Ozempic ?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
About 10 weeks ago I had a full blood test which led to an offer of a telephone consultation with our practice pharmacist. During this consultation he expressed concern about my kidney function. I've been on 2000mg/day of Metformin for years which he has now reduced to 500mg twice a day. He suggested that I try Ozempic injections which apparently stimulate the pancreas, if that organ is still active. I've now been on the Ozempic for 10 weeks (4x 0.25ml and 6x 0.5ml per week). I'm wondering if others have experience of the drug and if so, has it helped?
Stay safe
Welcome to the forum @Theo9a

We‘ve had several members joining in the past year or two who have started on Ozempic (semaglutide / rybelsus) and threads seem to have mentioned stomach upsets and nausea I think

This was a recent thread which contains a few people’s experiences

How have you been finding it for the first few months or so?
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Hello. I take ozempic, probably for a similar length of time as you, I haven’t had a repeat hba1c test yet to see how things are doing but haven’t noticed much impact on blood sugars, small positive impact on reducing appetite, no side effects at all. How are you finding it?
Welcome to the forum @Theo9a

We‘ve had several members joining in the past year or two who have started on Ozempic (semaglutide / rybelsus) and threads seem to have mentioned stomach upsets and nausea I think

This was a recent thread which contains a few people’s experiences

How have you been finding it for the first few months or so?
As far as the Ozempic is concerned it's a bit of a non event. No bad or particularly good effects at present. During my telephone consultation with our practice pharmacist his main concern was my hba1c and my kidney function. He explained to me that the main reason for putting me on the injection was to see if the ozempic would stimulate my pancreas (if it wasn't already dead) into producing some of its own insulin. It remains to be seen what the result will be when I have my next blood tests.
All the best& keep safe
Theo9a (aka Peter)
Hello. I take ozempic, probably for a similar length of time as you, I haven’t had a repeat hba1c test yet to see how things are doing but haven’t noticed much impact on blood sugars, small positive impact on reducing appetite, no side effects at all. How are you finding it?
Hello Lucyr
You seem to be having the exact same experience as me. No great impact on daily blood glucose and I haven't really noticed any particular effect on my appetite. I dont think 0.5ml of anything will kill that. I'll keep going with it, of course, and like you I'm waiting for my next blood test to see if there's been any change at all.
All the best & keep safe
Theo9a (aka )Peter
When you say your pancreas is dead what do you mean? You can’t live without insulin, so if you aren’t taking insulin and you aren’t in DKA then your pancreas is definitely producing insulin.
so if you aren’t taking insulin and you aren’t in DKA then your pancreas is definitely producing insulin.

I agree Lucy

Often if anything, people with T2 with insulin resistance produce more insulin I think, but the resistance means that the insulin cant be used efficiently.

I‘ve heard HCPs liken it to a key in a lock that lets glucose into the cells, except that the locks are rusty and don’t open smoothly. Or something!
When you say your pancreas is dead what do you mean? You can’t live without insulin, so if you aren’t taking insulin and you aren’t in DKA then your pancreas is definitely producing insulin.
Hi Lucy,
That makes perfect sense, of course and I hadn't thought of it that way. I guess people on the forum have experience of being type 2 and on insulin. I'd be interested in their experience. If that recommendation is made I guess there's no alternative course of action
I take insulin and much prefer it to tablets, as it gives me control over blood sugars. It’s obviously a lot of hard work counting the carbs in everything you eat, it’s not set doses you have to calculate how much to take every time you take it, have restrictions on driving etc, but I wouldn’t go back. Is there anything in particular you want to know about insulin? There’s a lot of other medication options to try first if you’ve only tried metformin and ozempic.
Very interested in the alternatives you mention. Also is there an average for daily carbs? And what are the restrictions on driving?
Licence is renewable every 3 years, have to test the BG before and every 2 hrs whilst driving, C1 entitlement (over 3.5 tonne) removed, can get it back in which case licence renewable every 12 months, Can't have had a daytime assisted hypo within the previous 12 months in order to get it renewed.

All entirely sensible road safety precautions to enforce for anyone using insulin. If you do go hypo at the wheel and get prosecuted, the Offence is driving under the influence of drugs.
Also have to wait an hour before driving after a hypo, well 45 minutes after fixing it but fixing a hypo usually takes 15 minutes.
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