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Omnipod 5 and Libre 2+ a few thoughts

Oops sorry posted too quickly. Maybe part of the upgrade or just fat fingers...

I'm on omnipod 5 with dexcom G6. The nurse did tell me on Friday that the NHS will pay for libre 2+ rather than me self funding so I'm v interested in exploring.

But did I read right that you can't use it just with a phone? So you have a separate controller for the omnipod and a separate reader for libre?

To your original point, the overnight control is a game changer for me. I pretty much know I'll wake up between 5 & 7 BS irrespective of exercise etc. Apart from a cheese and bread binge that is, that's just way too delayed a glucose release!
When you pay ten of thousands in tax a year I am going to be narked of that it goes towards someone else getting a Dexcom at not me. I would not mind if I could get them tax deductible but there is another story. But I am expecting yet again to have to fund something myself as I want the loop and the libre is pants. We’re are you getting yours from. I did have a Quick Look and they were nearly 100 quid for something that costs 30 bucks in the US. I nearly fell over at the libre 2 plus costing 70 notes.
I nearly fell over at the libre 2 plus costing 70 notes.
It costs £51.74 (ex VAT). Similarly you should have no problems buying Dexcom products and not paying VAT, should you need to do that. (I agree you shouldn't need to: if the NHS is offering you a pump they really ought to be proving a CGM that works with it, IMHO. If Libre's not working for some reason then they should offer something that does.)
It costs £51.74 (ex VAT). Similarly you should have no problems buying Dexcom products and not paying VAT, should you need to do that. (I agree you shouldn't need to: if the NHS is offering you a pump they really ought to be proving a CGM that works with it, IMHO. If Libre's not working for some reason then they should offer something that does.)
When I meant get the tax back I meant on me self assessment wishful thinking. Subscribe and save seams the way.
Hi can I ask what NHS Area users of Omnipod 3 are in? Despite being relatively happy with the DASH and Libre I have been told I cannot have the new Omnipod CGM as this as not approved / funded for my NHS area . So I have to change pump to get CGM. having had same pump soon after it was released. I feel rather attached lol despite long term adjusting on day to day basis. With exercise/ activity etc.
Ps if this should have been posted elsewhere can someone please advise thanks .
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Hi can I ask what NHS Area users of Omnipod 3 are in? Despite being relatively happy with the 2 and Libre I have been told I cannot have the new Omnipod CGM as this as not approved / funded for my NHS area . So I have to change pump to get CGM. having had same pump soon after it was released. I feel rather attached lol despite long term adjusting on day to day basis. With exercise/ activity etc.
The libre 2 is a cgm it chars away rather happily via Bluetooth to your phone.
An interesting summary @aflook

Each of the HCL systems has pros and cons, and it is a case of finding what suits us best.
I nearly threw my Medtronic away when I started nearly four years ago. It took me a good month to make it work for me but now plan to stay with this system at my next change over in December.
Not really a case of finding what you like. I picked omnipod and libre now I am stuck because the libre is pants. The bits I am not happy with were not on any leaflet you had to be using it. Now I am stuck as I will not even get an answer on a G6 until November and have to self fund it until. The libre can be funded by the gp the g6 by the hospital. For a difference of not allot the libre 2 plus is not cheap. Oddly I was asked what sensor I wanted and picked the libre plus thinking it would work the same way as the 2. When you get a pump your committing to that pump for 3 years I think it is.
Hi can I ask what NHS Area users of Omnipod 3 are in? Despite being relatively happy with the DASH and Libre I have been told I cannot have the new Omnipod CGM as this as not approved / funded for my NHS area . So I have to change pump to get CGM. having had same pump soon after it was released. I feel rather attached lol despite long term adjusting on day to day basis. With exercise/ activity etc.
Ps if this should have been posted elsewhere can someone please advise thanks .
As far as I can make out from conversations with my pump nurse and the Omnipod rep the Omnipod pumps are not on a contract, so no need to be stuck with whatever model for 3/4 years and I also understood there was no difference in price between the Omnipod Dash and Libre 2 and the Omnipod 5 and Libre 2 Plus, though I could be wrong on that aspect I do not think my DSN would be converting umpteen dozen people to that system if it was vastly more expensive. Fortunately I am one of the lucky ones who gets on well with Libre of any ilk, always accurate, stay stuck and nothing I can complain about, except the very odd one that fails - and those are few and far between for me. So @heathero might be worth pushing for the 5 and Libre 2+ combination. However the set up is quite different and apparently you shouldn't start it without training (though most is online)
2 plus with omnipod sucks. You can’t have a follower so more having you BG on your watch or anywhere others than the PDM, does not even make it to libre. That to me is the big let down. That and most of the time it says it can not even find the sensor. Plus I have notice BG readings being 4 mmol out when comparing to a libre 2. I am walking around with 2 sensors at the moment.
Clearly @christopher.lord it doesn't suit you. For perfectly valid reasons you don't like it, but that doesn't mean that it won't suit other people. When choosing a pump we all have to weigh up what is important to us - oh, and what's on offer from our clinic. What was important to me might not have been for a dozen other people including yourself. I was told that because my control was so good I would be last in the queue for HCL, however, when my DSN discovered the loophole allowing Omnipod 5 and Libre2+ I was happy to jump at the opportunity and as I have said, it's working well for me. So I think it's a little unfair to put everyone off it because it doesn't work for you.
Hi can I ask what NHS Area users of Omnipod 3 are in? Despite being relatively happy with the DASH and Libre I have been told I cannot have the new Omnipod CGM as this as not approved / funded for my NHS area . So I have to change pump to get CGM. having had same pump soon after it was released. I feel rather attached lol despite long term adjusting on day to day basis. With exercise/ activity etc.
Ps if this should have been posted elsewhere can someone please advise thanks .
As the libre 2 plus is under my gp surgery and the Omnipod is via the hospital that’s how the nurse said the change to the Omnipod 5 will be an option.
This is the only option for me as HCL.
So it’s not a choice. It’s one option. I won’t get offered another HCL as I am not within any of the NICE requirements for HCL.
I am under Tameside and Glossop integrated care.
Not really a case of finding what you like. I picked omnipod and libre now I am stuck because the libre is pants. The bits I am not happy with were not on any leaflet you had to be using it. Now I am stuck as I will not even get an answer on a G6 until November and have to self fund it until. The libre can be funded by the gp the g6 by the hospital. For a difference of not allot the libre 2 plus is not cheap. Oddly I was asked what sensor I wanted and picked the libre plus thinking it would work the same way as the 2. When you get a pump you’re committing to that pump for 3 years I think it is.
Perhaps the wrong choice of word. There will always be limits to our options as the hospital need to make training and support available to us and they can’t cover all options.

When I was offered my first pump, there were fewer options and we were invited to an event where we could look at the different ones available at our hospital. As you say once you choose you have it for four years. For me those four years have passed quickly each time. There are issues with each of them and different things suit different people.

When I switched to HCL I had no experience of either of the pumps offered, so went for what was closest to my previous pump. There are definitely things that I still don’t like about it, but overall the pros outweigh the cons for me. I found it very difficult at the start doing the switch, and if it hadn’t been for the DSN I would have given up. I certainly did not ‘like my pump’ at the start, and there are still things that are irritating, but four years on I am sticking with this one. I have got used to the pump and have found ways round the glitches and the other options on offer would involve me in having to do more day to day.

I hope that you can find a system that works for you.
I changed my Libre 2+ and my pod early evening yesterday. Have checked it against a fingerprick twice and it has been only 0.1 mmol out. First time 7.2 against 7.3 blood and second time after lunch 9.1 against 9.2 blood. As I said earlier, I am lucky as Libres work well for me. I can't be the only one.... can I?
Can't say that Libre is quite that close to BG for me and it depends which meter I use, but mostly it is within 1mmol and I am delighted with that and absolutely love Libre 2. However I don't have a pump and I use the reader rather than phone app, so no issues with loss of connection. I believe people on HCL pumps with Dexcom also experienced some problems if the sensor and pump were not on the same side of the body, so that isn't just a Libre issue.
I believe people on HCL pumps with Dexcom also experienced some problems if the sensor and pump were not on the same side of the body, so that isn't just a Libre issue.
They might, but it is drummed into you on the training that the pod and the libre have to be on the same side of the body. So if anyone sticks their pump on the other side, well they are going to lose connection, but they should know better Barbara.
Has anyone tried Fiasp with their pump? Currently I'm using Humalog, I tried Fiasp a while ago with a dash but found it too aggressive, wondering if it might be better suited to HCL systems.
They might, but it is drummed into you on the training that the pod and the libre have to be on the same side of the body. So if anyone sticks their pump on the other side, well they are going to lose connection, but they should know better Barbara.
Just on this one, I'm yet to have my pod and CGM on the same side and connection has been fine so far (dexcom g6)
Has anyone tried Fiasp with their pump? Currently I'm using Humalog, I tried Fiasp a while ago with a dash but found it too aggressive, wondering if it might be better suited to HCL systems.
With my Omnipod yes but not with HCL.
I find it fine with my pump, I’m not sure how it would be different on HCL.
Has anyone tried Fiasp with their pump? Currently I'm using Humalog, I tried Fiasp a while ago with a dash but found it too aggressive, wondering if it might be better suited to HCL systems.

Been using fiasp in omnipod pump for some years now, before switching to omnipod5 was using it with dash, like @PhoebeC not sure why you'd think it would be better suited to hcl, it works fine using both systems from own experience.
Using dash I tried FIASP for a few weeks and found it too aggressive, i had trouble stabalising my BG.

i've only been using HCL for a few weeks, but strikes mthat faster acting insulin may suit the system.