Hello all,
Hope everyone is well. Sorry it has been some time since I last posted. Life has just taken over!
Those that know me I was first tested in November 2024 and had HbA1C result of 129! Been bit of a emotional rollercoaster since then more so than the usual prior to that!
Wanted to retest later than the 2 months advised as understand blood cells have 90 to 120 day turnover so had it finally yesterday, Wednesday. I held out as long as possible.
Really worried/nervous about the results. This time being tested for everything such as cholesterol, thyroid, vitamin D, folate etc. Want to hope results are ok and with HbA1C I have at least halved it from 129 and know will disappointed if not. However I know deep down anything lower than 129 is in right direction so at best less than 100 I should be happy.
With blood monitor fasting average in morning is generally under 6mmol now although I know that can be different thoughout the day so that’s where HbA1C more accurate.
Sorry now just waffling and woke up just now so thought I would post update as forgot to do earlier in day!
Praying for some positive!
Hope everyone is well. Sorry it has been some time since I last posted. Life has just taken over!
Those that know me I was first tested in November 2024 and had HbA1C result of 129! Been bit of a emotional rollercoaster since then more so than the usual prior to that!
Wanted to retest later than the 2 months advised as understand blood cells have 90 to 120 day turnover so had it finally yesterday, Wednesday. I held out as long as possible.
Really worried/nervous about the results. This time being tested for everything such as cholesterol, thyroid, vitamin D, folate etc. Want to hope results are ok and with HbA1C I have at least halved it from 129 and know will disappointed if not. However I know deep down anything lower than 129 is in right direction so at best less than 100 I should be happy.
With blood monitor fasting average in morning is generally under 6mmol now although I know that can be different thoughout the day so that’s where HbA1C more accurate.
Sorry now just waffling and woke up just now so thought I would post update as forgot to do earlier in day!
Praying for some positive!