• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


Sorry for not being in touch. I'm glad that you're home and hope that it went well for you.
I am pleased you are home. Take things easy for awhile, give yourself time to recuperate.
Aye, Wirralass, good to know you're feeling fine, I knew you would be. I wouldn't post a waking BG tomorrow if I were you🙂 x
Well Mike I was very pleasantly surprised to wake up to a nice little number of 4.3
Happy good afternoon everyone🙂
So - on Thursday last I got up at 06.20am to make sure I had something to eat & have a cup of tea as it was nil by mouth after 7am except for 50mls of water hourly. I chose to have frequent small sips of water during each hour as opposed to drinking the 50mls in one go - It was going to be a long time afterwards until I would eat & drink again.

My elder daughter drove me to the hospital to keep my 12.45pm appointment. She waited in the waiting room with me until I was called about 15mins later to go through to the ward - 2nd bed on the right!

I sat there for at least 1 hour before my Ward care nurse came by to go through the usual preliminaries with me: name; DOB; regular medications etc . the usual stuff. My blood pressure was taken 158/98 Pulse 70 Temperature 36.4 and lastly I tested my bgl which was 5.7 - the same number at 06.45am at home. Nurse was happy with all those readings. A name tag was affixed to my left wrist as too was a red allergy tag.

Some time later the Anaesthetist came to speak with me - personable guy he was too - and he discussed with me my medications - in particular Omeprazole which I take for oesophagus reflux. He was concerned that should this happen whilst I was under the GA that the 'acid stuff' would go into my lungs. So he informed me that a thick tube would be put down my throat to prevent this happening. This would be done once I was under the GA - thank goodness for that! Big sigh of relief!!

To cut a long story short - and after what seemed a very long wait of 2hrs 10mins from the time I was admitted, I walked to the operating theatre at about 14.55hrs - was given the general anaesthetic via a Canula in my left hand - and whooey I was soon off to far away places!🙂

The next thing I recall was coming round from the anaesthetic in the Recovery room. I was attended by a lovely SRN who informed me that I had taken a long time to recover from the GA & did I always sleep so deeply? (Well actually...yes, once I eventuallt nodded off!) I noticed there was a drip attached to the Canula - she said I was dehydrated - she monitored my progress & my B/P was checked frequently. She also mentioned that whilst under the GA I was given painkillers & antibiotics intravenously. When I was able to speak - my throat felt very sore and I spoke with a raspy deep gruff voice! Oh my goodness!

Then came the nausea - good grief - it was horrible! (Sorry folks! This has never occurred with previous operations) I was given an anti sickness drug intravenously - that didn't help so I was given a further dose - and a third - the Anaesthetist was called for & he prescribed another anti sickness drug which I was promptly given again via said Canula. This really didn't help either! No pleasing me on the day! The nausea prevailed for 2 days! Ugh!

By approximately 19.00 hrs I was back on the Ward - more sleep - then once fully awake about 3/4 hrs later I was served with tea & wholemeal toast. My Ward nurse gave me a 'Virtual' gold star for - in her words "the best patient of the day for passing bloodless pee! Oh my!! - and for having a CO reading of 100%" Erm...Not bad for someone who only stopped smoking cigarettes 11 years ago after a 40year habit & increasing to 40-50 a day!

I hasten to add that I cannot fault the excellent care I was given by each and every one of the medical team who attended me on the day. So it's just a case of waiting now for TIMBY's biopsy result. I have no idea how long that will take but fingers crossed for a good result. Will update you as & when the results are in.

My GP prescribed stronger painkillers the day after my op because the pain I was in was excruciating but today I can say I am in a lot less discomfort & pain which is a good sign so far as the healing process is concerned - at one point I felt as if my abdomen had been used as a punch bag - don't know why that is! Nowhere near my bladder! The day after my op I had two very high bgl readings, high for me that is, which were 10.3 and 16.1 - Argh! but Northie placated me with this can happen when the body is under stress - so I didn't worry afterwards. Thank you Alan.

Yesterday I walked across the road to my daughters to be served a very tasty chicken roast with all the trimmings - and dare I say it - second helpings! My bgl was 8.5 at bedtime and I awoke to a 5.8 this morning - so I'm really happy with those numbers.

Last but not least - I would like to thank all you lovely folks for your continued support - your well wishes - your thoughtfulness and all your kind & encouraging messages and ((((hugs)))) that have truly helped me on my Timby journey. Thank you for being by my side - thank you for being there - it really really is appreciated more than you will ever know. Love ((((hugs)))) and xxx's to you all. Take care. WL
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Well, Wirralass, quite an adventure. Sorry to hear about the nausea, that's quite unusual with modern anaesthetics. I don't doubt the abdominal discomfort you had was due to either the Urologist or an assistant pressing on the abdomen to better visualise the bladder. That's a trade secret given away - I did 6 months in Urology.

And not showing blood in the urine afterwards is a good sign that Mr Timby is well and truly gone, and you were in good hands.

I'm so pleased that you're feeling back to normal, but don't do too much, you'll still feel physically tired from the time you were under anaesthetic.

Of course, you will feel even better with a cake from the cafe....🙂
Thank you for the update we always will help and support especially to such a wonderful lady like yourself xx glad your getting better keep in touch.
Glad that's over with and sorted wirralass! You were very brave and I'm sure a most patient patient! 😛

Hope all has been despatched and you go from strength to strength now x
Well, Wirralass, quite an adventure. Sorry to hear about the nausea, that's quite unusual with modern anaesthetics. I don't doubt the abdominal discomfort you had was due to either the Urologist or an assistant pressing on the abdomen to better visualise the bladder. That's a trade secret given away - I did 6 months in Urology.

And not showing blood in the urine afterwards is a good sign that Mr Timby is well and truly gone, and you were in good hands.

I'm so pleased that you're feeling back to normal, but don't do too much, you'll still feel physically tired from the time you were under anaesthetic.

Of course, you will feel even better with a cake from the cafe....🙂
Thank you Mike - at least you have resolved my query as to why I felt my stomach had been used as a punch bag. Thanks also for your advice about taking it easy - I don't feel like doing much atm so I'm listening to my body & I'm taking each day as it comes - thanks again for your reassurance Mike.
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Thank you for the update we always will help and support especially to such a wonderful lady like yourself xx glad your getting better keep in touch.
Thank you Steff for your kind words - I appreciate - and will do x
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Glad that's over with and sorted wirralass! You were very brave and I'm sure a most patient patient! 😛

Hope all has been despatched and you go from strength to strength now x
Thank you Amigo - me too - only waiting for the results now then hopefully I'll be able to move on - this has been a big disruption to my life to say the least - oh and patience is one of my virtues 🙂 x
So glad it seems to have gone well @wirralass. Fingers crossed for your results.
Sorry for not being in touch. I'm glad that you're home and hope that it went well for you.
Lovely to hear from you AJ but please don't apologise - you have enough of your own health issues to contend with as it is. Take care x
I am pleased to hear you are recovering well. Take care of yourself.
Thanks for your update wirralass. Glad you're doing well now and recovering. These things can't be rushed. All the best for good results 🙂