posts very informative how ever they are always written with care, and the facts are explained without being alarming.

Many people find us when they are newly diagnosed or struggling to deal with their conditions. There is a way to convey the more unpleasant side or our condition without implying that the next out of range reading will be your last!

Your opinion, as with everyone elses, is valued, i would just ask that you consider the mental and emotional implications of how you choose to word them.

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As I have perused this forum before deciding to contribute. I must say that I have observed a great deal of paliative platitudes from newly diagnosed individuals, offering support to other newly diagnosed people. The only informative and dispassionate individual I have observed is Copepod, who displaces relative information in a thoroughly professional manner. As I have also observed, not all diabetics are aware of how to control there sugars. Please read through the unfortunate individual's post how he was uncertain whether to brush his teeth before testing. The truth dear boy!! Give them the truth!!!

I'm sorry but I actually find what you've written here quite offensive :( On this forum, everyone's opinion is valid, and here we help each other deal with this sometimes very difficult condition. But we do it in a nice way, not in a way where we try and scare monger people. Give them the truth yes, but not in such a harsh way!! We need to understand the more harsh sides to diabetes, yes. But there really is no need to put it across in such a way.

Please consider that what you have written here may have scared the OP or really affected their mental state regarding this issue. Which is something that, both here and well...anywhere for that matter, really shouldn't be done

sorry to be a little flippant going to the virtual pub XX enough arguing 4 one it the moon??
Platitudes? I think not. There's a evident desire shown by all the denizens of this site, old or new, to offer what support they can without offering medical opinions. The length of time we've been members is irrelevant, it's the honest wish to help that counts. Objectivity has it's place, but it's not everything. I'm a newbie myself to the forum and the disease, I find the others members warm, welcoming and supportive in a life that's turned into a nightmare, that's what counts for me. If I want cold objectivity I'll talk to the doctors.
As I have perused this forum before deciding to contribute. I must say that I have observed a great deal of paliative platitudes from newly diagnosed individuals, offering support to other newly diagnosed people.

Perhaps if you told us a little more about your own situation and experiences, we would be better placed to decide whether you have the necessary qualifications to decide how best to offer advice and support. Before you dismiss the advice of 'newly-diagnosed people', please bear in mind that their knowledge may be more current than someone who was diagnosed several years ago - we can all contribute.
Hey spoodgel, I totally agree that Graham needs to keep tight control of his bloods and it could be neuropathy, but I think what people have a problem with here is that you said "You are experiencing diabetic neuropathy". How do you know? You haven't met the guy and i'm assuming you aren't a doctor. Graham hasn't stated how long he has been diagnosed for or that his levels are bad, so you cant just assume he has bad control. If someone says they have terrible control then fine, tell them to sort it out 😉
I think this is a difficult form of communication and some people feel very passionately thaat we all get the right care.

Since we are all indvividuals, we can give personal experirneces, but it is no replacement for seeking medical advice.

Sometimes I read posts and think it is worded badly or insensitively, but find it better to either go away and come back later or not to reply at all. It is because we all come with different experiences and different levels of care.
I do think it is slightly rude to say you have found only one person in here who is imformative and disspassionate no matter how long or short we have been members or diagnosed what we all say on here is of some help to someone , you make it sound like what everyone else has to say means nothing , we all try our best to be as helpful and knowledgable to each other as we can.
I do think it is slightly rude to say you have found only one person in here who is imformative and disspassionate no matter how long or short we have been members or diagnosed what we all say on here is of some help to someone , you make it sound like what everyone else has to say means nothing , we all try our best to be as helpful and knowledgable to each other as we can.

I agree totally.
I come on here for a little chat to guess someones HbA1c, serious stuff you can get from your GP, i've been given loads of good advice and sometimes just put my mind at rest. I do also try to give back some of the advice even if its just to say go to the dr's!

Tad rude for me.. sorry
Julie x
Well when someone joins here in myopinion a new person coming in should not come on and literally offend everyone . It aint nice to see and it for one made me feel like all i have give to people in the past has meant nothing , nobody on here in my opinion is more right or wrong then anyone else.If you have something to say then by all means say it but be careful of how you put it .
Spoodgel - as far as I can tell you appear to be very opinionated and apparently not prepared to support your point of view with valid evidence. Just because something can have a basis in Diabetes does not mean that the worst case scenario is the only possible one. If this was to be the case how would you explain why non-diabetics can experience the same symptoms.

As for the other comments on this subject, it is mass attacks like this one which mean I rarely find that I want to post just incase my personal opinion offends someone and i end up the recipient of such treatment. I have noticed that this is not the only occasion when this type of behaviour has happened. I also dont post unless I feel I have something worthwhile to say, unlike some who seem to repeat what has already been said or apologise for not being able to advise. Maybe this is why I doubt I will become a Senior member or receive a flashing congratulations for reaching another thousand posts.

Like many others I do agree that advice should be given in a sensitive way, but if this is the case, should critisism not be positive rather than destructive??

I agree that the forum is a great source of information and support, but feel this bitching spoils what we are aiming to achieve and will alienate potential new members. MAYBE this is why Graham, the originator of the question, has not posted since asking the question.

In MY OPINION it is time to close this thread as it is serving no further purpose.
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People come here looking for all sorts of different things, so sometimes just the fact that someone has noticed you is enough to dispel a feeling of isolation or loneliness. Some are looking for specific answers, some for general social interaction with like-minded people. Occasionally, there are posts that cause friction, often unintentionally - but they hav been very rare here, thanfully. We have over 4,000 threads and over 65,000 posts, so the number that have caused offence or distress has been tiny in that context.

All the moderators are volunteers, and we try our best to keep things upbeat and positive, whilst at the same time stimulating discussion and sharing knowledge and experience. The guidlelines for posting are there for all to see and hopefully will be respected.
I'm sorry spoodgel but I wholeheartedly agree with the above comments by Northerner, if you have issues, may you not share them here with us, I perceive a lot of anger, possibly leading to some fairly unjust comment's. There is one thing I shall thank you have consolidated this forum as a group, it's really quite wonderful that we all share the same compassion for each matter our circumstances.........thank you🙂

back on form sharpwaa!
Quote from bicardigirl"
I also dont post unless I feel I have something worthwhile to say, unlike some who seem to repeat what has already been said or apologise for not being able to advise. Maybe this is why I doubt I will become a Senior member or receive a flashing congratulations for reaching another thousand posts."

Originally Posted by Northerner
People come here looking for all sorts of different things, so sometimes just the fact that someone has noticed you is enough to dispel a feeling of isolation or loneliness. Some are looking for specific answers, some for general social interaction with like-minded people.

I was a very islolated diabetic for a year, finding this forum changed all that. I dont have the 'medical' understanding to comment a alot of the time, but when it makes sense or i have empathy with fellow the burning feet issue...i make comments often just for encouragement, or because i am grateful for the information. Its also fun ....well why shouldnt it be?
What a shame that I now feel I have to think twice before I post :(

I'm not in a position yet to be able to offer help and advice on Diabetes, but still like to offer encouragement, empathy or just a non-judgemental 'ear' for people who may feel a tad less isolated or confused if I, and others do.

However, now I feel if I'm not offering constructive medical advice then I'd be better keeping me trap shut! :(

What a shame that I now feel I have to think twice before I post :(

I'm not in a position yet to be able to offer help and advice on Diabetes, but still like to offer encouragement, empathy or just a non-judgemental 'ear' for people who may feel a tad less isolated or confused if I, and others do.

However, now I feel if I'm not offering constructive medical advice then I'd be better keeping me trap shut! :(


Post away Helen! The beauty of the place is that we have those who have specific knowledge which they are happy and willing to share, but equally we have people who offer something just as important and that is SUPPORT! The clue is in the name of the website! If people are purely looking for answers to medical questions, there are thousands of sites out there, and we can't give medical advice anyway - we're not qualified. We do, however have a huge pool of experience and people from all walks of life who help to make this a vibrant and friendly environment - long may it continue!

I have been on forums where there are no posts at all for weeks - they are, to me , quite lifeless and dull. At least here there is usually something of interest going on, or somewhere that you can just 'chill out'.🙂
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