
My blood sugars have taken a step down, they've been 8-12 the last couple of days rather than 15+. That would usually happen as i've taking insulin consistently though.

I think i have had some side effects though which i've realised yesterday. Without wanting to give too much detail, i haven't been "going" as much as usual, and things are a bit uncomfortable. I had porridge with flaxseed for breakfast, will try and drink more, and may get some fybogel in!
Great news about the BG reductions @Lucyr

But sorry you are feeling a bit bunged up :(

Hope that eases for you soon
Feeling better today, I still think that taking insulin regularly is doing the most benefit, but I do think I might be slightly getting away with things a bit more. I’ve been using a libre this week and things like a small 10-15 carb snack without bolus my bg goes up then comes down again, rather than just going up and staying there. Still running 8-12 levels though so I want that to come down next.
So I don’t know if attaching pictures will work, but I’ve had a go. I don’t normally use libre but started a couple of weeks ago just before starting trying to get back on track and I’m definitely starting to get somewhere.

I took the third 0.25 dose yesterday and I think it’s a combination of taking insulin consistently and perhaps the ozempic now. I’m not really noticing any appetite effects but the bgs are coming down. I started with 3% in range (4-10) and today am at 72% in range. This weeks challenge will be trying to get the 0.5 pen added to my prescription as it hasn’t been added to my request list.
Glad you are seeing BG improvements already @Lucyr :)
I have now been on ozempic for a month and have seen a drop in bs but they have now stayed between 9-10 for the last two weeks am due to go to the 0.5 injection this week so will hopefully see a further drop in bs
I think the effect takes 4-5 weeks to build up fifi because of the injection lasting a week, so it won’t be until you start your second 0.5 pen that you have the full dose in your system. I have now taken 3 doses of the 0.25 pen and woke up at 5.8 today for first time. Not sure if a fluke or not as I never normally have bgs that good in the morning. Still taking my normal insulin doses though. I would be interested to hear how you find the 0.5 pen.
Hello, i'm new here but i have been active in diabetes online elsewhere so there's a few familiar faces. I've read a few threads and there seems to be people asking questions on this topic, but no one sticking around to answer.

I started Ozempic yesterday lunchtime (0.25 dose). I also take metformin, lantus and apidra (with carb counting/adjustment). I reduced my lantus and apidra ratios as directed so that i'm taking half of the insulin i usually would, but my blood sugars have been higher since, 15-20. I hesitate to change my ratios back as i'm not sure if the Ozempic will suddenly kick in and reduce my bgs. It's a once a week injection so i guess it takes a while to build up, and i'm not on the full dose yet.

Any ideas? Havent had any other side effects such as the nausea or reduced appetite at all yet either.
HI it will suddenly kick in after a few weeks. I did 0.25 for a month and had high readings and then did 0.5 for two months and the readings were a little lower and then 6 days ago I went on to the full dose, no side effects and my readings are now around 5 all day and that is unheard of for me. If it is continues this well I shall be most impressed. I'm glad I did two months at 0.5. It helped things settle down, although I didn't have serious side effects. I still take metformin and am eating significantly less and that's where the adjustment has been made. Hope this helps.
HI it will suddenly kick in after a few weeks. I did 0.25 for a month and had high readings and then did 0.5 for two months and the readings were a little lower and then 6 days ago I went on to the full dose, no side effects and my readings are now around 5 all day and that is unheard of for me. If it is continues this well I shall be most impressed. I'm glad I did two months at 0.5. It helped things settle down, although I didn't have serious side effects. I still take metformin and am eating significantly less and that's where the adjustment has been made. Hope this helps.
HI it will suddenly kick in after a few weeks. I did 0.25 for a month and had high readings and then did 0.5 for two months and the readings were a little lower and then 6 days ago I went on to the full dose, no side effects and my readings are now around 5 all day and that is unheard of for me. If it is continues this well I shall be most impressed. I'm glad I did two months at 0.5. It helped things settle down, although I didn't have serious side effects. I still take metformin and am eating significantly less and that's where the adjustment has been made. Hope this helps.
Thanks. I have taken the 0.25 3 times now, I have the last one this Saturday and after that I will move to 0.5
After a bit of difficulty, I’ve sorted the 0.5 prescription for next weekend. Will hopefully be ready to pick up midweek.

According to my meter I’ve gone from my blood sugar being in range before meals 1-2 times a week to 10-11 times a week. I woke up in the 5s twice this week too (rarely below 10 previously).

I take the last 0.25 dose tomorrow. I think I’m reaching the point where it’s starting to help but not got a clue how or when to start reducing my insulin doses. I’ve not actually been low much yet, though I was 4.0 before eating after pre bolusing for dinner tonight.


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Well me old mate - you WILL know when you start getting more 4s than 5 upwards and a few actual hypos in the low-to middle 3s, won't you? And to me, signs are very encouraging so far, cos it IS reducing - so having the increased dose ought to really make a difference!
Yeah, at the minute before breakfast has been 5 times 7-8 and 2 times 4-6 with the rest of day pre meal being slightly more in range than not. I guess the time to reduce will be when I start to get more 4-6 than over that pre meal? (I’m only bothering about pre meal bgs at the moment, no point worrying about post meal till I’m in range beforehand).

I have video chat with DSN on Tuesday so I can probably hold off till then, unless the last 0.25 jab today changes things much.
Question - do you get hypo symptoms? - I do know that hasn't actually been an issue in the past, but ....
Yeah I do get hypo symptoms, probably too many as I’m feeling low too early. The times when I don’t notice hypos it’s more that I’ve assumed it’s anxiety as I do get the same symptoms for that. My beta blockers have hypo unawareness as a side effect but not too much of an issue for me.

I think I’ve actually taken the higher dose 0.5 today as I did the 0.25 twice thinking it hadn’t worked as there was so much left in the pen. So will see if I start dropping more.
Sounds like its really working well for you @Lucyr :)

Onwards and downwards!
Hopefully not downwards too much more too soon. Or hopefully I get used to it soon. I was 5.1 at 1030 last night and felt terrible so I had 12 carbs of shortbread before bed. Woke up at 5am feeling awful again and was 5.3. I know that’s a really perfect bg but I felt like my blood sugar was no more than about 2, as it’s not that long ago that 15 was a normal morning bg for me.
Aaah - I understand that feeling perfectly Lucy. You know in your brain it IS fine - but your body generally simply doesn't 'get' it,

BUT !!! - it will !! Honestly. And you know me - I am honest, flower. If my older bones could do it, I'm darn sure yours will,
Today was 7.8, 7.8 and 9.2 which felt better, i felt really sick this morning though. Here's the last 3 months of blood sugars! :DI started taking it around the yellow line.
