• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


Better its postponed now while all this issue is going on, I was going to say crap but its not very lady like. 😳 🙂
I'm using the virus as a good excuse not to go for an endoscopy. No way do I want to go! At least you know they will call you in as soon as we are back to normal, the faster the better with any luck. 🙂
I'm using the virus as a good excuse not to go for an endoscopy. No way do I want to go! At least you know they will call you in as soon as we are back to normal, the faster the better with any luck. 🙂
It would be of no surprise if your endoscopy was cancelled Ditto. My surgery has been cancelled and I've just come off the phone from speaking with my physiotherapist who rang to say my MRI scan has been cancelled too.

As I see it, you've been given a reprieve so in the meantime try to concentrate on reducing your weight best you can over the next month or so. I'm sure this will make a huge difference by the time you're recalled for an Endoscopy.
Practice PT (Positive Thinking)

We're all here lending our support Ditto so if you want to have a good ol' rant, then rant rant rant:DWe're good listener's aren't we folks?
Sending lots of love & mahoosive {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}
Take care & stay well & safe.
WL x
This thread has been re-opened at the request of the OP 🙂
sorry to hear this sending you lots of love and hugs

Thank you all so much for your good luck wishes in the Average 7-day Thread (Post number 26075+)

Waiting room: Given plastic cup & jug of cold water & told I ad 40mins to drink it! The toilet's over there by the way! 🙄

Now in the Scan room. Its freezing cold in here:( Boy, that iodine contrast stuff that's injected into the vein via Canula (3 tries!) is weird stuff! I could feel it flowing through every blood vessel in my body from me bonce to me tooties ~ and even, Erm, the nether region too! Oooo!🙄🙂 Nursies weren't concerned about injecting it once ...but again 10 mins later😱 For those who av never ad a similar CT Scan, a rather warmish but comfortable feeling overcomes the body 🙄 as the iodine travels through the veins. Then I iz whizzed into the scanner ..suddenly a man's automated voice abruptly commands me to "Hold your breath" :confused:(I'm holding it, blimey when can I breathe out please, me lungs are going to burst & me face is turning blue!) Then man says "Breathe out" phew! I'm thinkin' the scan is over, that didn't take long, I can go ome now - but hey ho...no, wait wait.....Not.......In for another ride, here we go, "Hold your breath," etc then I iz hauled out again :DCanula removed from leftie arm - wadding plonked on to stop the bleed - lots bleed - then for goodness sakes, tape stuck on top of wadding to which I'm allergic. Within a few minutes the skin underneath said tape shows sore red signs of allergy already😱 Nursie ripped off tape arrrrggggghhh! 😱 and replaced it with microporous tape🙂 That's better. Shown back into the now sardines waiting room til one feels back to normal! 3 visits to de loo later, I was on me way & awaiting taxi to take me ome! :D The sun is shining brightly but Ize didn't bring me eye shades!🙄 Numpty!

Well my CT Scan went well on Tuesday & when I saw the Specialist on Thursday he gave me the good news that it was clear & nothing untoward had showed up.
Then the Specialist took a looksy in my bladder via a flexible tube with camera (Cystoscopy) ugh! 😱 As I watched the whole procedure on a monitor I saw something familiar on the wall of my bladder. OMG. I think the Specialist was equally as shocked as I heard him draw in a deep breath. He had only moments ago mentioned that my CT Scan was clear.

I instantly recognised what it was because something similar had occurred in 2006. Oh no, TIMBY (Tumour In My Bladder.Yikes!) has returned and I think its only natural that the first word that springs to mind is - Cancer😱

I'm feeling pretty upset right now but trying to hold it together. No point in dwelling on it & the sooner Timby is removed the better. Now I await a date to be admitted into hospital for surgery which will be within the next two weeks.

I have neglected my diabetes for about 2 weeks but my bgls are pretty stable atm, thank goodness. My mind has been consumed with another health issue that's been hanging around for just over 12 months - and its because of this that these investigations came about.

I can only say thank goodness for this forum for it has given me a chance to think of other things & give me a little peace from my ongoing health issues.
When I had a CT scan I was asked if a trainee could put the catheter in my arm as they needed to practice, I agreed and it seemed to go ok. Once they pumped the contrast in my arm hurt but I thought it was just me being a wuss. So into the machine I go when suddenly everything shuts down and the room is full of people, the tube gets ripped off of the catheter and my arm is being squeezed by a couple of people, I look over to find that my arm was like a balloon because all the contrast had gone into my arm tissue not the vein because the trainee had missed my vein.
They put a catheter in my other arm and continued with my scan. My arm was still quite large and they said that my body would absorb the excess fluids over the next few days. You should have seen the looks on the people's faces in the waiting area as I walked out with one normal arm and the other one about 3 times the size and very hard to bend !!
My latest update.

Hi folks :hello:
I underwent a Cystoscopy check recently. It wasn't my usual personable Urologist who performed the procedure, this person was, how can I put it, ROUGH. Brought tears to my eyes I tell you! 😳 However, I was informed afterwards that not one little or large TIMBY was lurking in my bladder. Phew! That's the best news ever.

So after almost twenty years of trapsing back and forth to the hospital for frequent Cystoscopy checks and two major surgeries, I'm finally free of TIMBY. BYE BYE TIMBY, good riddance, you're not welcome here!
TIMBY = (Tumour In My Bladder, Yikes!)

Notwithstanding that I've been discharged, I understand that l may be recalled for a Cystoscopy check or if TIMBY should reappear. Hopefully not.:thankyou:

Once again thanks for all the support you folks have shown over the years during my TIMBY experience, it is very much appreciated.<3
Will update as and when.
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So pleased to hear your good news. What a relief!!
Thank you @everydaysupanddowns. TIMBY not only occupied my bladder but my mind too for far too long. Now I can concentrate on other health issues that need attending to.
Take care.
Excellent news. 🙂