Partha Kar predicts closed loops will become standard care in the next 5 years

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And I thought Cpeptide test in February/March to discussing results in June was a long wait!
I hope they come up with conclusive and helpfil results for you
I though my first diabetes clinic was rubbish til i came on here - now i know they were pretty good!
It is true that waiting 9 months for the results is much quicker than the 15 years I’ve waited for the tests!
Ditto @Inka. Caw, said the crow. Bollards, said the Trophywench. She actually said a lot of other words too - and you really don't need a vivid imagination to guess some of them .......
I have been using it for a few years.
It took a bit to get used to but it still works much much faster than NovoSluggish unless my levels are high.
If my levels are in the 4s it acts pretty much instantly so I have to take it after I eat.
If my levels are over 10, it is like injecting water until suddenly, about a hour later, it works.
Yeah it’s much better for me, especially as my only insulin. I don’t get dawn phenomenon anymore, and as you say if I’m under 6 I need to pump and then eat quickly, over 10 takes longer, can be stubborn with highs but nothing like novoslug.

Also on the Omnipod, I was worried about how wide it is but only issue I get is if I have it on my stomach and the cat is sat on me. I really like it on my arm, and butt I sont notice at all.
I’m having the antibody test tomorrow. The follow up appointment to discuss the results and what they mean for what type of diabetes i have came through today. Mid March 2024 :rofl:
Yeah I was referred via my practice nurse to the gynaecologist, it’s a 40 week average waiting list for that initial appointment. Which isn’t the treatment.
When I had my appointment with the diabetes consultant he phoned that department and was asking how I can be moved up the queue as it is urgent in his opinion. There’s nothing to be done.
Another appointment with him in 3 weeks so I will remind him but I don’t think there is much to be done.
I have been saving and am considering private. Can’t keep waiting.
I’ve only ever used apidra (other than a brief humalog stint when the apidra factory had to be closed for a few months). I quite like it and so never changed to anything else, much prefer it to humalog, but yes almost never hear of anyone else using it!
Thinking of apidra as novorapid is not as effective as it was so any advice ??
Yeah I was referred via my practice nurse to the gynaecologist, it’s a 40 week average waiting list for that initial appointment. Which isn’t the treatment.
When I had my appointment with the diabetes consultant he phoned that department and was asking how I can be moved up the queue as it is urgent in his opinion. There’s nothing to be done.
Another appointment with him in 3 weeks so I will remind him but I don’t think there is much to be done.
I have been saving and am considering private. Can’t keep waiting.
It is sometimes worth paying for a private consultation as if they then think it is urgent they can push you up the NHS system.
My OH went for a private urology consultation and miraculously his NHS urologist got him in for surgery within a few weeks when he had been told months.
Thinking of apidra as novorapid is not as effective as it was so any advice ??
I’ve never used novorapid but get on well with apidra. Find it much faster than humalog was and hear novorapid is similar to humalog.
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