UPDATE ~ Here we go again!
I had to cancel & reschedule my December appointment coz I was too ill at the time. Anyhow, I attended the rescheduled appointment last week and was seen by the Urologist Consultant himself.
After supplying a urine specimen he said he would ring me with the result which he did. It appears I have a low white cell count in my urine and wants me in for a Cystoscopy procedure under general anaesthetic
😱 Unfortunately he was unable to give me any idea of when this will be. So back on the waiting list again but as you know, I'm accustomed to the waiting game
Edited to add:~ I am wondering if Diabetes has any effect on my white
Sorry to hear this
@Wirralass. I hope you get appointment soon. I recently had blood test for white blood cells as I’ve had this flu like virus since Christmas. It came back completely normal. I’ve got my HBA1C to normal levels now but I do occasionally get spikes so thinking it’s possibly not diabetes related? Echo all of the above as you’re always so positive. Thanks fir your ongoing positivity. Please keep us posted