• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


Lovely news @wirralass Im so glad the news was good and hope the antibiotics work their magic. 🙂
Thank you Flower. Yup the Anti.b's worked a treat thank goodness.
I didn't want a repeat of another UTI or 14hrs in A&E like 2018.
It was a nightmare that I dont wish to experience again ever.
You take care now and look after that poorly foot of yours.
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I rang Urology to ask them to explain the letter I received. They did, with apologies.
It turns out that my appointment is now with a different hospital to the one I had been informed of. Moi said no recollection of receiving said letter. More apologies! But the appointment time is unchanged.
So ~ this hospital is approx 20miles away ~ which means I have to slowly haul this sleepy head out of bed very early (I'm so not a morning person) and leave in plenty of time to arrive ten minutes earlier than my 08:45am slotted appointment tomorrow:(
Apparently I will be seen by the top man himself.
So that's it guys & gals ~ tomorrow's the day. I still don't know why I've been recalled so let's hope the top man has some answers!!

Thank you all for your support, it is appreciated♡
Fingers crossed for a great appointment for you today WL. Hope you get some answers and explanations like for the recall, and that the journey goes well.
UPDATE ~ Here we go again!
I had to cancel & reschedule my December appointment coz I was too ill at the time. Anyhow, I attended the rescheduled appointment last week and was seen by the Urologist Consultant himself.

After supplying a urine specimen he said he would ring me with the result which he did. It appears I have a low white cell count in my urine and wants me in for a Cystoscopy procedure under general anaesthetic😱 Unfortunately he was unable to give me any idea of when this will be. So back on the waiting list again but as you know, I'm accustomed to the waiting game:confused:

Edited to add:~ I am wondering if Diabetes has any effect on my white cell count?
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I have no idea why this is in General Messageboard, it should be in Off the Subject. I've requested to have it pasted in O the S.
I hope you don’t have to wait too long for the Cytosvopy
Sorry to hear about this @Wirralass , and hope that the appointment waiting game doesn't last too long.
- and thank you for all the lovely colourful posting and recipes you do. They often cheer me up.
Sorry to hear about this @Wirralass , and hope that the appointment waiting game doesn't last too long.
- and thank you for all the lovely colourful posting and recipes you do. They often cheer me up.
Thank you Toucan and so do I.
Aww that's nice of you ~ glad they cheer you up ~ something all us D's need from time to time🙂
I second @Toucans post thankyou for your wonderful posts an inspiration to all of us. xxx 🙂
Sorry to hear you have another cystoscopy coming up and hope they get to the bottom of the problem quickly and can treat you promptly. Having had a number of investigations myself (sometimes I think I’m working my way through the medical directory) I personally find the cystoscopy not too bad but of course we are all different. I’m sure you will tackle it head on in your usual good humour, I hope you can xx
UPDATE ~ Here we go again!
I had to cancel & reschedule my December appointment coz I was too ill at the time. Anyhow, I attended the rescheduled appointment last week and was seen by the Urologist Consultant himself.

After supplying a urine specimen he said he would ring me with the result which he did. It appears I have a low white cell count in my urine and wants me in for a Cystoscopy procedure under general anaesthetic😱 Unfortunately he was unable to give me any idea of when this will be. So back on the waiting list again but as you know, I'm accustomed to the waiting game:confused:

Edited to add:~ I am wondering if Diabetes has any effect on my white

Sorry to hear this @Wirralass. I hope you get appointment soon. I recently had blood test for white blood cells as I’ve had this flu like virus since Christmas. It came back completely normal. I’ve got my HBA1C to normal levels now but I do occasionally get spikes so thinking it’s possibly not diabetes related? Echo all of the above as you’re always so positive. Thanks fir your ongoing positivity. Please keep us posted
So sorry to hear this news. :( Hope you don't have to wait too long for an appointment. (((hugs)))
I second @Toucans post thankyou for your wonderful posts an inspiration to all of us. xxx 🙂
Thank you KARNAK but I only do what comes naturally in an effort to:~ lend support ~ to give encouragement ~ and understanding, so one does ones best like everyone else does on the forum including your good self.
Sorry to hear you have another cystoscopy coming up and hope they get to the bottom of the problem quickly and can treat you promptly. Having had a number of investigations myself (sometimes I think I’m working my way through the medical directory) I personally find the cystoscopy not too bad but of course we are all different. I’m sure you will tackle it head on in your usual good humour, I hope you can xx
Thank you Sue. I've had more than enough Cystoscopys without a GA so I'm well familiar with the 'undignified' procedure! Ugh!
I'm on the same route as yourself re the medical directory ~ and its apparent that I'm still adding entries!🙄 but heyho I'm still breathing!
Thank you Sue. I've had more than enough Cystoscopys without a GA so I'm well familiar with the 'undignified' procedure! Ugh!
I'm on the same route as yourself re the medical directory ~ and its apparent that I'm still adding entries!🙄 but heyho I'm still breathing!
It’s rubbish isn’t it, I started off going through the xxoscopies and the xxograms and the xxations, not forgetting the xxectomies, haha. I always remember that my mum was gone at 54 and so I can cope with whatever (except eyes and teeth) 😱😱😱. If nothing else it gives me much more insight into our patients referrals and I do understand their concerns. Never had any form of sedation for my cystoscopies but obviously depending on your situation it maybe far more necessary than my problem. I do wish you well Flower and keep my fingers crossed that all will be better than you think. xx
So sorry to hear this news. :( Hope you don't have to wait too long for an appointment. (((hugs)))
Thank you * @Ditto. I hate the waiting game so I'm hoping my Consultant will push for an earlier slot on the waiting list. Thank you for your (((hugs))) they're always welcome and they do help.
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Everything crossed that the appointment comes through soon and everything’s good for you WL