possible swine flu

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
I suspect Alex might have swine flu. He has a sore throat, temperature, cold, ketones, and woke on 21mmols!😱
Just waiting for the doctor to ring me back.
He has never been ill since diagnosis, so can anyone tell me what the sick day rules are please? Thanks. Bev
Hi Bev, I hope Alex is feeling better. A couple of weeks ago when little feller and I had high temperatures and sore throats it was tonsilitis. We had antibiotics and were told to have plenty of fluids. We got over it in a few days but had to finish the antibiotics.
Googling "sick day rules diabetes" leads to http://www.gp-training.net/protocol/diabetes/npsickin.htm "Sick day rules for people on insulin" Northumbria NHS Health Care Trust diabetes protocol
These rules are general for any infectious illness, not just possible or confirmed swine flu.
Hi all,
I suspect Alex might have swine flu. He has a sore throat, temperature, cold, ketones, and woke on 21mmols!😱
Just waiting for the doctor to ring me back.
He has never been ill since diagnosis, so can anyone tell me what the sick day rules are please? Thanks. Bev

Hi Bev...

Hope Alex is ok...How are you...

I think I posted the sick day rules up for you when Alex had ketones once before I will search the thread title for you hun...and post back..xx

Take care hun

Hi Bev...

Its in the General Message Board...Page 27...8th Down....Title of Thread...Advice Please..

Hope this helps

Thanks Heidi and all,

I just read the thread again. I had forgotten he had been ill before! Anyway - he is getting tamiflu later on today and we just have to keep checking levels and ketones. Thanks everyone. Bev
Thanks Heidi and all,

I just read the thread again. I had forgotten he had been ill before! Anyway - he is getting tamiflu later on today and we just have to keep checking levels and ketones. Thanks everyone. Bev

Hi Bev...

If I can help in any way...ring me...hun..

Hope Alex feeling better soon.....:D

Hi Bev

I hope Alex feels better soon. I think the important thing is just to keep monitoring him and ask advice if/when you're concerned.

Let us know how he's getting on when you can.

Just quickly with my mod hat on! 😉

With the sick day rules, they will generally be quite individualised so it's best to do what is advised by your own team as they will be specific for you/your child.

Of course with it being Sunday I'm guessing you won't be able to get hold of them until tomorrow?? So it may be a case of very carefully going with what you have here and seeking advice from NHS Direct/GP/hospital out of hours service etc. I think the important thing is if you're worried, get advice.
i was told to make sure plenty of fluids obviously check every two hours ketones and sugar levels and keep up with insulin. if he is off his food sugary drinks so you can still give insulin. my daughter has had three bugs this winter really hard work and tiring just keep in touch with the nurse and if vomiting for more than half a day i would ask for a home visit depending how anxious you are i end up a total wreck on the quiet. i think we had possible swine flu two weeks ago but was very mild.
Hi all,
I suspect Alex might have swine flu. He has a sore throat, temperature, cold, ketones, and woke on 21mmols!😱
Just waiting for the doctor to ring me back.
He has never been ill since diagnosis, so can anyone tell me what the sick day rules are please? Thanks. Bev

Hi Bev,

I thought i might have had swine flu, as i had all the symptoms - high temperature of 39.9, sore throat, high bs levels etc. So i went to hospital but they weren't sure whether i had it or not and they didnt want to test me for swine flu as they said it was too expensive to do so. But have put me on tamiflu twice a day and have been told not to go out for five days. Regarding sick days they said whilst ill increase insulin by 10%.
Us too

Yep us too. We just left the cinema halfway through a film as J is feeling really rotten. She had a cough last night and now runny nose, she now has a headache and feeling faint. She is 22.5 but that could be the popcorn and the wrong type of bolus. I've given extra insulin and paracetamol and waiting for the doctor now.

Her temp is only 37.4 so not high but not everyone has a temp with it, most do but you can never take things lightly when you have D can you?

Bev, fingers crossed and hope Alex is ok.

On the one hand I think good and hope it is as then she has some built up immunity but on the other hand you don't know what will happen.:(
i think my daughter had it about 2 weeks ago faint, headache, slight cold temp upto 38.5 but just monitored her and gave paracetamol and ibruprofen, it did not occur to me at the time it could be swine flu how stupid, it took a couple days but she was then fine, i am now really hoping it was but not sure even nurse not sure. hope she recovers quick.
An out of hours nurse has just rung and we are now waiting for a doctor to ring. She dismissed swine flu as she said it was an instant temp of 39 plus. I said that the GP told me in the week that some people don't get a temp at all. She said she didn't know that and that info seemed to be different. She said first symptoms seem to be a temp and a cough. I said she had the cough, runny nose, headache and felt faint (although to look at her now you wouldn't think so - she is sitting on the sofa reading a book but she has had paracetamol). She said from her experience and what she had heard from people they all had a temp.

She said with the Tamiflu you have to start it within 48 hours of the first symptom. She said that we might get some anyway to be on the safe side. She wondered how on earth people manage without their pancreas!!! She didn't think they could. I said she was on an insulin pump.
Just got back from walk in centre. The doctor said he has 3 of the 5 symptoms, so as a precaution, he has given him tamiflu.

Alex is really upset because it is his last few days at this primary school and they had lots of nice things planned! But doctor said he should stay off for the 5 days.
I know its for everyones safety etc - but there was a confirmed swine flu at his school just last week, so in my view all the children have already been exposed to the germs etc.
You only have to look around you in supermarkets etc to see how people sneeze without tissues etc, and if you use chip and pin - there must be millions of germs on the machine - so we are all exposed to it anyway - it seems odd to try to quarantine some people, whilst there are so many people walking around who are either carriers of it or have it! I am very tempted to just send him into school.:(Bev
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