possible swine flu

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Just got back from walk in centre. The doctor said he has 3 of the 5 symptoms, so as a precaution, he has given him tamiflu.

Alex is really upset because it is his last few days at this primary school and they had lots of nice things planned! But doctor said he should stay off for the 5 days.
I know its for everyones safety etc - but there was a confirmed swine flu at his school just last week, so in my view all the children have already been exposed to the germs etc.
You only have to look around you in supermarkets etc to see how people sneeze without tissues etc, and if you use chip and pin - there must be millions of germs on the machine - so we are all exposed to it anyway - it seems odd to try to quarantine some people, whilst there are so many people walking around who are either carriers of it or have it! I am very tempted to just send him into school.:(Bev

Hi Bev...

Glad to hear you got Alex some Tamiflu....🙂
Hope he is feeling a little better...🙂

Glad you got help for Alex. I'm sure he'll be better pretty quick, children are quite resiliant people. Shame Alex will miss the end of primary school, but it is better for his health and everyones safety.
Just got back from walk in centre. The doctor said he has 3 of the 5 symptoms, so as a precaution, he has given him tamiflu.

Alex is really upset because it is his last few days at this primary school and they had lots of nice things planned! But doctor said he should stay off for the 5 days.
I know its for everyones safety etc - but there was a confirmed swine flu at his school just last week, so in my view all the children have already been exposed to the germs etc.
You only have to look around you in supermarkets etc to see how people sneeze without tissues etc, and if you use chip and pin - there must be millions of germs on the machine - so we are all exposed to it anyway - it seems odd to try to quarantine some people, whilst there are so many people walking around who are either carriers of it or have it! I am very tempted to just send him into school.:(Bev

Hi Bev

I hope Alex is ok. Does he seem ill?

The dr rang me after the nurse and he told me that she had a temp if she was 37.4 ! I thought anything up to 37.5 was ok but I guess not. He asked me to take it again and it was 37.1 but she has had paracetamol. He said to test it again just before next lot of calpol. She has a few of the symptoms but it could just be a cough and cold she has but you just don't know. She seems ok, she is lying on the sofa reading now and has eaten a sandwich. Her levels are not good though, she is now 25.0 and I've put her on 150% for an hour plus have given her an extra 2 units in total extra. That could be the popcorn though, I still don't know.

We have been given Tamiflu. A friend has just brought it around but I'm holding off. I want her to build up the antibodies for it. The dr said if her temp reaches 38 take it or if her symptoms get worse take it. So far so good. I'll keep you all posted. Bev you too, let us know how Alex goes. I wouldn't send him to school. I know its tempting and I do understand but just supposing one of those children does have another underlying health issue they don't know about and that child gets swine flu and the awful thing happens, you would never forgive yourself. I know Alex will miss all the good stuff but it may not really be worth it in the end.

Take care.
hope he gets well soon glad you got the tamiflu tho xx
Hi Bev

I hope Alex is ok. Does he seem ill?

The dr rang me after the nurse and he told me that she had a temp if she was 37.4 ! I thought anything up to 37.5 was ok but I guess not. He asked me to take it again and it was 37.1 but she has had paracetamol. He said to test it again just before next lot of calpol. She has a few of the symptoms but it could just be a cough and cold she has but you just don't know. She seems ok, she is lying on the sofa reading now and has eaten a sandwich. Her levels are not good though, she is now 25.0 and I've put her on 150% for an hour plus have given her an extra 2 units in total extra. That could be the popcorn though, I still don't know.

We have been given Tamiflu. A friend has just brought it around but I'm holding off. I want her to build up the antibodies for it. The dr said if her temp reaches 38 take it or if her symptoms get worse take it. So far so good. I'll keep you all posted. Bev you too, let us know how Alex goes. I wouldn't send him to school. I know its tempting and I do understand but just supposing one of those children does have another underlying health issue they don't know about and that child gets swine flu and the awful thing happens, you would never forgive yourself. I know Alex will miss all the good stuff but it may not really be worth it in the end.

Take care.

Adrienne, i know your right - i wouldnt send him into school - but its just sad for him that he wont get to join in with everyone else.

How is J? I wouldnt hold off too long as you have to give it within 48 of any symptoms or it doesnt work - thats what we were told anyway. A is fine - not really feeling ill - just a bit hot and his levels are a bit high - ketones are gone after loads of water and he has eaten all meals today, so if he has it i am hoping it only lasts a short amount of time. Bev
Sorry Ive only just seen this thread , I hope all the children are ok .

Shame Alex is missing out of the last of primary school :( I hope he feels better soon
Adrienne, i know your right - i wouldnt send him into school - but its just sad for him that he wont get to join in with everyone else.

How is J? I wouldnt hold off too long as you have to give it within 48 of any symptoms or it doesnt work - thats what we were told anyway. A is fine - not really feeling ill - just a bit hot and his levels are a bit high - ketones are gone after loads of water and he has eaten all meals today, so if he has it i am hoping it only lasts a short amount of time. Bev

Well to be honest I'm not convinced its swine flu. I think its just a hacking cough with a blocked up nose. I'll wait to see what the temp does later. The problem is the Tamiflu is tablets. She can't swallow tablets. She has to take Creon for digestion and I have to open the tablets up but they are big ones. She also takes a smaller one daily for something else and I have to open that up as well. Not sure whether opening Tamiflu up will be a problem or not. Forgot to ask that.
I'm pretty sure J hasn't got swine flu, which is a relief on one hand but then I would like her to have got the antibodies. Still at least we now have the Tamiflu here if we need it. She has no temp just a stinking cold, which isn't a symptom although a runny nose is and she has a hacking cough.

Bev, I hope Alex is ok soon. I really feel sorry for him. Maybe you could ask the school to take some photos of what they are doing for him. Has a friend of his got a camera he would be allowed to take to school and do some photos just for Alex.
Thats a lovely idea - thanks Adrienne! I am pleased that J hasnt got it. Today we were supposed to have gone to cattle country to meet all the families in the south west - obviously i had to cancel.:(
I will have to have some extra sleepovers and bike rides etc.:DBev
I hope both Alex and Jessica are feeling better.
Are there any side effects of tamiflu?

My girlfriend is sick aswell but I think it's probbaly just a cough/cold but I have been sleeping in the living room for the past 3 nights just to try and prevent catching it. I wouldn't normally mind but I have my brothers graduation on wednesday and really don't want to miss it.
Thanks Nikki,

The only side effect i am aware of is that it can cause stomach cramps, but A hasnt had any yet. Hope you dont catch it off your girlfriend! Enjoy the graduation ceremony and take a tissue (for the tears not the swine flu!):DBev

hope Alex and J are feeling better today!

Niki, it is a worrying time for us isnt it, my colleague has been off work over a week now, she has been really suffering with it as she has a supressed immune system.

I think we cant avoid being exposed to it at the moment and in the near future, we just have to hope we dont catch it and if we do its not too bad!

hope Alex and J are feeling better today!

Niki, it is a worrying time for us isnt it, my colleague has been off work over a week now, she has been really suffering with it as she has a supressed immune system.

I think we cant avoid being exposed to it at the moment and in the near future, we just have to hope we dont catch it and if we do its not too bad!


Thanks. J is ok today. No temp overnight at all and no high levels (must have been the popcorn and slight temp that did that yesterday). She does have a stinking cold though and a hacking cough. Lovely. She is having a pj day today.

Hope Alex is ok Bev
Thanks Adrienne,

He just appears to have a streaming cold - no temp - so i am now of the opinion that it was just a cold - rather than swine flu - but of course i really dont know! I suppose its better that he is on the tamiflu - just in case it is swine flu.

Glad to hear J isnt suffering with swine flu - a pj day sounds good to me!:DBev
Have been to tesco to get some shopping and their pharmacy is completley sold out of thermometers, am going to go and try boots in town now.

Glad to hear J didn't have a temp overnight and hope she continues to get better.

thanks Bev, I'm really proud of him, he was diagnosed in his 2nd year of uni, hoping for nice weather
snap i went to llyods pharmacy and they had ran out and i went to superdrug , i asked the lady in superdrugs and she said they where selling 500 a day 😱😱
snap i went to llyods pharmacy and they had ran out and i went to superdrug , i asked the lady in superdrugs and she said they where selling 500 a day 😱😱

maybe I won't be in luck then, I'm off now so will let you know when I get back if I was sucessful
maybe I won't be in luck then, I'm off now so will let you know when I get back if I was sucessful

okie dokes i never tryed boots but i knw they do a nice digital one for 8.99 tis good my sis recommends it LOL
okie dokes i never tryed boots but i knw they do a nice digital one for 8.99 tis good my sis recommends it LOL

Waitrose, Superdrug, Boots and 2 indepenent pharmacies later and I have not got one! I am going to give up and just keep treating with paracetamol.
madness aint it , totally and utterley sold out , i aint to sure if anyone else can think of anywhere we aint mentioned?
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