Well-Known Member
- Relationship to Diabetes
- Type 2
As a comparison, my waist to height ratio is 0.44. My sculptured hips have opened up a whole new modelling career at age 76 … ermmm … it’s called the stick insect look.Yes, I have many issues with BMI as a metric, which is why I'm keeping an eye on some others. My waist to height ratio is 0.51 (from 0.55) and my body roundness index is 0.35 (no baseline, because I only learned about it quite recently). My BMI is 21.8 (rounding error from the midpoint of what the WHO says is ideal), down from 25.7, and falling.
This is reassuring to know. The end of the really hard work may be in sight!
Yep, the days of those last few kilos are numbered!